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Cosmic Joe

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Everything posted by Cosmic Joe

  1. Sudden derailment might cause a seat replacement issue
  2. I'll reserve judgement until I find out how East Fife are getting on.
  3. Does anyone use them on buses? That might be about to change. In Sicily recently absolutely nobody appeared to put them on in cars. I have no idea why. And, why are seatbelts not provided on trains?
  4. He appears to be anti Putin, anti Musk, anti Trump. One for the watching.
  5. I did just under 14,000 steps on my Pedometer yesterday. But the skidmarks on my boxers were a sight for sore eyes
  6. Was that not "This is the age of the train"? Euouoh- euouoh- oh-oh
  7. This might sound slightly harsh, but folk who don't wear seat belts deserve very little sympathy these days. On the Darwin spectrum in my opinion
  8. I can't remember ever getting them from my parents, but they were a strong bonding part with my two when they were young. I think they were important. Daft books like Winnie the Pooh and Thomas the Tank Engine.
  9. No chance. He's an XXXL at the very least
  10. Fox has clearly lost it. Hanging on to some utterly grim fascist ideology. He also delusionally thinks he is some kind of white supremacist attraction to the Great British racists out there. The loser's loser
  11. Yup. I probably agree. This is why we are crap human beings at times.
  12. I might be straying into unpopular opinions territory here, but I think it's a bit ott to want individuals you don't like (even despise) to be outed as rapists.
  13. Have you never been in Dundee City Centre lunchtime on Fridays?
  14. I almost admire that stretch of imagination. Almost
  15. This is shaping up to be an interesting weekend.* *Could also be a shit one if we get turned over by a creche for middle-class kids, which remains a distinct possibility.
  16. Liver and onions with gravy and mash followed by sherry Trifle. Will now read article
  17. It's more about seeking the small-holding farmers' votes than attempting to stoke up any anti-Ukrainian sentiment.
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