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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. It’s been a long time since I went to one of these, but does anyone know if they still have those early morning boozers? Most of them you have to go through the rigmarole of ordering ( sometimes taking abite of) a manky supermarket own brand bacon roll to satisfy licence requirements when getting a drink? If so it would solve this 10 pm curfew
  2. 60% of yesterday’s cases were in the under 25,s put them in halls away from their families and let it rip? Could be a stroke of genuine? Yesterday i saw my neighbour literally booting his teenage soon in the arse down the street ( a lost art if if you ask me ). After he turned up still pished at 8 in the morning from being at his mates all night then returning to the family home where his mother (who works in a care home alao lives) Such behaviour is unlikely to cause a wider issue in student halls unless someone has underlying health issues in which case they should surely be allowed home
  3. Time for a separate ‘ Covid slowly becoming a farce ‘ thread just like the long running brexit one
  4. Those 3rd pint glasses are quite common at beer festivals as wee samplers . Folk don’t actually sit and drink them in a pub tho do they?
  5. Well thats the panic buying resumed in my local asda, only bog roll this time not cleaning products. 6 months on we know definitively that shops will remain open in all circumstances and you do not get the shits with covid What a total fucking nonsense this is. I’ve always been a big supporter of civil liberties but nah f**k it people really are just too thick if they’re making the same f**k ups twice. Send in the army I’ve had enough
  6. Facts you made up thread... ? You never know these days tho. Politicians will move on with big pensions but we will still be left to try and make best of whatever shiteshow is left over Protect peoples health and the economy- lets do neither
  7. The English government have not explicitly advised against foreign travel and Italy isn’t on the quarantine list. It looks bad but not illegal nah?
  8. You don't think the old firm is as big a pull in Livingston? mini Glasgow outside Edinburgh is what it is with diluted weegie accents all round the place . WATP
  9. If we're looking at posts from months ago then this one called it pretty much on the money, It doesn't have to be a full blown curfew to be a lockdown, spain & Italy had that and it didn't help them any, if you can only leave the house to go for exercise or the shops because everythings shut and that's all you can do , then you don't need the gestapo patrolling the streets to enforce it and I find it amazing that some people actually wanted that in place.
  10. Stenhousemuir getting their camera set up for live streaming , trialied for the friendly against Dunfermline, we won't be at games this year lads
  11. I think the point they're getting at is everyone wants to go for a piss or a pie at half time which could be problematic to control, especialy as you well know with the amount of crabbit auld c***s that go to games and don't take a telling
  12. Don't talk pish you'd have wanked yourself into oblivion like the rest of them will be doing
  13. You’re highly unlikely to get shopped or caught having a cup of tea and a gab than you are having the music up full blast and 30 steamin c***s in your house. Theres no interpretation it’s just a case of “ och i know we’re no supposed to but let’s have a quick cuppa no one will know “. Also bubbles are impossible to police
  14. I fully believe that governments and media are a bunch of lying corupt shady b*****ds so i have some sympathy for how people can become attracted to conspiracies. Nevertheless conspiracy is basically telling people not to just believe one set of information without question whilst expecting them to do so with another set
  15. Who are these people? Thats what gets me! Do they think that anyone who gets the virus will die? Or do they live in la la land where they think shutting down huge swathes of the economy is just like schools breaking up for the summer?
  16. It has to be watered down, last time round about a month or so in many people began pushing the boundaries of what was technically allowed.
  17. Looks like instead of constantly drinking partying and shagging all those uni students might actually have to get a fucking education now [emoji38] always abright side!
  18. Something something it’s your fault not ours , something tough buy necessary
  19. Well done to the schools, they’ve really shown how to take your chances when they’re given to you, the pubs and everyone else is crying foul accusing the schools of having an unfair advantage and blaming the government for biased decision making. As usual the government denies such bias and claims not to support one side or the other..
  20. Ive been to Costco, do you a deal one roll of arse paper & one bottle of soap £25
  21. It looks like they’re going to roll out this no home visits to the whole country for abit. Thats my guess
  22. There is a small but significant number of people who would only leave there house to go to work or go to the shops 99%of the time and there free time involves TV smartphones and sleep . If that life sounds dreadfully boring to you then you probably won’t know many people like that. But for a large chunk of my extended family its the norm. Lockdown makes no odds to them so they can’t understand why A ) it’s not the number one option to get the virus dowm & B why others would be opposed to it
  23. Folk that never leave the house during normal times,
  24. This was my point, you can’t tell people to stay at home whilst everything is open outside. If you do we have mass unemployment coupled with the effects of gyms and such closing again
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