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Everything posted by aofjays

  1. Oh you're just a sheep? No independence of thought? May as well be one person then.
  2. Also as it creates a written record it prevents he said she said bollocks.
  3. It may have served you well, it may not, we have only your report of your viewpoint - which is obviously meaningless. You think it has served you well in spotting Celtic fans, but for all we know it has merely given you an excuse to call people Celtic fans when they are not. Also if you could give coherence a try - that would be nice.
  4. This is an unreasoned assertion. Therefore your whole argument is meaningless. Troll harder.
  5. So you believe you managed to confirm your preconceived prejudices? How convenient.
  6. What has to do with what I wrote? Hell, what does the first sentence even mean? Can you walk me through the thought process?
  7. Because it proves that unable to defend your team you can only attack other posters (with a big stick). It's really rather sad.
  8. But you just look like a fanny. Typical sevco fan playing the man instead of the ball (whoever came up with that analogy got it spot on btw). You claim to be a rangers fan yet all you seem to do is try to look superior to others (while berating them for the supposed same offence). All you seem to care about is looks. It's attitudes like yours that killed your club and will kill it's replacement too.
  9. I'm curious where you are going with this. Do you expect to find people ripping the pish out of Rangers/Sevco funny? If not, do you expect these people to care that you don't find it funny? Do you think there is even the remotest chance that your posts will be interpreted as anything other than evidence that you are being (easily) wound up?
  10. But it's right next to the BBC and STV, I'm sure if you could get rid of the locals the luvvies would love it.
  11. Not sure what you are referring to (I don't go back and read what I've missed on the days it jumps up 10 pages etc). Feel free to quote it and I'll get back to you.
  12. To be honest I'm pretty sure he's just a sad wee troll. All the watp, back, same club, fake outrage etc is just an act designed to wind folk up. Unfortunately for him most on here seem, myself included, to find it absolutely hilarious and engage him as though he's serious. I really doubt anyone is as stupid as bendy, vicky or awra make out they are, it has to be an act.
  13. I'm totally sure bennett questions what's going on at Rangers to the absolute best of his ability.
  14. So you do know what interrogate means. It's "question" you don't understand.
  15. I see Bendy's on the hallucinogens again. Great stuff - should be a laugh filled day on the BRALT.
  16. He's trying to drag the thread down to his level. He'll keep trying for a while at a guess - completely oblivious to how daft he looks.
  17. Yes. Why do you ask here of all places? What has it to do with your cheating dead club being liquidated or your current club pissing money away?
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