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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. That's the isle of man just binned mask wearing and social distancing. the likes of Australia may have gotten a bit jittery with their lockdown in perth over 1 case but they too had been able to enjoy the old normal for many months. it's good news for the rest of us, because the more countries that allow normality to return , the more people will begin to demand it here. They won't be able to use the " it's the same everywhere else" line any more
  2. I know right? I was out earlier because the rules don’t apply to me , and you want to have seen how many people were out walking! Just who do they think they are they should STAY HOME
  3. Captain tom in hospital with covid now, you couldn’t write this shit
  4. Business owners make up a massive block of the torries core support. They really need to have this mess all forgotten about by the time the next election comes round, which is obviously still ages away. But if they are no longer moderately wealthy small buisness owners then they might have to vote for generous state handouts or UBI next time round
  5. I don’t get it either, we started lockdown 3 months earlier, have better treatment and vaccines. Why the f**k would we be in a disaster in the summer? All this goalpost shifting is going to play into the hands of conspiracy theorists
  6. Things to remember 1. Devi doesn’t work for the Scottish or uk government 2. Leitch and co simply take the data they know, calculate how much x permitted activities cause y number of cases and therefore z number of hospitalisations. Give estimates of what wee packages of measures will have on the overall picture and for how long They don’t concern themselves with the economy or social impacts . Thing is when they get interviewed they don’t say that When asked how long will current restrictions need to last they say “estimate around 6months to get to sustained low levels where elemimation is possible “. They don’t add on at the end” but really the government will intervene some time between now and then and accept a higher number a tradeoff” So by listening to them you’re really only getting half the story
  7. It’s a bit meh from me I didn’t start working my office job until early autumn this year when they got the go ahead to return part time . I had been working physically at the workplace all the way through the first wave ( same company just different job) In September , the difference in behaviours between the office staff Who by then had been WFH for 5 months , and us who had been out the whole time ( and were in an environment where social distancing wasn’t possible) was absolutely night and day . For us who worked through the lockdown it was almost like work was this wee island where the pandemic didn’t exist wheras they were busy sanitising every 2 seconds and being paranoid about the 2 metre rule. Anyway the first we while was ok. My new job still sort of needs a physical presence so we went to work 2 days a week and WFh the other 3 . In September time it was actually ok coupled with the relative freedom we had back then. From the circuit breaker untill after the new year we were WFH every day and it got pretty tedious after a few weeks Now we’re back part time again but it’s pish either way, the office is less than a 3rd full . You’re sat miles apart from everyone and you need to wear a mask every time you get up to make tea or go for a pish , however it does ,if nothing else, give you a bit of social time with people, just anyone really from outside your household.
  8. When you drive to Glasgow make sure you turn the heater on and open the windows fully
  9. Fuckin right! We always said therd be a day or reckoning for the auld no voters
  10. My partner doesn’t have any family members living in the uk . Her parents are in their mid 60s so I’m not expecting them to go any time soon but nevertheless the longer we leave it the less chances we’ll have Of course back in the day when you emigrated you only saw your family once every 10 years or never again sometimes. It did feel like the world was much smaller now and things were different. It’ll be what it’ll be
  11. quarantine travellers from the rest of the uk in a hotel in Dumfries imagine the SEEEEEETHE!
  12. ffs we don't even tell people to stay in their homes when "thurs been a murder"
  13. 18, science says this is definetly ok and theres no need to ask any questions
  14. the public- we want the grown up conversation you were telling us about , we want to be able to make our own choices we know the risks but we need to live our lives also the public - you did nothing to stop the virus from spreading, MURDERERS!
  15. how does it benefit the government to keep us locked down unnecessarily ? which is what you and others are suggesting. that the government push a negative agenda in order to justify restriction that are not required? why? they are paying for everything whilst everything is shut down
  16. looks like hotel quarantine or proper quarantine as i'd call it is coming, big question - why now? who waits till we're almost the worst in the world before we stop folk coming in? the fucking useless tories that's who! let's just wait until no c**t actually wants to come here before we put in a costly protection system. a big well done to all involved!
  17. what we call poverty in this country is simply not having the disposable income that the majority of people do, absolute poverty where your income is not enough to cover the most basic essentials , food, clothing, electricity /gas, communications , shelter & tax ( the last 2 are most often waived by means of benefits and credit in cases where the persons situation warrents applying for help) is very rare in the uk, it does exist but it is not as widespread as people make out. There are a number of factors why someone might slip through the cracks and fall from standard first world poverty to genuinely struggling to feed themselves and keep the lights on, the most common of which is when people with severe vulnerabilities are treated as tho they are any other person and just need to pull their socks up when they are in fact not capable of handling budgets and responsabilitys On paper the uk welfare system should make absolute poverty non existant , but it needs to be properly managed
  18. when the government publish that icu figures have decreased, do they count people going out in boxes in that reduction? yesterday was a sunday so expect tomorows cases to be higher, but those are the best numbers for weeks now
  19. Probably going to change the way people view health in general. A few years back maybe 5 or so i was in work with what started out as a cough but half way through the shift i felt like utter shite. Spoke about going home and was mwt with och dinny be such a poof it’s just the cauld! Up until covid the attitude of employers was that you should come in unless physically unable to do your job
  20. Probably so the public don’t demand a return to the tiers, they might say “we were at Tier x in October when our cases and hospital capacity was the same as now so put us back”. Now the government cwn say ah but this is 30% more deadly But todd is right this will backfire massively on these clowns because they can’t think of anything more than the immediate consequences. Side effects don’t cross their mind
  21. Yes, most policies stopped covering pandemics after sars. c***s that they are
  22. Everybody keeps going on about masks but remember we got the first wave down to single figures mostly without them
  23. The option is to keep doin what they’re doing by reviewing every few weeks
  24. Are you bobby williamson? The HR department where i work have been WFH since march. They work only on computers, they do only what they’re rules a guideline templates say they can do. They work from a script if you call them to resolve an issue. If you need them to deviate from protocol it takes senior management to get involved. Other than racist people demanding to “ speak to someone in England please” what’s the difference?
  25. How so they recon less deaths if accelerated?
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