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Everything posted by RandomGuy.

  1. Sold Dzeko in January to the fucking mugs of Arsenal for £40m, stunning bit of business that allowed me to renew Manolas' contract and get rid of his release clause.
  2. Maybe, as I say, I'm probably wrong and coming across as a p***k, I'm just bored of asking folk in Perth why they don't go to Saints game and being told "too expensive"/"Saints are shite". Its not a battle that can be won.
  3. Can you explain why saying £23 being too expensive is a "weak as f**k excuse"? I manage to attend most home games (season ticket) and 5 or 6 away games most seasons. However I don't have young kids anymore and consequently more disposable income than in times gone bye. However, I would never dream of telling someone how to prioritise their spending when they have a family to feed and bills to be paid. That is effectively what you are saying though. It's a bit easier when you don't have the same responsibilities as some. Usually because they follow it up by saying they'd go every week if it was £5 cheaper.
  4. As I say, my opinion is probably wrong and I'll no doubt be classed as one of the issues. I'm just bored of people saying it's "too expensive" or "shite" tbh. How much would be affordable for you? I know someone who knew a couple of them, and they've never shown any interest in Saints apart from their brief stint as the FCU. Most can be found in the Sandeman on a Saturday now.
  5. Different world now. Going about scrapping and hurling abuse at families is shite behaviour, never mind Killie away where they almost got every Saints bus banned because of the amount of drink they took and how one of them ended up lying in a puddle of his own pish at the side of the road. They done it home and away, you can't just accept that with a wee chuckle about how they're wee loveable rogues who bang a drum pretty loud. If they were Saints fans they'd happily have quit that shite and still supported the team, as it is they took the huff when they got warned and started blaming the club. I think I've seen one or two at games since.
  6. And this is why I, probably wrongly, lose interest in trying to help gather interest amongst folk who aren't regulars. £23 being too expensive always sounds like a weak as f**k excuse. Always look at ICT who had a "pay what you want" day, and ended up with about 100 extra folk and a huge financial defecit. What price would be "acceptable"? Can't agree with the FCU either, their actions completely deserved the consequences they got, and it just gave them an excuse to go back to being Old Firm fans. The majority were never anything more than young lads desperate to be involved in the Ultra fad that's appeared in Scottish football and who couldn't afford to go to Glasgow.
  7. Here's a starting point then. @jamamafegan what would it take for you to become a regular?
  8. They qualified top of a group including Juventus, including a 3-0 win over them, in my Roma save. My scouts reckon Calum McGregor and James Forrest would be "star players in Serie A"
  9. Crowds are down all over Scotland. Too easy for folk to make excuses to not go these days. Don't see any point at all wasting time trying to get them back now tbh. As an example, theres people complaining that the incredible U12 offer doesn't go up to U16s, and using that as an excuse not to go. Ask them if they went when their children were actually U12 and you find out they still didnt, no explanation given.
  10. Ah, I guess there was still talk of Scotland staying in the EU at that point?
  11. I doubt it. Assume it was only in the year the vote was taking place?
  12. He's virtually called up Aberdeens starting line up. Seems to be that you're completely shunned unless you play in England, for the Old Firm, or for a club McLeish played for, it's a disgrace.
  13. It's a disgrace, I wouldn't be seething if someone like Liam Kelly had been called up instead, but Bain?! Looking forward to how TW responds to this..
  14. That's me finished with the Scotland National Team now. Scott Bain called up ahead of Clark. Bain has played one league game this season.
  15. You won't be near relegation if you keep Robinson. Sacking him and hiring a youth manager with no experience sounds exactly like the type of thing you regret 12 months later. Easy for an outsider to say, but one poor window shouldn't define a manager.
  16. Yeah Arps one of those who usually takes a year or two to get going, but turns insane afterwards. You can seemingly get him for £15m first season.
  17. Managed to beat Liverpool 2-0 at Anfield. Bring that back to Rome full of hope. Two men sent off after half an hour and Salah bangs one in the top bin from 20 yards, I slog out a 1-0 loss. Now looks like I'll have a final game face off against Bayern, at home, to decide who qualifies. Fucking love this game.
  18. I meant to write stinking but it autocorrects to stunning Had a memory it had come off his arse or something
  19. Mikey Devlin has 11 appearances in 18 months. Straight into numerous squads. Hes played well but FFS, the double standards are insane.
  20. That's not my point, he was just an easy example of a player who'll be touted for caps if he goes on a scoring run (like May was), but who wouldn't get capped until he moved (like May) and will probably end up leaving us because he can't fulfil his ambition to play for Scotland with us (like May).
  21. We lose. There's been Ross County, Motherwell, Hibernian and Kilmarnock players called up lately. Whys it so ridiculous to be annoyed that St Johnstone players have consistently been ignored in favour of them?
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