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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. aye but if it were purely numbers we should be in tier 2, even for the circuit breaker we were way less than the other 4, the boundary between falkirk and Lanarkshire isn't all that built up, you might get folk from Cumbernauld/ Kilsyth coming to hear or stirling for a meal, but not on the lash. I am also in the larbert area and if I so wanted we could taxi over to Kincardine for an all day beergarden sesh in the same time it would take me to get to falkirk town centre
  2. Nobody in Lanarkshire is going to traipse through to falkirk to go for a pint in the pub, Nobody
  3. Especially if your ward ends up in a higher tier simple because it borders an area that actually merits it via numbers. For those truly out in the sticks it won’t really matter, when i lived in the middle of nowhere it was illegal for the pub to be open out-with their licensing hours or for people to drink and drive. No one bothered their arse
  4. People from Clackmannanshire are some of the most boggin c***s on the planet, I don't even mean that in jokey bantery football fan slagging their local neighbours kind of way, All pubs there should be permanently closed and a berlin type wall should be put up round about it, worse than fife In other news my P&B is adorned with jet 2 adverts, does this mean the vaccine stories are true?
  5. And do you think that your behaviour has been good enough to earn you a tier zero ? Hmm well do you?
  6. I think a bit of common sense is required here, from december to mid January its still pitch dark at 8 am . Under this year round scenario that would mean darkness till after 9 am and it dusk would still come at 5 pm . The reason we don’t change exactly on the equinox is becuase it’s spring and autumn where the most benefit from the shifting time is gained. We at our northern latitudes get both extremes of daylight and darkness so no amount of jiggery pokery will make much difference ( in summer it would be light at 3 instead of 4 , who cares) The thinking behind it is that any daylight before 6.30am is not much use for most people and would be better served in the evening when people are awake. On the last week in march before the clocks go forward dawn is around 6 and getting earlier each day so best to use that in the evening This morning it was around 8 and dark again at 6 so that’s about as late as you can leave it otherwise you’d be sacrificing your morning when the evening is already dark anyway. If you’re going to school or work in Scotland , one of your journeys is going to be in the dark. Does anyone really want to have the first few hours of their day in darkness? Ps I’m a sad c**t who works shifts outdoor for years.
  7. I actually get the thinking behind it, it’s not fair if supermarkets can sell stuff that other shops that have been forced to close do. But thats all becuase with online retailing it’s just a farce. Having a full blown lockdown is also a farce
  8. Could he not just go to a Hamilton game in that case?
  9. It could only be a falkirk fan to start this . When we are back to normal ( the old normal with no SD) what is football attendances going to look like? Will there be a big rush to get back ? Or with such a long - getting longer - gap in this activity for many, will peoples habits and behaviour have changed ie they have filled the time with other activities and are now too busy to go back to games? Will tv amd internet broadcasts decide they quite like this new setup broadcasting every game? What do you think Same as before or better? Less than before ? Significantly less than before?
