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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. I wonder if Liam Fox or Laurence Fox have anything to say about this.
  2. In all fairness it is his last name! Obviously going for the Ronseal vote.
  3. Note her decision to wear Hi-Vis when going to see Johnson.
  4. "I had my fingers crossed when I was pretending to resign so it doesn't really count. In fact, I often had my fingers crossed when I was giving a speech. What is wrong with this country? Why does nobody understand that is how it is done?"
  5. That almost nobody seems to wear a hat anymore.
  6. Lincoln Lawyer This is a 10 episode mini-series based on the same character as the film. Not Matthew McConaughey but who cares. Entertaining fun and court room drama. 10/10.
  7. The TV drama series (with the same character) on Netflix is also very good.
  8. That's easy. It is a cubist interpretation of the flag of Scotland.
  9. Thanks for that but actually I am not so young anymore. I recall my parents insisting I get a new suit for going on a business trip to Houston, which was later cancelled. When I eventually went to Houston I realised it would always be too hot to wear a suit. I get amused with old episodes of Hawaii Five O where they all wear suits at all times of year. Must have been unbearable.
  10. The Labour Party needs to look in the mirror with this one. Johnson had to quit because too many of his own people would no longer back him No matter what his mandate, agenda or intention was - it was time for him to go because he would not be able to do it without them. Same thing would be true for the Labour Party. If Jeremy Corbyn had been elected prime minister, he might have had the most wonderful, radical, socialist agenda but if his own people did something similar he would have had to quit as well. You can say the Labour Party does not have enough radicals or socialists and that may well be true. However it is not a question of where you are on the political spectrum or what you want to do. Without the serious support from your own side - none of it is going to happen.
  11. The same people are also very concerned about punctuality. They despise the concept of work from home. They can't stand banter in the office and they dislike tea breaks and lunch breaks. You need to demonstrate your willingness to be in "work mode". I prefer to see work as getting things done and properly at that. Appearances are less important.
  12. The thinking was that if you wear a suit, a tie, we'll polished shoes and the correct socks then you have prepared for the interview and you might actually want the job. By comparison if you simply wear the clothes that you normally wear then your attitude is "Hey is that vacancy still there? Might be interested. If not, that's okay." Not wearing a suit when everybody else is can feel awkward. Thankfully it has been several years since I have had to wear a suit in a work environment.
  13. I have absolutely no idea. Let me have a wild guess. #Worldle #168 1/6 (100%) https://worldle.teuteuf.fr
  14. I would be tempted to say "he was off his trolley with that one" but I am not sure he ever went on a trolley.
  15. They chose him because he knew how to work the room - he was entertaining, to Tory Party members at any rate. His willingness to play the clown was seen as a positive. His inability to not play the clown should have been seen as a negative. He was a useful idiot, up until now.
  16. Yes, yes, 27 is pretty pathetic but at least it spares them the accusation of "unelected bureaucrats that nobody voted for". So there is that.
  17. Just change the rules so that if you win a vote of confidence you still have to resign - that would speed things up.
  18. So all I need to do is convinced the UK government that I am an illegal alien, get them to deport me to Rwanda. Once there I nip across the border and grab some gold - the place must be swimming in the stuff. Then I'll be rich. Sounds like a plan.
  19. Holly Johnson of "Frankie goes to Hollywood" missed the flight because he was stuck in traffic.
  20. Robert Plant once auditioned to be the singer for Slade.
  21. This year the Earth will be furthest from sun around 8:10 tomorrow (Monday) morning.
  22. Then again, maybe there are some holiday camps that are so truly awful you just might feel like you are in jail. Just a thought.
  23. He was also John Deacon in Bohemian Rhapsody.
  24. Obviously it will not let you touch it. However if you get a chance to throw a towel over it, that will calm it down and you then be able to pick it up - with the towel ensuring you do not touch it directly.
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