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Cosmic Joe

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Everything posted by Cosmic Joe

  1. Best one ever was from one of my Polish friends back in the day. "The production of pate for our Russian comrades"
  2. Do they still do the 11 plus in England?
  3. Apart from Rangers getting beat Plucking nasal hairs
  4. Nah. They have to get the bus like aw c**t else.
  5. Clyde kitman offers square go to Stranraer players and flicks the vickies at fans. Dumbarton bar manager makes sectarian comments at own player in front of his family. Clyde player directs retaliation spit at Bonnyrigg Rose fan. Come on Dumbarton, are you going to take this lying down?
  6. Some of these fans will have travelled from the Emerald Isle. St Patrick's Day totally ruined for them. Shocking!
  7. East Fife Six players have graduated from our Under 20s to our first team squad
  8. Also, cannae even spell the name of the court. Sectarian losers in every department.
  9. Our street is in magnificent nick. Over to you @Hedgecutter
  10. The bigots' appeal dismissed by Aberdeenshire Sheriff Court.
  11. In what way are Spartans a joke of a club? I can't recall any sectarian comments made by Spartans' officials against their players recently. Pots and kettles.
  12. There should be a gap between full stops and the start of the following sentence.
  13. I went to this one as a neutral. An impressive turnout from the Aberdeen fans, but my God their team were second best in every department. Dundee were head and shoulders better in every area of the park. They just seemed to want the win more.
  14. How does this rate next to the Clyde physio fiasco?
  15. Surely this individual can be easily identified. From my vantage point there wasn't a big away support and they were all clustered together towards the centre of the stand.
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