  10. Like arsene wenger said some years ago, its the champions league who need the big clubs not the other way round - when referring to possible bans for teams breaking FFP rules. Without the big hitters it’s just aek athens v rapin viena and so on The same goes for big leagues like the EPL they can hold a gun to their head and they will
  11. It’s totally understandable, they’ve had to jump through many more hoops than anyone else. Their hours are cut, their service is made inefficient and needs more staff, their capacity is cut plus many people don’t enjoy the covid going out experience and take an “ I’ll just wait till it’s back to normal “ approach which means many will have less customers than usual. It’s a lot of heavy hits to take and I fully believe they are being made scapegoats becuase they are easy targets
  12. We also heard in February that the symptoms were awful even for those who were just recovering at home, theres no way 1.3 million people in Scotland have had a c**t of a c***s flu. Nevertheless this virus is not dangerous because of its mortality rate or even it’s symptoms. It’s dangerous due to its sneakynes. Normally if one is suffering from a cold or flu they tend to stay away from those who they know catch everything going and end up very sick from it ( the elderly or vulnerable mostly) although personally i would still go my holidays on a plane unless i was too physically unwell to travel and i bet most of you would too so don’t lie ! it’s the long incubation period and asymptotic infectious nature of it that allows covid to get into every corner and find its way to those who will die from it. If it was just a case of contact = sick the next day then this would have went the way of swine flue and we’d be back at the football and the news would be all about brexit
  13. Noticed today the bbc reported that it was 11% positive of ALL tests carried out rather than new tests which was nearer 20% . Surely this is more accurate inany case because a positive test is a positive test, the fact that the same person has already had 10 negative ones in the past doesnt change that
  14. Fianly got round to watching Saturdays extended highlights , did they edit them to flatter us or are some on here just doing their usual " we were shite" line
  15. Whats the deal with the article on New Zealand? If you said to anyone in Europe now or earlier in the year you can have full normailty at home, in safety but with zero foreign travel ( incl no visits by friends or family from abroad ) most people would bite your hand of We are now at the point where are having the longest disruption to life since world war 2 we’re going backwards instead of forwards too, thousands dead and yet the economy is also fucked and travelling abroad is both impractical and un enjoyable that most people decide to give it a miss? Are we seriously suggesting that they ( New Zealand) got it wrong
  16. Ive heard stories about buses heading down to, the only way it could be any fun is if pubs turn a blind eye to the household rule and social distancing, which I’m guessing they are .This is exactly the kind of selfish shit that will see the rest of us get slapped with restrictions as a result
  17. Pretty much any indoor place thats not my own home since july yes. As have 90% of other people wherever I’ve been to . Cases have still went from almost zero to 1400 a day in that time . p***k
  18. Saw on the bbc about new face mask rules tomorrow, what else is left except making it anywhere anytime? Tbh wearing one outdoors in the park or whatever can GTF , putting a sticky plaster on a gunshot wound Don’t bite my head off BUT is it possible thay after 3 months of wearing masks indoors, that we can conclude they’re not going to make any difference outdoors
  19. “Too many people just aren’t following the rules thats why we’ve got these nee rules”. Is it f**k ! Theres no way a minority of people not wearing masks in the shop caused usto go from 2 a day to 1200 a day
  20. You’re spot on , todays “ baddys” are just immature kids in comparison to those who used to get folk riled up . Since we’re in this thread , I didn’t mind no8 all that much although he betrayed himself as a casual bigot at the least . Most of the time he just seemed like a guy who really loved rangers and couldn’t hear a bad word said about them
  21. Absolutely, for things like fives , dogging and other group activities there’s no way I’d want to go back to phoning and texting folk individually, although once you’re embedded into a group , whatsapp supersedes the need to scroll through other folks pish
  22. I must say you simply cannot beat the french when it cones to having a strike or protest. Do something we don’t like? Well we’ll just shut down the whole country and turn the place upside down. Your move, cunto
  23. Don’t see why us decent bairns are getting lumped into the naughty corner with the weegie scum, our cases are about10% of theirs. Our population is obviously smaller but not 10% of theirs
  24. well aye nowadays that's true, 10-15 years ago if I was going to Falkirk for a sesh I would regularly get the bus in, they we're regular enough that the wait time was more or less the same as calling a taxi and were about 1/5th of the price = more money for pints, now the schedule is irregular, they take a far more convoluted route to get there and fares are not beating day time taxi fares by much anymore, in fact the local rag ran a story a few years back that for a carless family of 4 it was cheaper to taxi from than to get a bus, that's fucking mental
  25. The pre forth valley hospital era Falkirk buses were actually pretty well run, reasonable affordable and well used. ever since they re- routed everything in 2011 they have been more or less empty and mostly used by concession card holders, My pensioner parents decided to use their pass to get home from a bar lunch on a Friday afternoon last year and noted how not one single passenger who got on paid a fair.
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