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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. Have you thought about moving to Durness in Sutherland. 1. Nobody slows down to 30 because nobody is going that fast in the first place 2. Miles and miles from ASDA Robroyston 3. No lorries overtaking since it is mostly single track 4. Miles from any roundabouts 5. No overtaking.lane Problems solved Oops, 6. Drivers who do not indicate - on second thought stay where you are.
  2. Windows 10 looks virtually identical to Windows 7 and it is very easy to set everything up.
  3. Totally agree. That is why the scissors are always kept in specific places and it really gets on my nerves when people move them - although sometimes it is actually me - which really makes me hate myself for a minute or two, but then I get over it.
  4. People who give three replies instead of combining them into one.
  5. When you race through a packet of cornflakes to get to the toy at the bottom and after you do it isn't even there!
  6. When an ex-Mayor of London starts talking about Hitler like I am supposed to know who he is.
  7. Petty things that really annoy me - yeah I got one. Computer applications that have buttons greyed out without giving you the slightest f***ing clue why they are greyed out. The new computer is going through the window soon.
  8. No - not really but now that you mention it - something else to get annoyed about! Thanks. More talking points for my anger management classes - they go on so long and I can never think of things to say!
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSngzjqMF38 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHlODWd4GeM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOWOdKs6KUo Ricky Nelson's Summertime - the original riff although the song was a cover Deep Purple White Night Blue Magoo We ain't got nothing yet
  10. After wandering into a pub full of angry looking Rangers supporters - do not say "Hey this is great. I am an old firm supporter too!" (Actually if it was a pub full of angry looking Celtic supporters - it might not be a good idea either).
  11. Turned into a mini series with Charles Dance and Colm Meaney Not available on Region 2 DVD though
  12. I saw black box thinking in Waterstones - paperback (red cover) - Buy 1 Get 1 half price. That is in Inverness but there is probably a Waterstones closer to you. It is an excellent book.
  13. Just finished "56" by Martin Fletcher He survived the Bradford City fire - but his brother, father, uncle and grandfather did not He was also at Hillsborough when that happened (albeit as a fan of Nottingham Forest) Interesting to note attitudes to football fans then compared to now.
  14. If this is going to be your attitude to the job, I don't think you should apply. Oops, sorry - this is something you think your kids might say.
  15. Good point. Are there other kinds of eyeballing - for example, automatic eyeballing or remote eyeballing?
  16. Oh dear, I bet your kids groan - "Not another data science story"
  17. In Glasgow, so I am told, there is a sign that says : BRIDGET JONES Alight here for Parkhead (still a long walk though)
  18. From the looks of it - Uranus seems to be missing two letters. .. and it appears Ross County have got them!
  19. "In no particular order" (apart from dramatic effect) It must be tricky to stop doing this. "In no particular order, I will have a pint of lager. the vegetable soup, the rump steak, sticky toffee pudding, coffee and a whisky. No sorry, exactly in that order - I need to stop doing that"
  20. The guy who told me that the planet Mercury would be doing a transit across the face of the sun and gave me a set of binoculars. When I track him down, my guide dog is going to rip him to pieces.
  21. What's that old joke that every body has heard. Tam and a friend are queuing to get into the stadium when a funeral procession goes by Tam takes off his cap and holds it to his chest. His friend says "Hey Tam, that's not like you." Tam replies "Maybe not but she was a fine wife for all these years."
  22. When somebody tells you that one of the chemical elements has the same name as a football club but they don't tell you which one.
  23. Radioactive isotopes that have a half life of seconds. "Hey everybody - look what I have discovered. Oh dear, it's gone."
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