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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. Aye, i will take the vaccine but this shit about needing to show that i have done so or effectively be forced to live off the grid can get tae, that’s not how we should ever be thinking about doing things in a free country
  2. Who knows, anything to get away from this fucking runaway train chat will do
  3. I disagree, I think most of us on here and the public at large would have been seething if we had shutdown borders and lockdown the country over 2 dozen cases in northern Italy. hindsight is 2020 ( haha get it!) but it would have been met with outrage if we had just gone ahead and done that, perhaps it would have saved us a world of grief tho, the 2nd part tho I think you've hit the nail on the head, they wouldn't want to be the ones who panicked and massively over reacted given that, as has been stated many times, these measures have serious adverse effects in their own right! history says they waited until it was too late . Also the same public/ p&bers who demand the lifting of restriction are calling the government murderers over the death rate ( care homes not withstanding)
  4. JTS998 called it with great accuracy only a few pages in, the long incubation period was the elephant in the room this time last year, checking temperatures on folks foreheads was and still is like trying to put a fire out with a water pistol
  5. walk out the off license onto the street where you can't drink, into the station where you can't drink, get blootered on the train then off the other end to the street where you can't drink, into the fitbaw grund where you can't drink, pop into the bookies where you can't drink. decide your hungry and need a substantial meal?
  6. yeah there is much of this going on, especially middle aged c***s on facebook! I don't mind my work, your unlikely to be best mates with every single person you work with. if you are someone who thinks that you are somehow different from all your co-workers because they are all idiots or they are all arseholes then I've got bad news for you i'm afraid
  7. I agree, but things like outsourcing are business decisions, no UK trade union has that much clout to be able to influence that
  8. sorry to be mister doom but be careful what you wish for, the post covid business world could be the most cut throat ever seen, if a job can be done from another country then it can be done by someone from another country, there are over a 100 million people in Asia, Africa and the Caribbean who speak English as either their first language or are 100% fluent in it and they are well educated . cash strapped companies may end up decided to outsource many or all of there operation that do not require a physical presence at the worksite in the uk or wherever else. I can't for the life of me think why big bad companys will suddenly just let their first world staff swan about like gap year students when they could have 5 Indians working 12 hour days for the same price. maybe some will who knows, I think yes are dreamin!
  9. I think people have a slight worry in the back of their mind, you have some fringe scientist who seem ever more single minded than devi , who have made some extreme suggestions like masks and distancing will go on potentially for the rest of our lives and things like crowded dancefloors and gatherings may never again be permitted, that's not the view of the mainstream of course but these nutters do get some air time, as do manic facebook posters who say " the only time you'll see the old way of life is in movies" or even this minority report style shite about needing proof of vaccination just to not live off the grid! now when you couple that with the feeling that when you are in the middle of something like this , it feels never ending. it's easy to see how rational people can become quite anxious
  10. I did think once what if this had happened even 20 years ago? we stil had the internet, mobile phones and 24 hour news but not to the extent of today, would they have done far less in terms of shutting down the economy because you couldn't have worked from home with dial up? would they have allowed everyone to go to work as normal to keep things ticking over? who knows , as much as I never liked the c**t I recon tony blairs 2000 government might have handled this different
  11. But hold on a minute SOME people had to go and fight in the world wars and all you had to do was stay in the house and watch tv, how dare you complain! also as a "key" worker i'm not tired exhausted or needing clapped for, although I don't work in medical care so maybe that's why! but i'm quite glad that I still get to go into work, yes i'm at more risk of catching the virus but it also helps break up the time and gives a few hours each day when you don't feel like your in a lockdown.
  12. common sense isn't common, that's the biggest problem relying on it. The worlds biggest failure of this pandemic has been our inability or rational thought
  13. aye I also know what you mean,but lets say a country has vaccinated 85% of it's citizens with a sterilising immunity jab, in that case why should they be worried about a handful of people coming from abroad who have had a lesser one, their own people are protected regardless?
