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Grumpy Soo-sider

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Posts posted by Grumpy Soo-sider

  1. Lesser Hampden (from Wikipedia) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lesser_Hampden

    In 1923, Queen's Park were looking for an alternative venue for their reserves and youth teams, with a basic pitch to the south of the main stand at Hampden Park increasingly being used as a car park. The club purchased a farm on the west side of Hampden and built a pitch and stands.  When it opened in 1924, Lesser Hampden had a capacity of 12,000.

    I just found that interesting - I know building standards were less rigorous then, but 12,000 capacity in two years!

  2. 26 minutes ago, Bring Your Own Socks said:

    Wonder how young Henderson feels too. Not his fault of course but not a great welcome to the club. Hearts might be wondering too. If the club are currently negotiating other loans, second thoughts will be happening. 

    Henderson was really good for us on Tuesday - a very promising player and he can in no way be held responsible for the cock-up regarding his registration.


  3. 12 minutes ago, Spider Rico said:

    If it’s anything like the AGM, those in charge either won’t show up or if they do, won’t give a straight answer to any questions that are remotely challenging 

    Well, there is that I suppose.  I'd accept written answers to fans questions, even here on P&B if they wish. I just want some communication from the club.

    What an embarrassment for a club that was noted for administration in the early days of the sport. The contribution we made to football as we now know it owes a lot to the Scotch Professors in general and QPFC in particular. Robert Gardner and Andrew Watson are two wonderful administrators (amongst many others) from our past that shaped the modern game. 

  4. Looking forward to a good game on Friday. Both teams play good football and a positive result for either team would do wonders for confidence going in to the last quarter of the season. The goal difference for Ayr and QP are the best two in the league (and ours would be much better if it wasn't for Ayr!) and we're the top two teams for scoring in the league.

    All that suggests the score will be  0-0 which would be disappointing for both of us. (but don't mention disappointments to QP fans - we've had our fill in the last week thanks very much).

  5. 2 hours ago, an86 said:

    So scunnered for the players. Superb attitude to bounce back and win after Saturday. I’m raging, so I can only imagine how the guys who actually put the legwork in feel. They deserved the reward of a place in the next round. 

    The bond between players, staff and fans is strong, as we saw at the end last night. It was a really great moment. As with every good thing we do, the club ends up pishing all over it with something spectacularly incompetent.

    The ongoing Lesser Hampden and musical stadiums saga, coupled with a general air of disorganised shambles, culminating in last night’s farce, fairly simply tells you that the custodians of our football club are not doing their job properly. That all comes down to who is heading up the “projects” and who is responsible for delegating duties within the football club. That person should be considering their position.


    The club should call a 'clear the air meeting' with the fans, season ticket holders and members. Communication has been dreadful and we're all in the dark. I accept that they club won't say anything before Friday's decision on the eligibility issue which is probably the correct thing to do. However, there are also a whole range of issues the fans (not just members) need some clarity on. For starters - 

    1. Henderson's eligibility and what led to the problem (irrespective of the outcome)
    2. What was wrong with the original design for Lesser
    3. What the current approved plans are for Lesser and what are the hoped for next stages
    4. When will we get in to Lesser - what has caused the delays
    5. Where are we playing next season
      1. if we're in the Championship
      2. if (by chance) we make it to the Premiership
    6. What is the role of the Committee now we have a Chief Executive and a management team
    7. What is the management structure of the club - who are the paid officers, where do they fit in to the structure and what are their responsibilities.

    Supporting this club is a rollercoaster with brilliant highs and then feeling like we're being punched in the face for celebrating. The agony and ecstasy of being a QP supporter.

    I feel for the players and the coaching staff.

  6. 1 hour ago, bdu98196 said:

    Suspect it may mean that if you have cash then you can buy your way into remaining in the competition - convoluted and woolly worded with so much grey it'll benefit the biggest and most financially powerful clubs.

    Nowhere does it read that expulsion is mandatory, therefore given the series of 'or' options it could be considered there are alternative options available.

    Depends whether ICT wish to bother pushing this much too.


    "Suspect it may mean that if you have cash then you can buy your way into remaining in the competition" - that's Murray's transfer fee gone.

    "convoluted and woolly worded with so much grey it'll benefit the biggest and most financially powerful clubs" - lawyers love grey areas and are more than happy to debate this (for a price)

    "Nowhere does it read that expulsion is mandatory, therefore given the series of 'or' options it could be considered there are alternative options available" - disappointment we've learned to live with - it's the hope that kills us

    "Depends whether ICT wish to bother pushing this much too" - I really don't think that matters.


    Someone needs their @^$€ kicked

  7. Queen's played really well last night and could easily have scored more. (Highland Thistle might have got on the scoresheet in the first half though - but apart from their decent 10 minute spell in the middle of the first half they were nowhere). Eze had a pretty good game but Kilday is still the man for that position. Euan Henderson (despite the questions over his eligibility) looked pretty good and Williamson was great when he came on. We'll miss Murray but we're ok for strikers and will keep scoring if we continue the great service to the front men.

  8. 1 hour ago, Bring Your Own Socks said:

    We’re short of leaders in the team but I’d like to think the likes of Fox and Kilday would be up on their feet with a “we’ll fucking show them” speech as a door gets booted open Terry Butcher style. 

    We're short of leaders in the administration of the club. On the footballing side we're doing well, even better than expected, but those that are running the club seem to be dogged by mistake after mistake. The communication from the club is also pretty dire - we someone tasked with looking after this and operating at a much higher level.

  9. Disappointed he's gone but, in a way, it's maybe better now than at the end of the season. At least we would have got a transfer fee for him (I wish I knew what it was). We used to lose great players for nothing and this will not be the last disappointment we have with players going elsewhere. 

    He was good for us and I'm grateful for the memories, but it's time to move on.

  10. 4 minutes ago, williebraveheart said:

    February and March home games announced to be played at Stenhousemuir. February confirmed as Friday night games and March to be played on the weekend of ???????. Bet they are a Friday as well. Utter shambles. Three full seasons away from our own stadium and what have we got to show for it? Possibly the worst stadium in the SPFL which is unfit for the purpose for our ambitions. Please, Dempster and Hunter - just go now. I'll put the lights out - if we have got any.

    Yet another entry date come and gone. Why can't the club tell us what is happening - what's causing the delay now? This really is an embarrassment. It's the talking point of any discussion about the club and not the great work of Owen Coyle and the team on the park.

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