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Everything posted by Arabdownunder

  1. Pirtek stadium, Parramatta, Western Sydney.
  2. Incorrect. Quick look shows 4 Aussies, 5 Englishmen, 5 assorted Europeans and 3 others who went to America as adults. Must stop replying to your tendentious shite.
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_foreign_players_in_the_National_Football_League
  4. Read this in the travel section of the paper. "When you think of Scottish cities, Dundee is not a name that springs to mind. But the capital of Fife..." http://www.theage.com.au/travel/-gykcmz.html Not sure whether Dundonians or Fifers would be more upset by this.
  5. Moved from Preston to Manchester a few years ago.
  6. Well played the Sherbrooke Record. Correct name for a round about is a circle.
  7. The pay is shit but you can make up for it with tips.
  8. Me: Harry Dean Stanton died. Her: Who? Me: The actor. He was in Paris, Texas. Her: Oh. Did he get killed by the hurricane?
  9. Puzzled by this. Are you in separate rooms when you have intercourse?
  10. Too Manchester m9. Need some cheeky cockney chappies. Chas'n'Dave are the men.
  11. Good to see her Maj visiting the survivors. Probably wishes she could offer some practical help. If only she had access to a large building in central London where those made homeless could be accommodated.
  12. Glad to see there's a form to fill in. Too many of these groups pay no heed to any notion of record-keeping and bureaucracy. Keep it up lads.
  13. The Pickie Fun Park is Bangor's main attraction.
  14. Had a similar fire here, with thankfully no deaths, where the cladding used (which was highly flammable) was superficially indistinguishable from the compliant stuff but much cheaper. Turned out to be a widespread scam. http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/docklands-apartment-fire-hundreds-of-highrise-towers-to-be-investigated-for-fire-danger-20150428-1mvc9j.html
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