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Everything posted by aDONisSheep

  1. I actually love Mcinnes! i don’t think we’re a better team now ! Those days are gone God bless the Goodwin generation.
  2. I'll just leave this dirge here; I actually feel sick, whenever I hear this. I can't remember who said it, but i feel the same way; "I cried when Freddie Mercury died, I wish he'd lived and his music had died"
  3. Bloody 'ell this is the wrong thread for me. Vehicles and Animals would be one of my favourite albums of all time. Yours, nowt so queer as folk aDONis
  4. I absolutely loooooovvvee this still!
  5. I don't like Genesis, but I do like this! Yours, ever the square aDONis
  6. That is a tuuuuune! I'd never heard it before. 90's jangly guitar! Straight into my library! My selection is a little convoluted, see if you can guess the link. However any excuse to post Jean Knight in all her glory. If you don't think this is one of the greatest songs of all time, I'll hunt you down and cut you, cut you reeeeaaaal bad! Yours, jive talkin' aDONis
  7. Sports Team - Gulp just out and I added every track to my library after one listen (that is a rare occurrence). Dentures Out by The Proclaimers is an angry, bitter, caustic, resentful and lovely album. Middle aged FIRE . Agree with the Suede comments a bloody good album (assuming you like Suede, which I do) Yours, three top albums in September, well I never! aDONis
  8. Wasps going tits-up any minute now . We've been a basket case for years, but it's finally catching up with us. I suspect a managed admin, with relegation to come at the end of the season. I think all the assets have been separated from the playing side Yours aDONis
  9. Crocodile tears min… crocodile tears!
  10. I can’t believe we got yet another Saxe-Coburg as head of state! who the fvk votes for these people! Yours, I felt for sure we’d get King Alex of Ferguson! aDONis
  11. Just on way to Bruges. Keeping my powder dry till I arrive.! Will report back.* *Unless sitting in my own piss, covered in sick, with a stray Belgian dog sniffing at me.
  12. As I understand it. The plan is as follows; Government to give energy companies £bns Energy companies give it to us (consumers) as discounts We repay our 'discounts' by having a premium on our energy bills for years to come. I haven't been able to work out how the public purse is repaid, so I'm assuming the energy companies hand the pre iums back to the treasury.
  13. He is in a world of legal pain! The GOP are not going to pay his legal fees for the documents case. Republican senators becoming surprisingly camera shy. Photo of Top Secret documents on his office floor. I predict Trump will be the next Richard Nixon Robert Maxwell. Yours aDONis
  14. If only someone had explained that to libtard snowflake Andrew Neil.
  15. This was the question on the ballot; Because Kansans value both women and children, the constitution of the state of Kansas does not require government funding of abortion and does not create or secure a right to abortion. To the extent permitted by the constitution of the United States, the people, through their elected state representatives and state senators, may pass laws regarding abortion, including, but not limited to, laws that account for circumstances of pregnancy resulting from rape or incest, or circumstances of necessity to save the life of the mother. Yes No Is that even a question? A 'yes' vote took away existing rights and handed them to the State Legislature. America and the UK are regressing. Yours aDONis
  16. I am one of the least nationalistic people you'll ever meet. Had I had a vote in the referendum, it would probably have been a 'no'. But fvck me, this tory party's rhetoric, aimed at its gammon base, seems hell-bent on breaking the Union. It feels like utter contempt for Scotland. This 'exceptionalism' saddens me to the core.
  17. €1.89 was what I paid to fill the hire car on Monday. That was on the coast between Antibe and Nice. I think it was a couple of cents more expensive as you headed to the mountains (near Fayence for example). As a word to both Gammons and the more sane of us, don't hire a Renault Captaur. It's like an alternative reality Tardis, looking much bigger on the outside than it is on the inside. The number of times I banged my knees on the wheel/dashboard getting in and out of the fvkker!
  18. I enjoyed the Torys imploding so much yesterday, that I was glued to the news channels and didn't even watch the tennis. The only thing that would have made yesterday better, is if they'd all spontaneously caught fire and had to save themselves by diving into a shark-infested, dumpster full of shyt! Yours aDONis
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