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Everything posted by RandomGuy.

  1. Totally bizarre tbh, Sporting fans on their forum seem unhappy hes not getting a chance
  2. He was in the papers this morning saying the club have told him they still see him as a future first team player and turned down loan moves in January....
  3. Addison will be a complete fucking unit, looked fucking huge when he was 17 odd.
  4. Yup. Its all come about because Hartley watched a St Mirren game and we've been linked with Mallan. 2+2 type behaviour from the press. We got it last year when our manager went to watch QOS, where our keeper was on loan. Apparently that meant we were signing Carmichael and Reilly
  5. Me and my girlfriend actually discussed this at the start of the entire show, both agreed it would happen but that the show would never, ever, hit that sort of level. Youd hope so anyway. They've definitely ramped up the violence on children stuff though, you barely saw a zombie child now we're seeing them getting bitten and the whole bit last week of the baby shoes in a bloody sink.
  6. Armstrong and GMS never suggested they'll be anything better than what they are, bit-part Celtic players. Only folk who believed differently either never watched them or were totally blinded by the hype.
  7. I've got a feeling two of Maggie, Glenn and their child will be goners. Maybe its pure hope but I've a feeling Carls going to be the one who feels the blunt end of the baseball, as its fairly clear someone will.
  8. Aye, can't wait to watch Daenerys walk about with a group of Dothraki, slowly becoming their leader, while trying to control her dragons who save her one minute and reject her the next....
  9. Nah Darryls not gone, yet. Maggies baby is, they've been telling you that'll happen for a while now. Still reckon Morgan is going to come good, but the fact they've waiting until the season finale to finally introduce Negan is pretty terrifying, as it surely means he's going to do something massive.
  10. http://www.pieandbovril.com/forum/index.php/topic/203339-the-50-most-influential-posters-in-p-b-history/page-45 Worth reading the 5-7 pages after that post. Any page after that is just absolute shite filled nothingness though.
  11. Its fairly obviously a magee alias. Seeing as one of his earliest posts is trying to drag attention back to magee when his pathetic trolling got completely ignored.
  12. He created an alias, ran it for months upon months alongside other aliases, then spent a couple of hours conversing solely with himself through these accounts. Its clear hes an absolute fucking mental who'll do anything so he can post his inane drivel here.
  13. Been a while since I've thanked you lot for giving us Mackay and Davidson for £50k. So here we go. Thanks.
  14. Big Gus was gone the moment dundeebarrys book got published while his pie reviews started getting ignored. Jealousy got the better of him.
  15. They regularly become a decent sized force after four/five seasons on FM, go twenty years into the future and they turn into top four regulars, purely based on the amount of income the new stadium brings them.
  16. I don't know any minute details, its just widely held knowledge that the players wanted the security of a long term contract, so being offered three year deals was absolutely massive for them
  17. Bethesda are brilliant for that, read folk using concrete foundations when building settlements and assumed it was a mod as there was nothing under concrete...
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