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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. It's just dawned on me that as I will be turning 35 shortly, I'm now older than the vast majority of current professional footballers. this feels weird
  2. Hamilton is a fucking epic gammon baiter and so to me at least he's sound
  3. I agree with what your saying, but in terms of numbers the old firms away game will still get the highest viewers and that's all they're interested in. more people will watch rangers away to st mirren in a meaningless game than will watch the edinburgh derby, sad but true
  4. This one is fairly simple even though you would wish it was not the case. sky always show the old firm away game because that will be the game with the largest amount of viewers, that and the 4 games per stadium limit means they are limited to the old firms home games, When the OF are away from home, they only get a few thousand tickets, there will be another 40- 50k season ticket holders who can't go to the game, both clubs also have large home TV audiences, and also a large number of fans in Ireland. Also, because they seldom play their matches at the same time, fans of one side tune in to their rivals game when it's televised to see the result and what it means for the league. There are only a couple of exceptions to this, 1. an Edinburgh derby & 2. when rangers are at home to one of Hearts Hibs or Aberdeen whilst Celtic are away to a Ross county or a Dundee - or vice versa( I picked those 2 as clubs like livi or St Johnstone give them generous ticket allocations) But even in that scenario they are hampered by the 4 home games limit. No matter how much you don't like it, St Mirren V Motherwell for a place in the top 6 just isn't going to get enough viewers for a commercial entity like sky
  5. I Was thinking something on similar lines, except pars glory days you can keep that to yourself! I think it's not just the old cliche about time periods feeling shorter as you get older due to relativity. I think when it comes to how technology shapes our lifestyle, the difference in technology and it's effect on our lives between 1980 and 2000 was absolutely astounding and whilst there have obviously been big changes since, technology from 2000 to now is essentially the same, only much much better. in 1980 we had 3 tv channels and hardly any live football showing, no internet and no mobile phones with the vast majority of interactions being in person, by 2000 we had sky digital with huge amounts of live sport, the first broadband was rolled out, retail starting to go online. comprahenive mobile phone ownership and coverage - though not the standard of today. There was much more to it that that, It feels to me like the changes from the last 20 years haven't been anywhere near as drastic as the ones before. in 2003 we booked an new york with my family for a long weekend like it was just a normal thing to do , in 1983 my parents and most of those they knew had never been further than blackpool
  6. I'm pretty sure we could add Bob Marley to the list were he still alive today, no way was he taking a vaccine For Cobain - bib wouldn't have been such a bad idea given that he blew is own heid aff
  7. The thing I want to ask these people is, do they not realise folk got sick & died before the pandemic too? it's been going on for years
  8. By f**k there havny half been a few belters from this conference
  9. Yeah that last bit is interesting and there's no easy way to deal with it, it may just be that you'll need to accept that she's going to be in "trouble" a bit more often than you want, but at the same time don't let that define her if that makes sense? You just can't accept it though and there has to be consequences because no one in the wider world will tolerate your pish, I've had a few punches that were definitely my own fault for mouthing at folk, but at the time I thought the other person was at fault. Thing is I hate the thought of me being an arsehole, but it's never stopped me from being one. either through impulsiveness or more often because a sudden feeling of anger or frustration just total overwhelms any sensible part of your brain that any thought of consequences goes right out the window, until you're left to deal with the ramifications later..
