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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. There are also people concerned that Leave supporters will cancel their church bazaars and run riot through the streets of London throwing scones and teacakes at each and everyone.
  2. Yes. The problem with Labour was that there was not enough regulation and this is being said by people who constantly say there is too much regulation. No pleasing some people.
  3. No. They are protecting their own integrity. They are not making it difficult to leave. I doubt they will be sending in tanks. We are stockpiling because if there is no deal, then there would be enormous delays with importing and exporting everything until we reach a deal on all the things we want to import and export.
  4. The EU is not making it difficult to leave. It is simply saying we can't have all the privileges of membership without being a member.
  5. Remember, Liam Fox said this will be the easiest deal in the world. Certainly going his work cut out for him when he has to tackle the more difficult ones.
  6. So what does that mean? Is she still going - act the tourist and do a bit of sightseeing? Are the tulips still lovely in December?
  7. It is totally against what the people want to ask them what they want. Why do you not understand that?
  8. I think you totally on to something., This is what Brexiteers. "Deal" written in Wingdings is: DEAL
  9. One civil servant said maybe they could change the font.
  10. "Actually guys, we need to be honest here. For decades, we have used the EU as a scapegoat for our own shortcomings and pretended that every failed policy was actually their fault. We moaned and groaned and talked about how much better life would be if we were out. We pressured David Cameron into holding a referendum, safe in the knowledge that only a total idiot would actually agree to it. Big mistake. Anyway, once that happened, we had to pretend we were all for it, even if we had never really thought it through. Anyway, what can we say? 17.4 million of you actually thought it was a good idea. Argh. So we had to play along. Well here is the long and the short of it. Bad idea, bad idea, really seriously bad idea. Sorry. Not going to happen. Let's move on."
  11. It's a huge problem in those places that have two immigrants and classify that as a swarm.
  12. "Cognitive dissonance". An inability to consider that you might have got it wrong. I have no doubt that some people really believe that Brexit is a good idea but there must also be some people who voted Leave for flimsy reasons and just don't want to admit it.
  13. Their heads have already partially exploded. Thats where that colour comes from How could they object to little Leichtenstein.
  14. Although 1984 is about communism in general and the Soviet Union specifically, I always found it ridiculous to think that any country would have only one word that is used by everybody to describe anything positive. Imagine if that happened anywhere. That would be awesome.
  15. No, no. They've got nukes. I'm told they can be really nasty.
  16. You are right, it is nothing to do with spoons. It is to do with an Oxford Don called William Spooner, who was a bit "dyslexic" in the way he spoke. He was frequently teased by his students "you are just trying to get me to say one of those things again." I like the story in the Bill Bryson book "Mother Tongue", where he wrote a letter to a fellow don, saying "We need to have a meeting to discuss Student X who is being very disruptive. P.S. Matter resolved, meeting no longer required."
  17. Oh really. I was sort of thinking a nice war would do the trick - you know - without all the nastiness that seems to have crept into the more recent ones.
  18. Actually, I totally agree - and even in the days of empire it was European countries robbing them blind. I was simply pointing out that turning our backs on the EU and thinking there are massive business opportunities elsewhere might be over-optimistic.
  19. Paul Nuttall has resigned as well. If UKIP are heading for a landslide win in the general election, then that election better happen quick or they won't have anyone left to stand as candidates.
  20. Yes. FPTP is appalling but you are wrong. FPTP allows morons to stand in safe seats and get elected. The only thing that it has going for it is that it creates strong government able to get the country behind it and take decisive action on all the important issues of the day. Oh, hang on. Something's not right about that!
  21. Scottish UKIP leader David Coburn quits UKIP. I wonder if that is relevant to anything being said on this thread.
  22. Some people want to turn their backs on the EU and deal with the rest of the world instead. Maybe it is worth noting that Germany has a higher GDP than all of Africa.
  23. Actually I did consider it as a serious post although jupe1407 handled it well. The SNP are a well disciplined party compared to UKIP, but actually so too are both Labour and the Tories. Nigel Farage has quit yet again! If an election was called, I could imagine him joining UKIP again, and becoming leader again because that is the sort of party they are. People might say that the SNP are obsessed with Scottish independence but in government the SNP have demonstrated that they can deal with matters such as health, education and so on. By comparison, I can't recall anyone from UKIP talking about anything other than the EU. I agree that UKIP would probably not win any seats in Scotland. Also any of the major cities of England, IMO. However, I wonder how they would do in the foaming-at-the-mouth places that voted 70-80% leave. I get the impression there are people who don't care about health and education or at least not as much as getting out of Europe, taking back control and restoring the British Empire to its former glory.
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