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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. I can’t see how they can do it without furlough coming back, also the original problem still exists. Lockdowns will cause more bother than they solve after a few weeks
  2. So if there’s anything my dafty layman brain has figured out its that it doesn’t matter how long or how strict your initial lockdown is, as soon as you take your hand off the button the virus just springs up again
  3. Another lockdown so they can drive cases low then open up again have another spike then lockdown again? No lockdowns in the rest of Europe. Last time there was heavy pressure for us to do the same as everyone else
  4. In the unlikely event that the police attempted to fine you for that, i’d tell them I’m not accepting the fine and they’ll have to charge me and send it to the fiscal along with their evidence that that was indeed what I was doing. Get tae f**k Also if you want to go around shopping others for being so petty don’t be surprised when they tirn their back on you
  5. I had an absolute c**t of a dry cough for weeks back in late 2018, way before all this, it was so bad I managed to A give up smoking & B avoid covid so far despite working with someone who later tested positive - pre track & trace
  6. Apparently this is finally going to get done, well before covid came along so maybe the money will just evaporate! Seriously tho. Most countries have populated areas, rural / mountainous areas and outlying towns wnd cities , many also have islands offthe coast. We are pish compared to our first world counterparts. Our only proper 3lane motorway starts 30 mile south of glasgow and runs away from the population centres towards England, the rest are needing widened and upgraded. The M8, M9 and M80 should be three lanes, roads from Stirling & Edinburgh to perth dundee Aberdeen and Inverness should be motorway the full way, Aberdeen to Inverness should be dual. The train lines should be electric aswell. A proper country would manage that
  7. What i took from the briefings the other day is that we will be more or less doing the same as we are now till well into next year with entertainment and sports to reopen with heavy restrictions in a couple months
  8. I wouldn’t say it’s conspiracy to believe that secret covert government or military operatives can and do carry out everything from warrantless surveillance, entry and bugging to extra judicial killings. I think its sort of known that this goes on but never admitted to. The extent to which it is used or suggested to be plotting against is what is blown out of all proportion
  9. VT is surely at the wind up which is why i said stop responding to him. Todd is desperately seeking out anything that signals a speedy end to this shite & whilst I don’t blame him i think it’s unrealistic and biased. Our entire society is geared around people having children otherwise we would die out. Individuals and businesses can and do consider this an inconvenience when it comes to their employees but society as a whole will always prioritise children. There is just no circumstances where schools will be closed in order to allow adults more freedom, the summer holidays are for the benefit of children who can’t keep learning effectively for prolonged periods otherwise they’d get a fortnight like the rest of us. Yesterday announcement by boris with mass testing sounds fantastic but because he said it and their record of horseshite so far I’ll believe it when i see it
  10. it's also possible that a feeling of "show must go on" no pun intended btw will come over the public, If this ends up as a protracted long haul even like say WW2 then the government and the public will accept the need for as much normality as possible whilst putting mitigation in place
  11. There's going to be a few false starts in the road to normality- we've had some already. it'll take some trial and error before we find the safest way to open up. If theres 10000 cases a day for months then it will surely work it's way towards the vulnerable
  12. Yeah, when lots o things were cancelled or postponed to next year I was thinking och it'll be long over by then, it doesn't look like we'll have normal service this year, perhaps the end of next summer we might be able to bin SD but still keep other precautions in place
  13. I don’t know many people who’s house is big enough to have 30 folk over without it being rammed tbf
  14. So pretty much evrywhere has seen a spike after re opening and it doesn’t matter how long or how strict the lockdown was see Scotland v spain for instance Or even the USA where they were accusations of opening too early ( tbf that’s probably true) So just how long do we stay locked down for? To eliminate without a vaccine you would need to have a 24 hour cufrew in place with the army delivering food packages and medical, emergency services and utility workers camped at their workplace untill there was no new cases for however many days. And even then you’d need to shut the border entirely or the virus will just come back from abroad
  15. from bbc regarding test events Two of Saturday's Scottish Premiership matches will be played in front of fans after the Scottish government approved their applications to be test events. Aberdeen's game with Kilmarnock and Ross County's meeting with Celtic will both have up to 300 spectators. Both home clubs must ensure supporters are from their local areas and must provide a post-match report. All I have to say to that is I hope they come up with something better than the drivel you often see or hear on the bbc seriously tho, 300 at pitoddrie is a smaller percentage than 600 at Murrayfield, its going to be another exercise in f**k all
  16. Aw come on now children. Schools are going back all accross Europe, it may be because of them that infections are rising. It might be the dozens of other things now also permitted. It might be people dropping their guard or simply getting tired of SD and pushing the boundaries a bit. But it’s not just us so we really need to drop this “ sturgeon is throwing us to the wolves to get the schools open cause parents and employers will greet if they dinnae”
  17. f**k up you! there's something seriously wrong with anyone who comes onto a discussion forum just to piss other people off and repeat the same line again and again and again, Everyone else , stop responding to him!
  18. Phase 4 is everything open but with limitations and restrictions. The end of the pandemic means limited capacity, masks and social distancing are no longer required. There’s quit abit of wiggle room we could have between now and then
  19. U turns are pretty standard now, and tbh when you’re learning on the go it doesn’t warrant the slagging it would normally get. Life must go on, for a million different reasons The health service and the vulnerable must be looked after more than usual That’s pretty much it now
  20. Less cases today but another increase in positive % . Englands cases rocketing too but no hint of lockdown 2. Looks like testing on arrival and quarantine till results is going to replace 2 weeks isolation- which seems to be working elsewhere. Other European governments aren’t going back into lockdown. Only Australia & newzealand have a elimination & lock out policy To me it looks like were very much like we’re well into the “ get oan wea it” phase of the plan. The Scottish government aren’t really in a position to deviate from that
  21. I hope we’re not about to have the tv and music stasi going about checking on pubs now? Whatever happened to minding your own business, if you don’t like don’t go in.
  22. Todd is starting to clutch at straws now with his reasoning. If you want rid of the remaining restrictions becuase you’ve had enough of them by now then fine but don’t try to dress it up as a political thing. If anything the snp’s ideal scenario is to say “ these restrictions are not required because our cases are so low they are not necessarily, take that England! “
  23. It certainly does, but it’s not like the celtic supporter = irish like we have here. It came from the good ole days in the south when overt racial discrimination & segregation were the order of the day, just incase they weren’t bigoted enough many states had “ one drop “ rules ie one drop of black blood meant you were black. Didn’t matter if you were blond hair, blue eyes and had 7 out of 8 great grandparents who were white, you were still going to the back of the bus. Yes this really happened
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