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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. If you went up to the North Pole - it will be plenty dark and very few clouds. Take some extra clothing. It might be cold.
  2. If you sit on a park bench smoking a cigarette and staring at the sky - people think you are just contemplating life. Do the same thing without the cigarette and people just think you are weird.
  3. Sorry, Mr. Angry of Skopje. Pure coincidence actually. It's Macedonia as in Son of Edonia - a less well known Scottish surname. Pronounced MAC-ID-INYA.
  4. Well Nigel, great to have you on the show. We had a bit of discussion. People are getting bored silly with all this talk about the EU and Brexit and Donald Trump and all that. We are going to devote the whole show to a discussion about the possible extinction of the giraffe. It will be great!
  5. Pretty small telescope at the back. Not much use for stargazing in Manhattan. Who is he spying on?
  6. Hey. How did you find out about this inquiry? Nobody was supposed to know.
  7. Oh dear. Recently tried to get on the train before it left but there were these idiots who wouldn't get off quick enough because they were busy texting some website. Mental!
  8. That sort of makes sense. Here was I thinking the producers had a special map indicating where obnoxious people lived. I agree with your point on celebrities, who are sometimes ill-advised to appear on the show. "Right Mr Scabies, you were fairly controversial in your youth, modelling yourself on Keith Moon, trashing your drum kit, wrecking hotel rooms and giving V signs to nuns and vicars. What is your view on the common fisheries policy and how do you think that will change now we are leaving the EU? Also, how do you think it will affect you personally now that you decide to move to Los Angeles?" (BTW: I just made that up!)
  9. .. any more than I have doubts about whether Fort William or Strathspey will qualify for Europe.
  10. The referendum was instructing the government to pursue Brexit. Let's get out of the EU. I get it. This will require negotiation with the other 27 countries - who each regard the other 26 members as collectively more important than the UK. At some point the government will have to negotiate with the EU and reach an agreement of some sort. This agreement will then have to be presented to the UK population. There seems to be this idea that even if what is then on offer sounds totally unappealing - nobody is allowed to change their mind. "Who cares what you think now - back in June 2016, you thought Brexit was a good idea - well even if you were wrong then - you made that call and you will just have to stick with it." I look forward to seeing this wonderful "Have your cake and eat it" settlement.
  11. I don't know what you are on about. I am simply saying that my perception of Question Time is that it seems like a repeat of the previous week with angry members of the audience saying "come on, we voted out - so let's get out and stop wasting time". Obviously I voted Remain, I accept the result, and even the possibility that it might actually be better (but I suspect not). What I resent are members of the audience who seem to say - no more discussion - let's just do it. Oh, and no I am not a welder but I wonder if you are a brazer.
  12. Having watched Question Time - I find it hard to believe the BBC is pro-EU. Every week it is the same - with some loudmouth angry Brexiter saying "We voted out - so grab your coat and let's go now." or something to that effect. It seems to only visit places that are full of horrible people - although I suspect it just the audience and not the place as a whole.
  13. Correct I am not asking for a re-run of the referendum. .. but it seems that only those who voted Leave are entitled to have their voice heard. Those who voted Remain are called Remoaners and told to shut up.
  14. Does that include the Queen's dentist?
  15. Nigel Farage doesn't like getting on a train and hearing people talking a language he does not understand. I would suggest sending him to Fraserburgh for a week but then again - they probably wouldn't thank me for it.
  16. Donald Trump has lodged an official complaint about this thread.
  17. I agree. Then again I find it easy to put fool and Tory voter in the sentence.
  18. .. or maybe they didn't want Labour to win and were prepared to accept a referendum on the basis that the British people would never be so stupid as to vote to leave.
  19. If you lived in Richmond and thought that Brexit was a really bad idea and still do - who do you vote for? When you are one of 48% who voted Remain and feel your opinion is being ignored. Especially for those people who previously held their nose and voted Tory because they thought the Tories might be sufficiently competent and pragmatic to look after the economy - or at least more so than the other parties. It seems the government are blindly pursuing the hardest Brexit possible - even if it wrecks the economy. Nobody knows whether the Labour Party is really for Brexit or against it - and probably don't care. I do not live Richmond and I have never voted Tory but I can understand why the voters of Richmond voted the way they did.
  20. I remember the days when everybody watched Top of the Pops You could have AC/DC and Boney M on the same show Sometimes it was good, sometimes it was bad but chances are you would enjoy at least one song. Then it changed - and was all about boy bands and gird bands - and either you liked it all (because you were weird) or you hated it all. Then it got cancelled. I feel Question Time is going the same way. It use to have lots of questions and chances were you would enjoy at least one of them. Now it is all about Brexit and Donald Trump and Marie Le Pen I wonder if it will get cancelled.
  21. I don't know what all the fuss is about. Apparently we can have our cake and eat it. Sounds good to me. By the same token, if we can also turn water into wine and straw into gold then we can simply tell the EU to get lost. Sounds straightforward to me.
  22. Not a problem. Michael Gove is unaware of any fishermen in Peterborough. .. or Fraserhead - wherever that is!
  23. I recall a scandal years ago where they found that Austrian wine was also very good for this thing.
  24. I heard that somebody did a doodle like this on his voting slip for the general election. He did it in the box for the UKIP candidate and because it fitted perfectly into the box - it counted as a vote for UKIP.
  25. Is President-Elect Trump using his own personal Twitter account?
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