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Grumpy Soo-sider

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Posts posted by Grumpy Soo-sider

  1. Had a wander round Lesser this morning to take some photos. Had a chat with one of the guys there (an Auchinleck supporter - from Cumnock?). He was saying that the east is nearly done and their contract is to the end of the month. They’ve only been there three or four weeks so far but thinks end of the month is realistic for the east stand. He knows of no plans for the south but did say they were only contracted to complete the east. He heard a rumour a temp stand is to be put up at the south but didn’t know any more and it could be just a rumour. The seats seem to be all but ready. The Royal Box looks a bit behind on this timescale. 

    Here’s some photos 








  2. 6 hours ago, Skeletar Spider said:

    I have it on good authority that the plan is for both us and Syngenta to play at home on Saturday 12th November - their game against Edinburgh Utd kicking off at 1 o'clock, and our game against Caley Thistle kicking off at 5 o'clock. Both clubs have agreed to it, but the league still has to give it the green light.

    Not good. I don't live anywhere near the central belt so getting to a game is awkward. I have booked a hotel so I can attend this game - I hope it stays on the 12 November or I'm out of pocket for nothing. I wish the club would accept that some people need a fair bit of notice to put arrangements in place (travel, babysitters, time off work, budgets, etc, etc).

    I am deeply frustrated.

  3. I don't get to many Queen's games because of where I live - I had arranged travel and booked a hotel for this weekends game. Now that it is off at late notice I can't cancel my hotel booking. So, a large expenditure for nothing. I'll just need to console myself with a few beers in the city centre instead.

    I'm sad the Queen died, as I would be with anyone's death, but it really doesn't mean that much to me. I am pissed off with the fawning media and manufactured 'outpouring' (hate that word) of grief that we are now supposed to indulge in.

    The cricket is on, the football is off. Shops open, pubs open, cinemas, theatres, etc, etc. why is football different?

  4. Well beaten by a good Dundee side. Sure, we could (should?) have scored a couple but we we're always second best today. I have worries about our defence - we're shipping too many goals and really need to tighten up. I accept that our team is fairly new to each other and it takes a while to settle in to a different style of play but we're a good few games into the season and early misunderstandings should be history. I'm disappointed with Eze so far but expect him to come good soon. He should have the experience to help build a solid defence. Kilday I like but he does tend to have the occasional poor display and we can't cope with that against a side like Dundee.

    It is good to see that we're creating plenty of chances, even against a tie like Dundee but we need to start putting these away - It'll come, I'm sure.

    Only two defeats to decent sides (but I'm still hurting about losing to Ayr) and I'm sure we are going to get better as the season goes on.

  5. Dundee are a quality team but losing at home to our Glasgow neighbours and Ayr must be a disappointment to them. They'll be out to make amends next Saturday so looking forward to a good game.

    Queen's are getting their act together without being top scorers but with the chances we're making this will all come good at some point. The defence, too, are settling in and they are looking stronger each week. Hoping it all comes together next Saturday and we put in a great performance.

  6. Aye they didn’t look particularly great, although the boy Akinyemi up top for Ayr was absolute quality. Looked the part against us a few weeks back. Don’t think there’s going to be a run away winner this season which is good 

    Yeah, Akinyemi was great tonight and was supported well up front. All in, Ayr were looking good but I don’t see them sustaining this through the season.
  7. 1 hour ago, TheHitman said:

    Anyone thinking either of the 'big two' may snap up Cammy Bruce? If so, how much we thinking we could make in fee?

    I hope not - he'd be better off hanging on for a season or two with Queen's (for us as well as himself) and notching up a number of first team starts and he certainly seems to be a talent. However, it is good that both of the ugly sisters are looking at him along with a few teams down south.

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