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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. That's fine if those testing positive abide by the isolation rules but so few are it's virtually pointless. Testing is futile if those testing positive are not going to isolate as instructed. What evidence is there that there is mass rule breaking when it comes to self isolation?
  2. The thing with mass testing is, even with a false negative % , it should hoover up so many more asymptotic spreaders than now and send them home to isolate that cases should drop like a stone in about a month. By the end of the 2nd month they should be low enough to permit social mixing as the number of positive people missed will drop dramatically each time Cheap test with relatively poorish accuracy - outdoors events Medium test with high accuracy -indoor events schools and workplaces Laboratory verified test- healthcare and care for vulnerable workers
  3. Going on this tangent too, it's not just mental health but health in general our attitude in Scotland stinks, if someone calls into work we automatically assume they are either lazy or hungover etc, when I was young ( not that long ago) I had to be clearly and visibly very unwell before my parents took it seriously, anything else was met with a " nice try now away to the school you" Only since having a partner from another culture did I realise how bad our culture of " ach yer fine stoap greetin " is to peoples well being
  4. People in the highlands have an area the size of Belgium to go out to play in but folk from Clackmannan can't go 10 mins along the road.. aye ok.
  5. I’m going to make a bold prediction here, given the state of police resources, and the list of reasonable excuses ( I’m going to oban to help a vulnerable person whos carer is self isolating officer) , You’d have to be either very unlucky or very stupid to get into trouble if this travel thing becomes law, in the even you get stopped by pc jobsworth you can always refuse to accept a fixed penalty and force the officer to charge you and send evidence to the procurator fiscal which they will most likely throw out , its even more likely you’ll just be quietly let go
  6. Kinda thought that too. Like i said before tho they can get their travel restrictions seriously tae f**k. Stop insulting our intelligence. If a situation is serious enough to warrant that then it’s serious enough to curtail schools
  7. If I’m agreeing with him, things must have gotten silly. Which they certainly have Forget whether or not this is sturgeons fault. It is fucking mental to shut things dowm just becuase theres money in the buget for it.
  8. For the third fuckin time today, a business does NOT have to be closed in order to furlough workers. Nor does it require to be affected by government restrictions. My workplace was deemed an essential service yet we furloughed staff even tho the place was operating right the way through . They done it to mitigate heavy losses due to lack of demand . If a business in rural Scotland cant justify a full compliment of staff becuase people from restricted areas can’t come and spend money and there’s not enough demand locally, then they can if they want, furlough 60% of staff whilst keeping trading. You do not have to make everycunt stay in their house just so we compensate struggling businesses. I stand by my comments. This is a farce
  9. Level 4 becuase there’s money in the budget to pay people to sit at home doing f**k all, nothing to do with safety or case numbers This is a fucking farce
  10. Said it already, you don’t have to be closed to furlough workers. Many places have furloughed a small or large percentage of their staff whilst remaining open at a reduced capacity. It doesn’t matter what level of restrictions are in place
  11. Also i liked how boris capped of his bad news speech again with that pie in the sky mass testing pish they said last time. “ tell thrm they might get a mcdonalds if the behave “
  12. Whats all this about we needs lockdown to get furlough, a business doesn’t have to be closed to put staff on furlough, some have been open right the way through. Shutting down pubs in Orkney so they can claim money instead of just letting them stay open when it’s safe is just mental
  13. The key word is guidance, ultimately all of those things listed mean f**k all as you cannot be punished for choosing to ignore them, you can travel to a lower tiered area and use hospitality and they can’t get in trouble for serving you. Anyway Travel restrictions can f**k off . If the situation is serious enough to warrant that then it’s seriously enough to either shut schools or make huge changes to the way they operate. This schools -normal / everything else banned is unacceptable
  14. Thats pish, no danger all these cases came from folk not following rules
  15. I said a month or so ago that even tho most people accept the need for schools to have some priority over adult leisure activities ( no no not that kind [emoji6]) but when it is becoming clear that everything else is being sacrificed in order to keep them open ( or another way is that, in order to mitigate the sky rocketing cases they have halted pretty much all other non essential settings for spreading, to keep the numbers under control) More and more people are going to now adopt the VT mindset and it’s understandable now that the government is clearly insulting our intelligence. What they’re being told in england now is that it’s no longer safe to leave your home. But it is safe to “ chuck 30 wains in a classroom all day” it’s going to piss people off kids or not
  16. Winter is normally Awrite, i do my outdoor hobbies all year round and just dress accordingly. I’m not a drinker so dgaf wbout pubs being shut but i like going out for food. I like meeting friends occasionally, on days when the weather is only good for indoor stuff there was plenty you could be doing . You could even go on holiday ( mrs is from the Caribbean and her family still lives there!) During lockdown 1 we did not have to stay in our homes at all times despite the message. The weather was nice and it was a bit of a novelty for many. If you’re just going to be staring at 4 walls then we’ll see a return to the cabin fever we had in spring. The lockdown was widely disregarded by early may
  17. I often wondered who the f**k sits and makes all those thinly vailed racist memes and false stories about asylum seekers , british soliders and benefit claimants. was it some mischevious teenager doing a "lets see how far this gets" untill the wee lightbulb came on- it's most likely data harvesting c***s like cambridge analytica trying to suss out how many folk hold all the different views out there
  18. Falkirk Stirling and clax combined to make nhs forth Valley have roughly the same cases and pupilation as fife which is one level down. It also sits on the western boundary of fife which also has a bridge to tier 3 Edinburgh and anothto tier 3 dundee as a falkirk fan I’d love to slag this off by saying well fife is rank & nae c**t in their right mind would go there anyway so nae need to restrict them. But as someone who’s scunnered now I’m saying why, if we are getting a higher level due to our high risk neighbours ( bear in mind that large parts of Stirling are as rural as the highlands and stretches all the way from loch lomond to fuckin tyndrum) , does another region not get brought up when they are also surrounded by high risk areas? It sounds like a case of “ we made a decision, it may be wrong but we’re sticking to it come hell or highwater”
  19. Completely unenforceable borders tho. If you’re travelling for something non essential, then on the miniscule chance that you’re stopped and asked you could just make up a lie
  20. Wonder if he used the jim traynor ms word template? CLUB STATEMENT: Blah blah blah attack Blah blah blah defending We are the people no surrender
  21. We’re aw so fed up we’ll take anything. Full heads gone from conspiracy theorists is guaranteed, it’s going to be a sore time when it comes to influencing personalities big and small fall into one camp or the other
  22. I think that governments want to take w much stronger approach, probably not full lockdown, but the early reopening stage where you were not asked to stay home but where everything deemed non essential was still closed or take away only. But they stop short of doing that becuase A the economy would take a further beating and B 8 months in the populations have grown weary and don’t want to be staring at 4 walls all winter. Enforcement of the home visit part of the restrictions are near impossible to enforce, or widespread enforce so it’s better to give people something they can do where they can be regulated than hope they don’t start breaking the rules en masse
  23. aye but if it were purely numbers we should be in tier 2, even for the circuit breaker we were way less than the other 4, the boundary between falkirk and Lanarkshire isn't all that built up, you might get folk from Cumbernauld/ Kilsyth coming to hear or stirling for a meal, but not on the lash. I am also in the larbert area and if I so wanted we could taxi over to Kincardine for an all day beergarden sesh in the same time it would take me to get to falkirk town centre
  24. Nobody in Lanarkshire is going to traipse through to falkirk to go for a pint in the pub, Nobody
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