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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. i'm glad there's plenty others joining in with this view point now. those who talk like covid is just a minor inconvenience because they never done anything anyway will surely get quieter as the rest of society grow more restless and impatient! lets all sing together in chorus! "All we say is get this tae f**k!"
  2. so would you get a refund on your 200 odd quid ticket , assuming you'd need to go home and isolate? would you buy a ticket knowing it was out of your hands if you could get in? Keep in mind up until last year , if you were sick, but physically well enough to get out and about, no one stopped you
  3. what? the average age of glasto goers in recent years will all be vaccinated by now or be dead! it aint no T in the park
  4. BASTURT! You beat me to it ! I can imagine them sitting in their meetings going "ocht bloody football and alcohol I tell ye if we just shut them down and keep them shut we'd sort this mess of a country right oot! " when I was 5 years old I fell of my bike and skint both my knees, my hysterical maw wanted there to be "nae mare bike!" until my dad thankfully stepped in and telt her to simmer the f**k doon
  5. Yes. I don't even go to the pub, I'm not a drinker. I'm very much tired of all this pish as I enjoy social interaction . Death is a part of life. it's not enough for us just to be alive , we need to live
  6. I said already , reading this forum you would hardly believe that Scottish pubs have been in decline for some 30 odd years now, you'd think all we did was go to the pub . what happened to all those rural pubs once they stopped turning a blind eye to drunk driving? half of them gone. What happened to all those pishy hovels with the same dozen auld men nursing a pint for 2 hours after the smoking ban? gone! What is it they are suggesting is going to happen long term? and by long term how long do they mean? No large groups or partys? wedding? ever? No standing at the bar? no interacion with those not at your table? No music & dancing? ever? no standing in front of the big screen? Theres no way THAT many places can operate by simply turning into low ish end restaurants with a large selection of draft beer and "pub grub" food, that's an already massively over subscribed market. Also we have seen from countries where going out is prohibitively expensive that people simply switch to doing the majority of their socialising at home which 1, they can't keep prohibited forever and 2, they can't really enforce anyway TL'DR get new normal tae f**k In fact. something we all understand. many of us have spent time on this forum lamenting the taylor report for how it changed the experience of going to watch football irreversably. modern newly built standard stadiums like ours at falkirk, make for a much less enjoyable matchday experience than there far more basic predesessors . now granted many clubs had allowed their grounds to fall into such a poor state that they were no longer safe or suitable to host large crowds. but many were forced to scrap areas which were hugely popular with supporters and replace them with facilities which were not wanted ( most old grounds already had seated areas for those who wanted that) So ask yourself, is this what you want for hospitality and entertainment X10 ?
  7. What is it with fifers and wanting a version of black mirror or minority report to become reality? f**k off wi that , ken ae
  8. Shocking! They should put them all on lockdo... oh wait?
  9. If you want to then crack on, but it shouldn't be a law if it's no longer necessary
  10. Just fuelling conspiracy theories whenever they come out with shit like that. On a more real world point would it not be against GDPR to demand such a thing on a regular and ongoing basis, your medical information is legally confidential and you shouldn’t be asked to disclose day to day
  11. The football team no longer get embarrassed at the site of drunken middle aged fannies in kilts and gelngarrys everytime the look at the stand Would be quite off putting
  12. It doesn’t matter, there’s a simple fact is that they can’t just keep burning money forever. In any case they don’t want to keep restrictions in place forever, they don’t want to get so far along the road then have to turn back again
  13. Maybe they’re just back to using Facebook data with all those auld c***s who still have the stay home sticker in their profile picture from last March
  14. it was later admitteded by both goverments that once a day was simply a guiline and wasn't backed up by law
  15. Having read this forum you simply wouldn't believe that pubs in this country had been facing years if not decades of declining trade with many going out of business or having to completely turn their business model on it's head from drinking dens to glorified low end restaurants just to survive. yep looks like we live for going to the pub don't we!
  16. You are fuckin terrible sir, the poor c**t is clearly ill and has a yoing family who must be worried. But I couldn’t help but let out a loud laugh when i read that, I had to lie and say my mates sent me a dirty joke on whatsapp as my mrs would kill me if she found out the truth
  17. Exactly, the word is fucking sadact! Stop americanising everything dude
  18. Noticed superbigal hasn’t gave us any credit for starting to turn in the right direction, Fife c**t
  19. You knew what he meant tho? It’s a very lazy generalisation, it also happens on the east- east coast means Edinburgh and fife only Instead of just calling them east and west central Scotland which is more accurate, and further adds to the annoyance that centrap belters( and especially weegies) act like the rest of Scotland doesn’t exist) But what can you do?
  20. Yes, think it’s pretty well accepted that when most people & the media too describe the “west coast “ they’re talking about the densely populated areas of greater glasgow and ayreshire and not the literal west coast of hundreds of miles of very thinly populated, mostly mountainous land
  21. Make no bones about it, that wasn’t a great performance
  22. If it was permanent working from home I think I’d look for another job, i only started an office based job in September. I actually quite enjoy the social contact with others and we definitely get more done when we’re all sitting together. There’s also for me the part about trying to learn from people with experience which has been pretty sparse when we’re at home It’s a no from me
  23. What? I was expecting my well thought out proposals to be brought up at the daily meetings! Since I’m not privvy to real decision making my guess is that once thr vaccines ramp up and cases keep falling ( due to the lockdown). They have to be reasonable confident they know what’s going to happen with the A R number and B what that means for serious illness and pressure on the health service. In order to do this it’s going to have to be done in small increments where they still have overall control. I think they’re terrified about having to dail back restrictions a second time after last year’s opening up looked like it was going well for the first couple months. It’s not really in anyone’s benefit to keep this going in the long term
  24. None of the major parties have any noticeable differences on covid restrictions including labour abd the torries who as we know are in power in wales and England respectively. Actually come to think of it i think labour might actually be worse
  25. Hospital numbers went down quite a bit today, granted many of them would have left in a box but it does finally look like new admissions are slowing down
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