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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. up untill now I'd agree with you but the sheer rate at which covid restrictions are being lifted around the world means that they are swimming against the tide now. mandatory isolation is something we have all largely accepted without much controversy (unlike most other rules) but just like a lot of other rules, it is one that is impossible to police or enforce except for token spot checks. plus you could always just not bother to test I'd even say, as part of the "de-risking " of covid, we need to move away from the idea that all covid cases must be avoided as far as possible, some obviously will be depending on the individual, but for the healthy majority catching this virus will just be a fact of life
  2. we've often talked about it, but now someone else has in a bit of detail
  3. Ireland confirming the removal of mask rules on the 28th of this month and will also be shortly telling their version of sage to stand down, Nicola is going to look very silly if she doesn't at least give a date for binning the mask mandate. i'm not up to speed on european politics but would anyone describe the governments of norway, sweden finland denmark switzerland and ROI as reckless right wing populists?
  4. What so she can go round without a mask infecting vulnerable people! I think not reckless toarry
  5. Best just get him put down. Don’t want to catch the sniffly wifflys now do we
  6. When this is truly over , it’s going to come out in the wash that lockdowns, and the insistence that ALL cases of covid must be avoided as much as possible( not just those at risk), caused more harm than the virus itself. Getting unwell is a fact of life
  7. I'm going to guess that for places that will likely still demand them (such as care homes for visits) your going to have to pay borris' mates out your own pocket rather than from your taxes for the privalidge
  8. a play off win against hartley then a final against dunfermline to relegate the c***s will have made the last 4 years entirely worthwhile
  9. I think they've delayed the framework thingy to wait and see what others are doing, that way they can save face without looking like they're backpeddling
  11. Ps the polis were just in tescos and never said a dickie bird to me or any of the other maskless shoppers - I don’t wear a lanyard or anything Just stop wearing it and it will get abandoned the same as all the other lockdown measures that everyone gave up on before they were officially lifted Shitebag if ye dinny
  12. Nah, masks will go. Last year England was a bit of an outlier in Europe for removing them, but now more and more countries are doing so. I doubt we’ll be the last country in Europe to get rid of them. The spannish have a right hard on for them and that’s who my moneys on
  13. Exactly! Why the f**k should there even be “sides” in this, different opinions yes but same goal ultimately
  14. I wonder if it was a labour government doing the exact same with binning masks and restrictions in the uk , would the right wing press and commetry be opposing them? Daily express calling the government “ hopeless wishy washy liberals putting peoples “right” ahead of the public health “ and how it was time we “ had a proper lockdown with the police and ar brave boys out enforcing it to keep us safe”, and masks at all times “ just like the bloody blitz innit!”
  15. I really wonder what the psychology behind this is for these people, yes you could easily accuse the p&b cigar smokers as being overwhelmingly biased to anything optimistic in a desperate attempt for this to be over, fair enough But who the f**k want ls to believe this is a disaster for ever and ever? Do they not realise that sickness and death are a simple fact of life? Is it simply a case of right wing governments say black so left wing commentators argue white? I do think that for some c***s that covid is like snow , an excuse not to do things that they didn’t want to but felt obliged to go along with and they would like to keep it that way
  16. What is all this pish about keeping windaes open etc? Are we seriously suggesting that it’s so essential to avoid a glorified cold that we abandon all common sense? We give buildings ratings on how well the hold in heat yet we are supposed to just undo all of that to avoid the sniffly wifflys ? Come on tae f**k! Last year c***s were lying down on motorways to campaign for better insulation and were telling folk to open windows and cut holes in doors This is mental
  17. how fuckin tedious is this c**t btw ^^^^^^
  18. I read the case last night, BIB - why wouldn't that count as corroboration for the criminal evidence? after all that was the only thing that could have been contested as their was physical evidence that goodwillie had had sex with her
  19. ease of the the mcdonalds then hen ( cup in the pic!)
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