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Everything posted by RandomGuy.

  1. ^ spent last season saying "In Hartley we trust" after every defeat.
  2. Johnstone is a massive huddy who'll run about barging into folk and not actually contributing much. Probably be useful for a team in the bottom half.
  3. Alston headed back you lot on loan, apparently. Him and Kane were identified as expendable players to help us bring in a new striker. He'll be out of our squad tomorrow as things get formalised.
  4. Replacing a crocked centre half with dodgy knees with a crocked centre half with dodgy knees is virtually peak Dundee. Could only be bettered if the replacement crocked centre half with dodgy knees was on a larger wage.
  5. Whilst I agree with this, our youngsters are also notoriously unfit in comparison to European nations. Seems typically Scottish that we sacrifice technique for stamina, only to find out our built up stamina levels are shite.
  6. I wouldn't worry, he'll be on about seven times what we can offer him, and Mansfield could likely blow us out the water financially too.
  7. Paulinho managed four keepie ups before losing control of the ball in his "unveiling"..
  8. Coulibaly surely fits the "knows the league/Scottish based" chat. I've taken his comments as wanting someone who's scored regularly in this league recently. A few folk still suggesting Hemmings, including some random English bloke, but that's still a complete non-starter to me. Ciftci is always talked about aswell. Coulibaly fits the bill, still, but his comments about players being okay for a short spell but struggling long term would likely rule him out due to Coulibaly only being in the country for six months.
  9. I watched the film and I preferred it to that post, tbh.
  10. Might seem a ridiculous comparison, but we seemed to drop multiple levels the season we lost May. Barca seem similar in that they're still playing the same style and passes as they would when he was there, it'll take them a few months to adjust unless they can get Dembele in.
  11. You think? Maybe its just me who's finding the constant talking up of Calum Hendry a bit unnerving
  12. Do clubs not receive that over the course of the Champions League, rather than us getting it in one large sum?
  13. I still reckon we'd banked on getting one of Storey or Sammon by now
  14. [emoji38] been a long time since someone bit at the Mongoose
  15. Horrible news when you hear it's been leaked. A whole week avoiding Facebook and this thread awaits me.
  16. I'd be stunned if the Night King doesn't have some way of combating it. We've barely seen anything of him, so we've no real idea what sort of power he has.
  17. Just me who thinks Gilly finding her reveal, and it meaning Jon is a Targaryen, is too obvious for this show? It'll be somebody else, like Tyrion, and we'll get some smart comment from somebody in the show about thinking it was Jon. No danger the Night King doesn't have a dragon, or a way to kill a dragon, it'll be tremendous when Dany gives a long speech about being a "breaker of chains" and that, Drogon roars overhead, and then you hear an even bigger roar...
  18. Since the revamp? We were in the top flight for the majority of Halls time here, if not the whole time.
  19. Brian Doyles twitter is the place to go. @briandoyle77. I think MacLean and Wright are both on 39 judging by his tweets, while Craig is apparently on 38. He says Wright and MacLean are now tied at the top. Must be just in the modern era though, as I thought Hall scored over 100 for us and most were in the top flight?
  20. Two folk from Nigeria started "bantering" as ones a United fan and ones a Chelsea fan. Bizarre stuff.
  21. #Scenes. The United fan who call us "irrelevant nobodies" silenced by the photo of Ferguson was beautiful too. They seem to be taking the tweet really badly, and I've no idea why
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