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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. this can only be acceptable if the "levels" are far less restrictive than last year . Needing under 50 cases to leave your local authority in the middle of july? get tae f**k . The vast majority of rules can't be enforced en mass so forced business closures aside many more people will just say f**k it and do as they please, just as they are now when it comes to covid vs independence, a lot of people could look at whats happening hear and in the republic of Ireland where they are talking about mid july before any real loosening, and are actualy using police roadbocks to keep people in line. plenty folk could see that and think well if this is what independence looks like then you can stick it up your arse
  2. The Brazilian foreign office has advised against all travel to falkirk, just in case
  3. I thought that too, i wonder if it will be even worse in countries that have forced mask wearing outdoors, no exercise during lockdowns and all that shit.
  4. All opinions aside, I wouldn’t mind making some sunshine with wee devi
  5. Are we talking about a massive increase or just a general upward trend?
  6. It really all depends on personal circumstances. I’m supposed to be learning from more experienced co workers, not easy when we’re all in out pwn homes. Also harder to get stuff done in the home environment and my partner doesn’t seem to understand that I’m expected to do the same amount of work as I would in the office, I’ve been doing blended office and wfh for months now yet she frequently refers to my wfh days as “ days off” and often wants my attention, and not in a good way either [emoji31]
  7. Purely anecdotal evidence here but at my workplace the majority of staff don’t like working from home & certainly don’t want to do it 5 days a week permanently, most would accept blended tho
  8. hospital admissions will surely nosedive with that few over 65's getting it
  9. 75 plus skews heavily towards women, is it because they spend so much time yapping in the supermarket or because most of the men don't live to be that auld?
  10. I can’t wait to describe falkirk as cigaring it against the who ever we’re playing that day
  11. I wouldn’t book a holiday to any destination that has mandatory masks outdoors, curfews, restrictions on hospitality etc Why bother? I’d rather just wait till this is over tbh
  12. Why would a business demand a system that might exclude customers? Why would they get sued if someone catches covid on their premises? A business isn’t held responsible for a customer catching a respiratory infection from another customer
  13. Vaccine passports are a shite idea on their own but the mere mention of tony blair should be enough to get it to f**k
  14. TODAYS UPDATE 869 cases of heads gone 1000 are currently rattled 98 on verge of tiers
  15. on that note, party at mine on Saturday lads, no one to raid us if we get philpy'd
  16. Perhaps we've all just had enough of severe social isolation, of not being able to do very much. this whole economy vs lives is a load of shite. far too simplistic, lockdowns have serious adverse side affects on health and wellbeing, morale was at an all time low this month. there comes a point when you just have to get on with it. that doesn't make me a tory for saying that
  17. The amount of hours of my life i lost last year trying to calm my hysterical partner was outrageous As soon as the china news started ramping up then onto Italy she was convinced it meant certain death and the end of society
  18. Folk on here often bring up pozbairds lockdown trip with his wife as if it’s something worthy of outrage I couldn’t give the slightest f**k and it’s beyond me how anyone else could. Utterly insignificant in the spread of covid if 2 people from the same household go to the same place If you haven’t bent or broke the rules regularly I suggest you get a life
  19. For the first time ever we haven’t been given this post covid new normal bollox . Thank f**k indeed
  20. If I’m on the dancing no c**t will cone near me
  21. There’s definitely a game of poker going on between them. Each one desperately needs the other to f**k up disastrously whilst also making sure they don’t do so themselves If sturgeon keeps us locked down while they open up, there won’t be a resurgence of cases here but thats the only guarantee. If there is a surge in England that forces boris to backpedal then her gambles paid off and she looks the competent one If there isn’t then she sacrificed alot for nothing and won’t be popular as patience will finally run out- but that won’t affect her election prospects
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