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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. FFS with this and all the other shite theyv manged since the start of this , i'm sure if you listen carefully you can hear all the 3rd world countries we used to sneer at laughing at us
  2. oohh you mean like a hundred?? nah I know what you mean, the government have been propping up Prestwick for years due to it being in a bit of an unemployment hotspot so theres no way they want the headlines " the snp took oor airport away! " but perhaps money will become an issue and they have to pick their favourate
  3. Well that's us all fucked in that case, but since your in a Greenwich especially you! what is your union saying about this nonsense?
  4. A recent oil industry presentation predicts that 2 or even possibly 3 of the 5 "proper " airports in Scotland could close due to covid, one will almost certainly be Prestwick and inverness the other, if it's a prolonged and extreme downturn then one of either Glasgow or Edinburgh could go with the offshore and Northern isles flights keeping Aberdeen secure
  5. Yeah, I think we are one of the most restrictive in Europe when it comes to indoor household visits
  6. Most of the time yes but not always. The problem is if a virus is on the extreme end of contagious then even a very low IFR will still cause huge numbers
  7. I remember when that was seen as a left wing radical hippy type of activity, oh how times have changed!
  8. That was kinda what I meant tho, whilst not actualy banning standing outright it could force many venues with standing room to convert to all seater or be kept closed. big money places like the hydro won't be affected but smaller places would have to make the choice. I don't think 5 days will make much difference, we had home socialising allowed all summer, the schools will be off during xmas so that should counter any jump from household transmissions
  9. Apologies for triple posting! what you're saying makes sense but in that case the entire national tier system is redundant, you have 5 tiers with pre set criteria, but very few places actually have the tier which their criteria says they should, and even if they do they are not allowed the full range of liberties which their tier says they should have. Area X qualifies for tier one, but you can't have that because it's a densly populated area close to other densly populated areas and we can't enforce any of the rules so no. area Y should really be in a higher tier but it's the only large ish town in a mostly rural area with no hotspots for many miles so as you were. In other words, we realised we'd made a c**t of the tier system before we even rolled it out and are now trying to backpeddle as subtly as possible to save face.
  10. a quick google search shows that as of Friday our cases were 79 per 100l, that puts us at the lower end of tier 2, if we get chucked back into tier 3 after only one week then the entire system if even more of a farce than it already looks like.
  11. just incase you wanted any more new normal pish, some people within the live entertainment industry think that this could be a sort of taylor report for them , Some are of the opinion that all seated events are the only ones which will get permission in the forseable future. grim if true
  12. Isnt that one the daddy one that will actually make this go away?
  13. i'm still reliving the childhood trauma of visiting a dozen fucking shops whilst ma parents decided on a new washing machine, 10 minutes online, pick the one, get it from the cheapest site, get it delivered. fuckin hell, why would anyone want to lose a whole day to that
  14. A grown up conversation would be along the lines of " well obviously if there's a big supermarket or park just across the road from you then of course you can nip along even if your passing a council boundary sign , what we're really trying to say to you is don't be getting in the car and driving a long way to either visit people or use services which are closed in your area, they are closed in your area for a reason so please don't make it necessary to close things far away by bringing the virus to them, y'know it's really all about trying to keep disruption to a minimum " Cue the headlines in the sun "STURGEON FURTHER CONFUSES TRAVEL GUIDLINES WITH ENDLESS LIST OF EXEMPTIONS!" that's why
  15. aye am not buying this overly black and white VT stance of "the schools must stay open otherwise moaning faced parents won't vote snp because they didn't want to look after their kids" that is surely a load of pish and whilst there are undoubtable a number of parents who have children then go on to not put them first and shove them off to anywhere that'll take them off their hands , which in most cases are schools , I simply don't believe that they exist in enough numbers to swing and miss an election, champ
  16. Funny thing is that we actually teach children from a young age that you won't get in big big trouble for making a mistake, but you will if you keep on denying that you've made one and try to cover your tracks by telling lies!
  17. Why not just be confident for once? Not you personally i mean everyone? To me we really look like we will open up some daylight soon. Is that the case or do falkirk tv edit the highlights to flatter us? Genuine question as I haven’t watched a full 90 this season
  18. It’s quite possible that both stories are true at the same time. He might well be a plastic paddy who took an Ireland flag to parkhead yet played for Scotland if he had been called up and played in the squad, given how young he was when he made the first team at celtic , he should have been called up. The same goes for young dembele if he becomes a first team starter. If the player choses to decline then fair enough there’s no more Scotland can do but at least they asked.
  19. Putting the reasons why to one side, those 2 were the biggest loss to our squad . With them included i think mcgeady would have made the difference in 2007 where we would have qualified for the euros and possibly even progressed at the tournament such was the momentum with the squad at that time. I also believed we would have made the 2010 world cup too. George burley and craig levein could have made spain or Germany pish if they had been in charge of them so no change in the 2012 and beyond fortunes but we would have had a much smaller gap between tournaments and wouldn’t have to wait till the tournaments were expanded from their old 16 & 32 formats the new pretty much anyone who is free that summer and wants to come along set up. It just wasn’t to be. Only fuckin Scotland eh
  20. nobody cares weather or not someone is a Marxist. nobody ever did, until black lives matter came along . it wouldn't look awfully good to just boo, violently counter protest and constantly whinge about anti racism activist who are black, so there has to be something about them worthy of abuse because we are not racist y'know Remember all the neds who used to go around picking fights with people when you were at school? They always came with a ready made story about how to person they wanted to fight had done something worthy of provocation , "you touched my burd, you said something to my mate etc etc", otherwise they would just be a bully and would be looked upon as such. this is just the same
  21. Aiden McGeady Celtic and Ireland - YouTube Here, not only do they talk about it but theres also home video of young mcgeady wearing a republic of Ireland shirt whilst doing keepy uppys
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