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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. I doubt it can really be affordable, no one - business or personal would have any confidence in making bookings, plans etc when there is such a high chance of it being cancelled. We can’t just stay in lockdown and hope the virus goes away before we run out of money. The lockdown was part of the uk government’s “delay” phase ie to buy time till we figure out how to manage this. Life simply has to go on
  2. If indeed a high percentage of those with covid are a-symptomatic then these increased cases are actually a good thing as they will now be isolating rather than heading to the gynp pub work or school. Nowhere in Europe has any appetite for return to stay at home lockdowns so I doubt we will either tbh
  3. I can’t see any reason to inflate the figures to make them look worse isn’t that the exact opposite of what politicians do?
  4. Correct he also wasn’t wearing a big padded jacket in the middle of summer like was reported at the time. Anyway I don’t think people are seriously suggesting that all of those black people shot by police are the salt of the earth going about their lawful business and are being targeted by bigots and or improperly trained fools in the police(although this does happen) What they are saying is that in like for like circumstances they are much more likely to have force AND deadly force used on them than white people Assualting a police officer and any other alleged crimes would normally result in arrest with some sly extra digs for resisting arrest, not the death penalty- which when you shoot someone at point blank range you must accept as a likely outcome even if in this case it didn’t result in a fatality
  5. Has H-b gone? I don’t want to sound like im agreeing with him ffs Is it possible the 2 people shot by the kid have saw a young person carrying a gun like hes billy big baws and basically challenged him with “ are ye fuckin big enough then” when the chased him down the road? Nevertheless he went looking for trouble armed with a deadly weapon, the fact that this is legal and not swiftly met by all the apparatus of the state is simply astonishing in a first world country, Do the arr fleg arr statues mob in belfast city centre turn up with automatic weapons? Do they f**k the police and army would be all over them even tho those paramilitary groups are tacitly accepted as a fact of life. Given his age too his parents should also be prosecuted
  6. Not always not everywhere but i know what you mean. Falkirk to their reluctant credit when they opened the south stand agreed to make the seating unreserved including for season tickets in a nod to the old terrace behind the goal at brockville, obviously that wouldn’t be allowed in this instance. Clubs with standing areas would have to observe social distancing although this isn’t usually a problem for most
  7. Yeah they have to be a bit more ambitious, 600 people can safely get into a 67000 all seater stadium?- well i could have told you that! There were more at the BLM protests in Glasgow & Edinburgh. To me we have to do some testing for spread then look at how we can take a risk assessed approach to hosting crowds WITHOUT social distancing required, You must give your details to the club when buying tickets, You must sit in your allocated seat, You must use the turnstile & exit gate stated on your ticket You must use the toilet and refreshment vendor closest to your seat perhaps printed on your ticket If you or anybody in your household has symptoms you should not attend the match Masks? Possibly, although I don’t know what the police would make of that as precovid if you ever had your scarf pulled up over your face you often got pulled put the line for a “ random security search”
  8. Surely the next step is getting something like 6000 into murrayfield or parkhead . 10% at least
  9. could finally be the start of a climb down from deadly virus we must protect from to , watch what your doin but get on with life type advice
  10. until recently and apart from those who always worked from home, wasn't the occasional WFH day due to say bad weather or childcare emergency not seen as a " a bit of a skive" where you wouldn't be expected to get as much done, even jobs that are 100% computer based so can in theory be done anywhere there is internet?
  11. I've met an awfy lot of older people who have this strongly ingrained sort of second tier way of categorising of right and wrong for all in the world if that makes sense? things are either - the right and proper way OR a load of nonsense , I think too many of them thought the idea of Scottish independence was silly nonsense because for most of their lifetimes it was just a fringe minority view, so by the time the conversation became serious enough to vote no amount of arguments would see past the bias they had spent a lifetime learning, The tories do a whole lot of dog whistling to appeal to this part of their phsyche
  12. Can you follow this up with a couple of squads so we can make a proper fist of it? no, that's not the point of this thread,. throw in a grenade and walk out
  13. a team of current Scottish internationals born outside Scotland would beat a team made up of players born here - capped players only
  14. That's why I said before long! you could be in a pokey flat with young kids working in a makeshift space with nae room and loads of distractions, a sore back from the chairs and headaches from the lighting, remember offices comply to HSE but your home does not, Not everyone has a spare room they can make into an office. some people believe it or not have less than ideal home lives which for one reason or they other they can't just walk away from ( family memebers who need high levels of care for example ) and their work , whilst still work, gives them just a wee bit of a reprieve from it in an acceptable way as opposed to just going down the pub
  15. It really is terrible for the country that all those people are working from home because they were ... eh … told to by the government? like I said a while back, for some it will suit them, for some they are in the honeymoon period but the novelty will wear off before long , some already hate it and would be back at work if they could, if it becomes a choice free for all ( ie work from home if you want or go to work if you want , potentially 100% one or the other) then it won't be long before some people start abusing it
  16. I believe cross border leagues are inevitable in the future as smaller nations simply cannot compete with the big 5 and UEFA will be happy to see increased revenue as clubs like ajax and porto regain some of their former glory, a Celtic league is just pointless tho, Scotland is already much higher in standard than any others and the other 3 nations have the same problem as us - the public are more interested in English and European football than domestic or in Irelands case the old firm which will stay the same .
  17. Stay at school - protect the test centre - give us fuckin peace you hypochondriac
  18. America heading for full on south Africa in the early 90s type scenario?
  19. I said it before and i'll say it again, the full time mummys , pensioners and long term unemployed ( the most vocal on facebook) were quite happy to see lockdown as a lot of them probably didn't have much of a life anyway and enjoyed the lazieness and the fact that others were in the same boat as them and it was now THEIR turn to preach and talk down to others "just WHAT are you playing at NICOLA"
  20. 44 positive cases from almost 20 000 tests, no news headlines had to go digging for it, contrast to other day with HIGHEST NUMBER FOR 3 MONTHS NS CONSIDERS FURTHER LOCKDOWN FOR TAYSIDE . no news from America anymore either ( cases are levelling off) looks like Brexit will be back to take the Christmas number one for the 4th year running
  21. I think there will always be some buisness travels but expensive essentially pointless jolly’s abroad might well be a thing of the past
  22. It'll take more than a pandemic to stop us boy! Just you wait till we have crowds back as a % of a stadium, it'l be such a big w**k it'll be on pornhub!
  23. Are we still the sick man of Europe when it comes to underlying health conditions? At one point in may falkirk alone had higher hospital and icu figures than the whole of Scotland does now
  24. Also , keeping with the positive front, I absolutely don't think we should be worried about these numbers either here or in Europe , to compare them with springsis just apples n pears. Back then only those sick enough to be admitted to hospital we're being tested , no contact tracing and a mishandling of the elderly ( Both here and elsewhere) by any estimate the real numbers in spring were 5-10 times higher than those tested. treatment will improve as we go as will management of spread. we're going to be just fine. Get tae yer work!
  25. keep politics off here at all costs, the schools chat was bad enough. This is the biggest most consuming thing to happen in my lifetime weather we like it or not, the only person who likes it is virginton as he has all day to sit on here posting controversial shit to get a rise out of people. Everyone else just wants to keep in with the news in the hope of it being positive so this fucks off and we can live our lives again, Initialy I agreed with a lot of what Todd is god said regards this being quite an over reaction and poorly handled , but he's becoming quite the mini trump and SNP BADDER, and I don't think zero covid is realistic, we should have a controlled opening so that things get back to normal slowly without cases spiralling out of control
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