  10. The one thing I feel is hard to get the balance right with in terms of treatment is; the NHS see people on a priority based on severity, the NHS doctors I've seen as an adult were surprised at how well my life was on the surface to the point of not taking me seriously, whereas the private ones( which weren't cheap btw) definitely appear to tell you what they think you want to hear . It was only on getting a prescription through a private one that my GP wasn't too happy about that i even got into the NHS by the backdoor anyway. I think I was fortunate to get diagnosed as a child in the mid 1990's though I actually have no idea my parents had to wait to get things moving. I was given help and support for the remainder of my schooling & TBF I had a pretty instant transformation from dunce boy to doing pretty well academically as soon as it kicked in. But broader understanding of the condition was less advanced then than now, for instance my parents were told it was a childhood condition that I would grow out of, the doctors were purely concerned with classroom performance and behaviour, there was nothing beyond that which seemed to matter, like the awful social skills that take years of (extra) practice and learning by calamities to get right. Or the fact that I was told upon leaving school that since I wasn't going to be doing an office type of job, I would no longer need support or medication - Turns out it was spectacularly wrong. I also received zero guidance on approaching the adult world with it, the impulsiveness or short temper being two things that can easily get you into big trouble in no time. I was a problem drinker for maybe 8 years and had to cut out alcohol entirely because as soon as I'd had 2 pints I would impulsively get blootered and spend the night harassing uninterested women until I ended up chucked out or in a fight. long story short, It's a c**t of a condition to be lumbered with & I really hope it turns out your youngest doesn't have it, but if he/she does then at least now there's enough knowledge that they don't have to go down the same route as those before did. If it turns out they do though I'm more than happy to offer some advice, my parents got a lot wrong but only because they never knew better.
  11. I'm not the least bit surprised by this as the internet is absolutely full of c***s practically promoting it. As someone who's had it since way before it was cool, I'm slightly concerned that it's becoming the next "thing" amongst the militant left to latch onto for those who want to identify themselves as different and wear it as some sort of badge of honour. similar to the whole gender thing that's been going on for the last few years.
  12. the 2nd game at EEP was when the arse fell right out the season with the one exception being Ayr in the cup. we've been gash since then
  13. Tierney and Gilmour both starting today
  14. Change in Guidance on Face Masks for Patients and Visitors - May 2023 - NHSGGC Noticed this just the other day, there seems to be a paragraph in the longer version ( not shown here) that states that staff should NOT wear masks in care setting- even if they want to, unless theres a specific reason to, with an emphasis on normality and familiarity or something like that - quite the turn around you have to say. Anyway the absolute heads gone from some on twitter really took the edge of this weeks fucking dreadful football results..
  15. Airdie fans, seriously I hope you go all the way and win the final now, cause I can’t be fucked playing you next season this is fuckin utter w**k
  16. No result in my lifetime has ever made me question my commitment to supporting Falkirk fc but by f**k this is getting close
  17. In all seriousness, there isn't much between these sides.
  18. Making progress from last season or the one before shouldn’t earn any manager kudos, that was the lowest Falkirk Fc had sunk in a good 50 years. Improving on that should be the absolute bare fucking minimum. promotion is a success, the cup is a nice to have ( we didn’t have to play anyone all that strong to get there) There’s probably no point in changing managers if we don’t go up but you have to wonder what’s next if we don’t
  19. Driving a vehicle must be the only qualification permitted high risk activity where you don't have to refresh/ reprove your competence at regular intervals. I'm pretty sure the only reason this isn't already a thing is because it would be very unpopular with the public and so many people have a driving license nowadays
  20. I ended up not voting at all in 2016 as I couldn't really favour one campaign over the other because they were both awful. I did think that the EU had too much power & too little accountability given all the nuances of the voting structure and commissions etc. I was never the least bit concerned about immigration however it has to be said that the current shortages of low paid labour and even some skilled jobs like lorry drivers and nurses showed how much we had become reliant on people who were prepared to do the work for a relative pittance - this is not a fault on those individuals, but the employers who held wages low for years knowing that there were always others out there. In any case it feels like leaving was a massive over reaction, I'm not naïve, I never thought for one minute that those at the top pushing for it were doing it for the benefit of the likes of you & I, but this is the big bad world were in after all.
  21. the play offs haven't been played yet smart arse. I would rather we gave them our full attention
  22. at least the inverness fans didn't pull down players in the box tbf That was shite. could still be playing next week and no score. no one will believe this right after the match, but I wasn't arsed about the cup this year, promotion trumps everything, unless we could somehow have pulled of a miracle had we gotten to the final. the boost to the piggy bank is obviously welcome. For all you lot piling in to slag us off saying we're not a big team etc, do you do this when any other league one side goes out the cup?
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