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Posts posted by RC55 FFC

  1. Wouldn’t surprise me if our cuddly club asked Dunfermline to tweet a good luck message to Nelson - to show we are all pally again.

    In Elliot’s Saturday night I was speaking to a Director who thought the most important bit of the day was they got praise from the SPFL for their handling of the game. Oh is that right? I was most concerned we got our arses felt by our biggest rivals at home for the first time in 8 years.

    Which director?
  2. Let's not forget he told close friends of his the reason Houston rarely played him was due to PH not wanting other clubs to come in for him.

    I'm sure we'd sacrifice a "great" player in the important run in to stop him signing elsewhere & I'm also sure if that were true we'd have actually offered him a contract....

  3. Houstie saying he has his preferred X1 in mind for next Saturday.

    Personally, think it'll be:





    Subs: Mitchell, Gasparotto, Kerr, Craigen, Shepherd, O'Hara, Miller

    The only change to that bench I reckon will be if Sibbald signs back on this week & then Shepherd will probably drop out.

  4. He owes us nothing and we owe him nothing either. His agent should take some of the hit though as he seems unable to get him any options apart from a midweek break in luton.  First thing id be doing if i was sibbald would be getting someone else to help run my affairs.
    As for the bod can anyone actually confirm 100% that sibbald wanted to sign his contract last week but this was refused? No rumours , no someones m8 told me this.

    I'm sure someone will post up a screenshot of the email from the board to Sibbs any minute now yeah....

    No rumours or such like? It's a football forum ffs.
  5. What "mess"?  How is this a mess?  We offer a player - a good servant of the club - a contract, he wants to try his luck elsewhere.  Good luck to him, and as a bonus we're due compensation.
    He wants to come back having not worked out, regardless of reason?  Are you sure? Yes...bonus for fans, we have a good player back.
    What precisely were the board supposed to do here?

    The board could & should have honoured the contract offered to him & let him sign the thing when he came back last week.

    Instead, play the guilt trip on him saying we'd rather have the cash for him & to keep looking.

    We could have had another settled & quality player in the squad with a chance of being fairly fit to face St Mirren.
  6. Between some of the comments here and on that FB page I do wonder about our fans sometimes.

    If Sibbs signs back on, which I hope he does, he's a first pick on the park. Where? Taiwo currently but also remember Hippo will do his usual 2 good games to 3 quiet ones ratio.

    Hopefully he's back in the squad come Paisley next week.

  7. Evening all!

    After reading through your nostalgic moments on here I was chatting to my dad who said he had a bunch of old video recording of games stretching from early 90s to early 00s.

    So after much swearing and toying about I finally got one to work so enjoy and hopefully there will be a few more [emoji1303]

    Great video! I'm in it too, under the shed in the choir.
  8. Bit confused at Falkirk fans saying it's always tough at our ground - don't think they've lost at our new stadium!
    Our record in the opening league game is horrendous. Haven't won one since 2006. The only other one this century was in 2004 - although on the plus side it was against Falkirk at Love Street.
    Would be good to end that run but after Saturday I'd take a point.

    And even though we lost that opener in 2004, we went onto have a great season.
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