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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. To you and Elixr in one, i don't agree with it either. once a vaccine turns this from potentially life threatening pneumonia into the sniffles, or better just snuffs it out alltogether then i think ALL restrictions should be binned as soon as reasonably possible, I don't care if aunty Ann isny feelin well wae the covid , we don't shut the country down for unpleasantness. However, the scottish government are terrified of getting this badly wrong with everything spiraling out of control, they haven't done well so far but have looked better compared to the english and some other euopeans. At the moment the majority of any backlash is coming from folk who take the view of "wee nippy says black i'll fuckin say white WATP" they weren't going to vote snp anyway.of all those who do, who are they going to switch to at the election ? labour? they take an equally shitebaggish view on covid restrictions. the only other option is the tories and it would take some turn around for all those snp supporters to switch sides . Even if VT's imaginary army of snippy parents are still annoyed the schools ur oaf and we've goat them 2 in the hoose wi us every day Sorry lads, lets no get our hopes up
  2. Aye and no. Experience says England opened up too early last time round but that was without a vaccine. I wouldn’t be suprised if we followed England by at leas 3 weeks again and probably longer before indoor household socialising is allowed again
  3. Had to laugh when you see the subs sitting 2m apart with masks on yet you can have man marking, shoulder challenges and walls when you’re on
  4. Pressleys football was short lived and turned on for the cameras. Yes played out from the back and passed it on the deck but other than that it was very negative, " conservative" on a good day, it was all about not giving away possession , even if that meant passing from the edge of the box back & back again until we were deep in our own half. Sure, it was mostly because we couldn't defend worth a f**k, remember how many goals we conceded straight after scoring? probably scoring itself was seen as a risk in his eyes since the other team get the ball straight after conceding! even when we were a goal down with minutes to go we would still try to walk it in the net . The league cup run & farids goals gave us the false belief that we were on the cusp of something big, we weren't . it's just that even as recently as 10 years ago simply not punting it up to the big man was seen as revolutionary in Scotland
  5. Good grief Harold we just want to get the poor old dears vaccinated
  6. Also as has been covered, plenty of absolute steaming shite from all of the "great" musical decades . What does P&B think was the best song released in 2015?
  7. YES/NO. Goths don't like anything that normal people do, out emo's/ moshers and other teenage rock music fans , plenty like football & some are half decent players too. But nowhere near as many of them do as compared to a similar sized group of neds or indie/ oasis fans
  8. few issues with this, 1. I've yet to be challenged by the cops at any time since this started for any reason 2. "no officer I wasn't doing something non essential, I'm outside for exercise which is unlimited both in duration and frequency 3. no officer I'm a carer for mr smith in some pretty seaside town, I'm not just going for a jolly 4. no officer I'm a carer for my parents , I'm not just going for a cup of tea and a blether TL;DR rules = unenforcable
  9. Depends where the scientists draw the line, I've heard from people who still feel very tired and get out of breath long after the infection has passed, whilst this is not ideal it is not having a huge impact on their life. I have also heard from others who are still having serious debilitating conditions leaving them unable to work or enjoy any kind of normal life at all. both of these could both be defined as long covid or post covid syndrome but there is only one which gives me the fear
  10. said enough times, live life safely like it's 2019 at home with almost zero foreign travel. most people would bite your hand off right now. after a year they would get pissed off that they cant go to Tenerife , but if Tenerife has 24/7 mask wearing , curfews and bars and clubs closed then they wouldn't want to go anyway
  11. It does seem we have been conditioned an ever stronger nanny state which I think has been the biggest downside of the snp's time in power . is there cultural reasons why this is somehow necessary? because it surely can't be popular. For instance is there a greater percentage of scots who take the attitude that unless they are directly prevented from doing something they will do whatever they want regardless ? you do see examples of this with neds taking large carry outs to places which are also popular with young families and causing bother, does such a thing not happen in Germany of Lithuania?
  12. if this country becomes an outlier in terms of post vaccine restrictions vs countries with similar % of population vaccinated and levels of hospitalisations and deaths then you would think that the public would for instance see football crowds ands pubs in Europe and begin to demand the same be permitted here? surely tae f**k right?
  13. Does Sweden have curbs on indoor house gatherings?
  14. The American capitalist ideology of - excel in life or get f**k all , helps bring out the best in people who have the brains and energy . Many of those same people in this country would just coast through life in mediocrity despite being capable of better , in much the same way that some players settle for being the big man at the old firm instead of taking their career as far as possible. It's the getting f**k all part if you fail that's a bit harsh
  15. You won't be saying that when the cost of the extra staff is absorbed into the price of that tasty fresh pint now will you?
  16. I do sympathise a wee bit tho, back in march there was still some home that this could be a short term thing and would blow over after a few months, now we know it's a long haul they want to keep the economy ticking over so we don't have to rebuild the entire thing from scratch next year
  17. dunno if been said before but it would surely be ok just to change it to an 18 game season now? it doesn't effect the sporting equality since everyone will have played home and away and no one is given an advantage. Assuming they get the go ahead to resume at some point
  18. the difference with this, as opposed to say proving you are over 18 in order to buy alcohol , is because exemptions are for medical reasons. In the uk under an equalities act you are not obliged to disclose any of your medical information , those who wish to view your information need your written permission to do so, Your can in certain circumstances, Eg sickness from employment or for disability help , be asked to provide evidence but something like a shop has no right to ask you Shops were specifically told not to challenge individuals on mask use, exactly the opposite of the stance on alcohol where sellers are directly responsible for upholding the law
  19. I mostly drink coffee at work but still refer to the occasion as a "tea break"
  20. So you can die of anything so long as it's not covid then? Arsehole
  21. Also Christmas shopping = ok, schools when cases were shooting up = ok, Christmass dinner = ok Going for a walk by yourself without a mask = woah youv got blood on your hands
  22. Exactly, i'm not aiming this anger at any posters , there are precious few pleasures at this most miserable time, why do they NEED to f**k up one of the few that's still allowed?
  23. why not put a sticky plaster on a gunshot wound then? it makes no fucking difference if i'm out walking on my jack jones. I don't enjoy wearing one, I can put up with it for the time required to get in and out of supermarkets etc but f**k right off , something as simple as going for a bit of fresh air and you need to put those awfull things over your nose and motuh. I won't be doing it f**k off
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