  14. Lads I think some of you are overthinking this vaccine requirements stuff, If there are 2000 people at a standing gig at the barras jumping and dancing around together and 50 of them haven't had the vaccine. it won't matter . it's not that likely by that point that 1 in 50 people will have covid and if they do it's not likely that all 50 of them would be huddled together and if they were. well who cares because it's hardly going to put the NHS into a crises if 5 of them need to go to hospital. TL'DR if enough people are protected ( not everyone just enough to keep it at low levels) then it really is over as a public health crisis
  15. Plenty of people have a stick up their arse when it comes to using a bus " am no daein that av goat a car, buses are for tramps etc" but don't have the same attitude about trains
  16. So you think death is acceptable then do you? Well if you want to go to the pub that badly why don’t you pick a member of your family to die from covid then? Go on? Cause obviously it works exactly like that and lockdowns don’t have any adverse affects. Stop complaining , some people had to fight in a war and all we have to do is stay in the house and watch tv- and have every aspect of our life controlled by someone else yknow like c***s in the jail do! For all the Facebook maws get alot of stick I’m glad theres at least a chunk of society who aren’t just sitting cowering about a scary virus out there and people are dying! Yes a pandemic is more extreme than the usual set of circumstances but the devis of the world surely can’t be in the majority even within their field can they? Disease and death have always been a part of life itself? I am one of that most hated groups of people, a cyclist, if you were to ban all motor vehicles from the road then the chances of me getting killed in an accident would be around 1% of what they are normally. Would anyone think that is worthwhile ? Would they say “ if it saves one life then do it” would they f**k and rightly so becuase it’s nonsense. Risk is a part of the game. Staying indoors and living like we are now is not risk free, you simply move the risk to something else Tl,DR I’m fed up , get this tae f**k as soon as reasonable practical
  17. That’s what I’ve been saying, we don’t shut life down to a standstill because folk arny feelin well
  18. All the new towns and new estates in the uk that were built with that awful prefab concrete are the same. Who in their right mind thought that having a rabbit warren of enclosed out of sight alleyways in the middle of a built up area was anything but a terrible idea ? Even if not dangerous it looks shit
  19. It’s the year 2072, a group of lads head out on the town to celebrate the youngest one turning 18. As they sit at the table in the pub they all turn to the birthday boy “ looks like it’s your turn to buy the scotch egg for the table” get tae f**k , whits the point! He replies “ well we canny start the sesh till someone orders the food, it’s your 18th! It’s tradition! Just dae it ffs!
  20. Maybe they're just being careful with their words incase they then get it used against them " you said we widny need masks by now and could have big pairtys you lied!" But it does seem as tho they are being a bit too careful not to say " well obviously at some point in time we will have completely reverted back to the 2019 way of life, from then on things like WFH is between you and your employer blady blah, but we just can't really put even a rough time on it with so many unknowns right now- does that answer your question todd? " Thing is the SNP are a bit of a nanny state party, part of me wonders if they think that if they drag out the covid restrictions harder and longer than necessary , then the public will accept freedoms of less than what they used to take for granted simply because they're so fed of living under enhanced covid measures? that's the tactic of professional negotiators - to ware people down by dragging things out forever. the snp could be looking at the side effects of lockdown and think ; we could use this to meet our climate change and CO2 targets, to reduce alcohol comsumption, to reduce road congestion, etc I don't know, lets just hope its the top part
  21. Test , trace, truncheon to face an whole family off to the concentration camp. that ought to do the trick
  22. maybe one for unpopular opinons? lockdowns, shutdowns , closures and travel bans all have very serious adverse effects in their own right, when considering one or all of those measures at any time during a situation like this you have ask the question, is this response proportionate to what we know this virus is capable of? For the most part I can sort of forgive them for not getting a lot of it right. But the care homes just sticks out like a sore thumb, discharging patients into a carehome the it was already known as far back as late January that; the elderly were the most at risk, there was a long incubation period that would not show up in a test That asymptomatic persons could spread the disease Those suffering degenerative cognitive diseases would not understand the need for physical distancing or increased hygiene nor would they necessary be capable of practicing it in any case how could there not be any checks and balances or risk assessments against the order to " clear hospitals of bed blocking elderly patients" That is a serious flaw in the operations of the public health protocols
  23. In other news the cases over the last 3 days do seem to be coming down, it's usually less over the weekend but even satrudays wasn't horrific . if theres no big jump up tomorrow it would be nice to think we've turned a corner
  24. I wish people would stop thinking that it's the weather that directly drives infections re- seasonality. it's about how much time you spend indoors where the virus does the bulk of it's spreading. People in roasting hot countries don't all head to the park with a carry out when it's 35 degrees for the 50th day in a row. Only folk from cold damp cloudy places like here do that, where hot weather is the norm they minimise their time in the sun. and there's also things like monsoons like you mention . There's also cultural differences too, in some places it's quite rare to be invited into another persons home whereas in others it's the number one means of socialising , as well as differences in how people work across different countries. for instance in many countries in latin America Africa or the Caribbean there is no such thing as furlough or even a dole for the unemployed. simply shutting everything down and telling the staff to stay in their homes isn't an option for some
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