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  1. Today abit of Eagles of Death Metal. 'Speaking in Tongues' and 'Only want You' me favourite songs.
  2. Looking great these days. Maybe only a player or two short of possibly becoming surprise Champions!
  3. FaIr play and congratulations to Greenock Morton,brilliant! Without trying to put the mockers on the victory,just how much can a big club want the game when resting 4 or 5 players?
  4. Oops! I shouldn't of forgot Paul as I was lucky enough to of seen him play his last game for England v the great Dutch team of Cryff,Neeskins (spellings) an all. 0 2 to Holland,Wembley.
  5. I went to watch Dynamo Dresden v I think Magdebourg (spelling),at the time a German 3rd tier game. Over 20,000,2 or 3 1 to 'Dee-na-mo',loads of East German drinking going on,before,during and after ko,got bladdered with Dee-na-mo fans. Great crack!
  6. When you go shopping and find some item or another you like is half price! The facial expressions of Private Frazer coupled with his 'optimism'. Penny from the Big Bang Theory. Treacle tart and custard,
  7. Just to say the Leeds United team of say 1968 to 1973 was one of the best club sides Britain ever produced. Bremner,Lorimer,Gray E,Gray F,Jordan.McQueen,Harvey Clarke,Jones,Charlton J,Hunter,Reaney,Cooper,Cherry Giles Sprake,Yorath
  8. Booze is responsible for many deaths and much crime,but that's legal. If people are educated to the effects of 'grass' then maybe it's about time it was decriminalised.
  9. Bristol Rugby are leaving to play at the Citys ground,so we'll probably have a smoother field of play next time. I'm not having ago at Queens,i just don't like artificial pitches.Fine for training but not the real thing imo. I would rather have a bumpy,muddy etc real field.
  10. Do you share with a rugby club? What about the groudsman? Anyway,i don't think we're going to agree here mate,so just have a good day and congratulations on the title!
  11. Yeh,that's the financial argument and if money was the only thing to consider then fine.
  12. Great season Queens,congratulations! I'm sure all the financial benefits of having an artificial pitch have been spoken of,but I wouldn't want one of those funny pitches. Football should be played on grass,does'nt everone know that! Enjoy today!
  13. Me mates Metal band Youtube clip. A drummer who sings and a cello player,that's it. They can rock though. I'm not a Metalhead,so I wondered what some of you connoisseurs thought. The band are called Zlang Zlut and here they are with "Revolution Baby."
  14. The parties have all died down now,did'nt last long did it and her death changes nothing except a few Tories determined to keep her memory alive and therefore her fucking orrible politics.
  15. The next time I've some spare cash i'll buy a mountain bike.For years I cycled,but for the last few months have used the car,the one bike I have is an old un,no gears,heavy and hard work. Great form of transport is the bike!
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