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Everything posted by RandomGuy.

  1. I apparently attacked someone next to Stevie May with it too, I wonder if it'll reach Lomas' ears
  2. Good lord. They have to pay about £55 for that
  3. Some double act called Rich and Dom. Think it's the guys who done that Dick and Dom childs show a few years back. I ended up watching it on mute
  4. Challenge is showing new episodes of Takeshi's Castle. But it's not Craig Charles doing the voiceover. I don't know how to feel
  5. I hope you've not lost it. I misplaced a fine once, and forgot I'd even received one until the police kept constantly phoning me asking to pay it
  6. I was hammered, and my mates got previous for cock-blocking. And we seen him trying to pull on the tv screen showing the dancefloor. Pure chance brought a sheep mask and penis into the equation. The cock-block was carried out in the fashion you'd expect (thrusting the penis between the two before gently baaa-ing at them). I'm unsure if it was successful or not yet, I can't see why it wouldn't be
  7. I spent last night running around Loft with a sheep mask on and a giant inflatable penis in my hand. I severely hope I got a photo taken
  8. I've never watched an entire Star Wars film, I've watched bits and bobs but not the whole shabbang
  9. Are you absolutely certain these "tits" weren't her balls? 100%?
  10. All of us on Pie and Bovril pray for your soul
  11. The more important question is why anyone would pay £28 for that
  12. It's happened very time I've said it. Think I'm up to five separate occasions now. You can't risk the fate gods thinking you're playing them though, got to be convincing
  13. Whatever I say in regards to Murray, the opposite happens. Every time, and I mean every time. It's scary
  14. I, personally have no name for my member, although it has been called numerous things over the years. I'd certainly not be posting about it on an Internet forum though, these things are for the bedroom
  15. Yup, and Murray's bottled the Final. So neither won the tournament. Djokovic is not a better player than Murray. Yet he's achieved more. Purely down the fact he's an arrogant c**t who believes in himself, while Murrays trying to convince himself that he's confident. Murray will go through spells of destroying everyone but ultimately he'll fail more than succeed. Djokovics the opposite
  16. Is this Murray bottling something yet again? He's got the potential to be Number 1, but he'll never make it
  17. I think you've got a good chance of getting Bell and Daly though, neither have denied it. Law will probably fancy England, while Murray Davidsons already said he's going down South or abroad. Though Boyd, Thomson and Wilson are ones I'm not sure of, they might do it but they might not I'm not entirely sure what SPL players Rangers will actually sign. As the ones I suspected might all seem to be suggesting they'll go to England instead. I really think Rangers will struggle to get anything other than old injury prone mercenaries (Daly) or fans who have realised there chances of English league football is slim (Bell). You'd be better looking at First Division players but I guess there would be uproar if that happened
  18. What players do Rangers fans genuinely think they'll sign? This isn't a Troll or wind up, I'm just interested to know what players they anticipate arriving. We all know Cammy Bell and Jon Daly have pretty much agreed a move but who else would arrive?
  19. I hate it when you lose to a player who's no better than yourself. I'm not claiming any scripting, but sometimes I just cannot do anything right. Can be winning 2-0 and dominating then for some reason I pass when I should just punt it, try and score chips when clean through and try stupid skill moves I've never attempted before. And eventually get pegged back and blow it all. Complete fucking bottler
  20. As a rule of thumb I don't take relationship advice from people on an Internet forum about football. I'm sure your advice was of the highest calibre though And she apologised to me last night before going to bed. A stressful day at work caused her to seethe at the world and I was the first person she saw, so I'll take it on the chin since its almost Easter time and I'll possibly get an extra egg for this
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