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Grumpy Soo-sider

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Posts posted by Grumpy Soo-sider

  1. 8 minutes ago, Hampden Diehard said:

    We had the AGM a few weeks ago and while some people did make good points re what's happening (or not happening), it was a fairly easy ride for the Club. Surprisingly so.  That was the perfect opportunity to raise concerns.

    Anyone with points to make can email them to the Supporters' Association contact and we can pull them together.

    Could these points, once collated, be circulated to QPSA members?

  2. 42 minutes ago, QPoriginal said:

    The Scottish Cup debacle is a disgrace and has affected all at the Club and finances. I wonder how our generous sponsor is viewing the gross incompetence and lack of accountability. I am not suggesting a witch hunt but the person responsible has to consider the ethos of the Club and do the honourable thing. Resignation is a must even if reinstated in the future. The Club will survive as all are expendable. 

    We don't need any resignations. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Bring Your Own Socks said:

    I’m not being exclusive. But if you really want to nail it, the only place action can be taken, other than just the rhetoric the previous open meetings have been full of, the only platform is a General Meeting and I’m afraid they are restricted to Directors and Club Members. It’s written in the Articles (despite sneaking Dempster in once). The tricky bit would be harnessing everyone’s opinions into an hour long meeting.  

    If the QPSA want to lead the charge, fine. But not all fans are members there either. And I have to say, if they were willing and capable it should have happened a long time ago. Maybe some of them are too close to the problem. The main purpose of the QPSA has always been running buses to away games. 

    If you want change, by any measure, you need objectives and a pathway to achieve those objectives. The pally get-together format would have been adequate in bygone times but if people really want change we need to take their book and use it to our advantage.

    Or we can just shut up and put up.

    Right now, I'm not pushing for change, I'm pushing for information. I, like many supporters and not just members, want to know what's going on behind the scenes, I want to know what the plans are for the team and for the ("bigger and better")stadium, I want to know what the management structure of the club is, I want to know the roles of those involved with the club (who reports to who), etc. I don't know enough to say that wholesale change is the answer - clearly we are getting some things right as the club are doing well on the park (Scottish Cup excepted). I'm fully behind the team but I'm not sure about the structure. Some change may be necessary but until I know more I'm not sure what that should be.


  4. 9 minutes ago, Bring Your Own Socks said:

    Constructive suggestion 1:

    An EGM of members with a short list of points where the directors of the club have failed, relative to the appropriate sections of the Articles of Association, concluded with a fans motion that certain individuals be replaced.


    Not just members - season ticket holders, QPSA members, and general fans need to be able to air their views too.

  5. Back on 17th December we were only separated by one point (QP 30 Morton 29) with Morton having a better goal difference of +8 to our +6. A cracking match was in prospect. Things have changed a bit since then with the Spiders putting in some good results resulting in 13 more points. On the other hand, Morton have not done well over the winter period only gaining two points so the difference is now 12 points (QP 43 Morton 31) with Morton having played one less game. Goal difference has changed substantially with QP on +16 and Morton on +5. This just shows the effect of a few  bad results in a row which can happen to anyone. However, Morton have only had nine home games to our eleven.

    Our unfortunate draw at the Highland Thistle and then being resoundingly stuffed by Dundee put the brakes on our charge up the league. We rectified that somewhat by getting a more realistic win against the Highland mob in the Scottish Cup debacle and followed that up by beating nearest rivals, Ayr, 2-0, a good result.

    We know Morton have the best defence in the league at home conceding only seven goals in nine games, a fantastic achievement, but our 24 away goals this year must be a warning to them. The loss of Murray doesn't seem to have affected the team much so a good match is in prospect.

    I think it will be tight but still feel it will still be a cracking match. Ferrie will come up with a clean sheet once again and Queen's go on to win 1-0 with Savoury the goal scorer.

  6. I'm moving on from this debacle with the caveat that the club do something meaningful for the fans that made the (ultimately) pointless trip to Inverness. The trip to Caley is a long day at the best of times but on a midweek winters night many would have had to take time off work and then spend seven hours or more on a bus to watch the team. I hear that some fans even arranged accommodation in Inverness as arriving back in the 'wee sma' hours' is not for everyone. Then there's food and drink over and above that - we're not just talking about ticket money here.

    We don't need the spectacle of the Chief Exec or Club Secretary being marched down Letherby Drive with a hoard of (a few) fans shouting "shame, shame, shame" at them.

    Let's move on folks and put our full energy behind the team.

  7. 50 minutes ago, Tangled web said:

    Queens park is a 'business' with a committee and members. The CEO is not perhaps a CEO in the traditional sense. Maybe Ms Dempster would welcome more salaried employees as it would increase her control and influence. After all what CEO would want to be accountable to a committee? Maybe the directors should draw salaries too? 

    It might be useful to view the committee as non-executive directors rather than the traditional committee that we had in the past. However we view them, they need to up their game. The aspect that most concerns me are the communications with the fans, season ticket holders and members. We are generally kept in the dark - even the "we will talk to the supporters association" from the last statement seems to have disappeared into the black hole. Members used to get regular email updates from the club and it would be useful if these were reinstated - but to all registered fans and followers (by 'registered' I mean via email to get on a circulation list).

  8. 37 minutes ago, Paisley Ton said:


    Just count the seats I make it 450 ish but hard to see standing area spaces.


    Forgetting the two ends for now - 

    Each section has 28 seats in each row

    4 sections have six rows (=28 x 4 x 6 seats) which gives 672 seats

    1 section has four rows (the accessible spaces are behind) (=28 x 4) which gives 112 seats

    The end section at the south has 64 seats

    The end section at the north has 85 seats

    There are 10 accessible spaces

    So I make it 943ish seats (some with restricted views) but I don't know about standing areas.


    There are plans for the south stand but I haven't counted the seats there. As far as I can find out there are no other submitted plans for further development but these could well be at the conceptualisation stage and no firm design has been drafted.


    Still rubbish mind you.

  9. Defence was good last night but we've still let 30 past us this season.  Looking at the league table and note that more than half of the goals against have come from the two teams immediately below us, Ayr and Dundee.  We've shipped 8 against each of them in the six games so far. Hopefully, we've stopped that trend after the great performance last night but no time for complacency - I'll just enjoy the moment while I can.

  10. Deserved that win. By far the better team on the night. Ayr finished the first half well and I thought they were going to give us more problems in the second. Not sure what Coyle said to the team at half time but the Spiders seemed to up the defensive game and although Ayr had a couple of chances the back line stood up well.

    Definite penalty - McPake had his ankle trod on and the ref was perfectly placed to se it. Mullen thought it was a penalty too. Taken well by Dom but the keeper chose the right side and on another day might have saved it. Unfortunate for McAllister for the second goal but if he didn't play the ball he had a player at his back who would have had a tap in.

    Good to collect the three points after the (expected) decision regarding the cup game.

  11. 2 hours ago, mcjameos said:

    I remember going to lesser in the early 80s but dont recall anything resembling stands only grassy slopes - but that could be my memory playing tricks. Mind you 12000 people would soon have made it resemble the photos posted above ☺️

    I remember these days too - there was poor concrete terracing opposite the stand.  The stand (outside the farmhouse) had bench seats and not all under cover. The north end had the remains of old terracing in the north west corner. This was similar ro Hampden's old 'wood and ash' stepped terracing. Behind the goal at the south end was just a knoll (not a grassy one though).  Still, I enjoyed the games there.

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