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Everything posted by pandarilla

  1. See I'm even less sure now. No-one can be this stupid. No-one.
  2. Ahh, my bad. Too clever for me chief.
  3. I'm absolutely torn. Either you want a higher neg rep and so played a wee crafty move and folk took the bait - or you're an absolute tube!
  4. Aye but STV will hopefully have Braveheart on to balance it out!
  5. That's a big part of the Yes campaign - let's not pretend its all positive. Its certainly one of the main reasons for me voting Yes. The other key element is that folk know what its like to be in the UK - its all anyone has ever known. In that sense they don't need to do as much persuading. The Yes campaign have to do enough to convince people that there is no risk in independence. That's not easy.
  6. Although they won't admit it - BT don't have to do that at all. They just have to put enough people off independence. Mr Bairn's point is also valid about campaigning for a No vote automatically means their campaign will be less positive - although I think its obvious the Project Fear campaign have went as far as they can possibly go down the negative route.
  7. That campaign was a disaster from start to finish. This campaign is so far proving to be very different.
  8. That isn't the case though. Yes have to convince enough people to take this important step. If they don't do that then folk will remain a part of the UK. Now the BT campaign won't put it like this but that's what's happening.
  9. Quite harsh. I thought it was 7.5 / 8 out of 10. Very amusing wee film - different from the usual stuff. Bounces along at a great wee pace too.
  10. That's fucking spooky. Well-played whoever spotted this first (I ain't giving you credit cos you'll have nabbed it off FB or twitter or sutin)
  11. I'm sure Salmond said that there needs to be a generation between the referendums - ie 20 years or so. There's no point in the Yes campaign calling for another vote after 2016 - it'll just piss people off/. They're not daft. I have no doubts they'll accept the result, whatever it may be.
  12. Ahhh now we're talking. I'll be all over this shit. I've taken to throwing water over them whenever I get the chance but they're too damn quick (or I'm too damn slow).
  13. Of all the posters in all the forums to get a reply from, I get you... Cheers!
  14. How do I get rid of cats? There are around half a dozen of the wee fuckers that come in and out of my garden at will. They shite everywhere. I've tried the chemical stuff that's meant to do the job and they basically laughed in my face. I don't even have a big garden or any seeds or vegetables or anything. They just hate me. Needless to say I also hate them.
  15. You're right not to lecture your mates but you have to engage the debate with them. We all need to win folk round.
  16. You might actually have a point but it is clear that the Yes campaign has more passionate and 'up for it' supporters. When there seems to be a bit of momentum the thread does become alive and that says something in itself. The No campaign are expected to win, and win comfortably. They need to get a bit of spark or fire into their campaigns and that is difficult when you are basically trying to stop something from happening - maintain the status quo. The Yes campaign needs this - to keep folk inspired and to keep folk hitting the streets and chapping doors. Its a thankless task that Darling has - but he definitely didn't seem to be handling it well this morning.
  17. Darling seeming a tad desperate and even annoyed on Andrew Marr's show on BBC1. Marr initially put some good questions to him but then just let him put across his spiel without intervention. I cant help but feel that's to do with Marr's recovery as he seems more concerned with the show running smoothly rather than grilling his guest. Disappointing, but understandable I guess. Even Marr commented on Darling's mood - when he said 'fired up' I was hearing 'under pressure'... 'Don't panic!'
  18. A campaign related to the BNP? Take your bigoted and ridiculous views elsewhere.
  19. Farcical end! Crazy run-out. "England have been double-dutched!" - Nasser Hussain
  20. Netherlands are now 1/150 odds-wise. This game is over. Some of the English fans in the crowd were laughing along as the catches were being taken. Reminded me of Scottish football fans when it goes pear-shaped.
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