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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. i'm not wearing a mask whilst walking down a pavement with no c**t near me, get tae f**k
  2. The seethe from the yoons would be worth it alone #buildthewall
  3. Thats a myth. A widely believed myth. Super stauch larkhall or larkyderry doesn’t have an asda. However subway has a black background instead of the usual green one and there used to be w moss pharmacy which changed its sign from green to blue. It’s bigot central tbf
  4. This is clearly unacceptable but I would hope it’s just a handful of jobsworth officers acting like this as they really need the public onside for this long haul Alot of people get quite nervous when being dealt with by the police and reading the story it seems that is exactly what’s happened here. But the important to highlight that they hadn’t broken the law however by accepting a fixed penalty you are admitting the offence. Remember you do not have to accept a fixed penalty! If you are sure you haven’t broken the law refuse it, the officer will then have to charge you ( you won’t be arrested for something pissy like that , it’s done on the spot) send any evidence of criminality- (in this case none because it’s not against the law to drive short distance for exercise) to the procurator fiscal who will have to decide whether to start proceedings or dismiss the case , no evidence =no case Or, more likely they will just give you a verbal ticking off and leave you alone. It’s not unreasonable behaviour to expect the police to do their job properly
  5. They need to take a hard line against this otherwise whats the fucking point? Both parents need need to be working in critical jobs. If they work in asda give them a fucking letter that states they’re entitled to furlough and there job must be kept open when lockdown in lifted. Enough of this fucking about Ps i saw a woman on Facebook asking about getting a place for her kids since her husband is a key worker ( he is a real one tbf!) but she works in school, thats right a fucking school thats going to stay closed. This is the very definition of the piss taking attitude of wanting peace from the waens so you can put your feet up. Jesus wept
  6. To think mad borris wanted the schools back just 4 days ago! Fuckin hell! London sure headin towards curfew and emergency working only at this rate?
  7. Is there any way or reason to think we will be? People just urny followin thr roolz! Ah took the waens for a kfc the day n it was heevin
  8. What does that actually mean in terms of doing stuff tho?
  9. Exactly, the polis have always had the power to break up a house party if the situation requires it. I’ve been at one where they cone to the door and politely ask us to “ keep it down and don’t be arseholes” - it was quarter past 5 in the morning. And another where a large fight broke out which split off into several others spilling into the street. They turned up with 2 van loads and just came straight into the house without announcing anything Pre covid obviously!
  10. I work in an office based job ,but one that requires some physical presence at the workplace although that can be minimised or delayed most of the time. From march to july they sent everyone to WFH thinking that they would catch up the on site work later( and probably assumed we would still be in lockdown now!) now we are just continuing on our part time wfh/ on premises as it’s no longer possible to keep delaying the physical work
  11. Nor here, thank f**k aswell. Fuckin insufferable look at me pish it was
  12. I see plenty of burds who i would pump going by their photos on social media. But i know for a fact they don’t look anything like that in real life
  13. For that to be true tho is it not a case of treating covid differently to all other illnesses? When the old and vulnerable are no longer going to hospital and dying in significant numbers then surely thats it? We don’t shut the country down just because people are in their beds with a sore head and a cough
  14. People have been doing much more of our socialising digitally over the past 2 decades. Is it maybe just more noticeable now that we don’t have a choice? The old moan from the wife of “ your never here your always with your mates at the pub/ bookies/ football etc is now “ your always on that bloody phone” 35 year ago we’d be down to the supporters club on a Thursday night for the quiz and a game of pool. Now we talk football and general shite on a website
  15. A wis at such n such the day and it wis MOBBED i tell ye! People just urny gettin the bloody message
  16. Where do people get this hour from? There’s no time limit on exercise and there never has been
  17. Never once been stopped by a rozzer including at 6 am on a deserted road whilst going to work in march
  18. Test, truncheons to the face & concentration camp should do the trick Or it’s a complete pack of lies. Either is completely possible
  19. I’m assuming you know this because you saw it when you were outside? It’s a good job you don’t have to much authority otherwise the gestapo would be roaming the streets looking for folk doing non essentialy stuff Stay home as much as possible but get exercise a takeaway or god forbid a paper and pint of milk to keep your morale up , should be more than adequate Taking it to the next step, stay indoors at all times should only be used for an immediate and dire emergency, considering we’re looking at being under this for several months it sounds like you actually want the population to go stir crazy. Set reasonable rules wnd there’s more chance of them being followed
  20. You’d think they’d have all those places heavily guarded by now eh?
  21. This is like the scenes from early 90s South Africa when armed protesters stormed negotiations to end apartheid, only this time theres more racists with guns
  22. I also believe the government were well warned to make sure they get their initial response to the first wave right as prolonged and intermittent restrictions would effect how seriously people would take them
  23. I remember being at a funeral some years ago where one man who only appeared to be drinking soft drink was telling anyone who would listen how much better his health and life was since he gave up drinking alcohol He was absolutely fuckin hammered, probably the worst out of all of us! Some people think if they just say something then everyone wilp believe it
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