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Shadwell Dog

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Everything posted by Shadwell Dog

  1. I agree a league cup defeat to St Johnstone isn't the end of the world although it does hit home how a club of smaller support than us can be so far ahead of us in quality and ability. The question is how do we narrow a gap that at the moment certainly isn't getting any smaller and there's no real sign from the current bod that we have any real plan to do that. You don't have to be Jose Mourinho to work out that selling two of your best players and replacing them with inferior ones certainly isn't the way to go about it.
  2. Sibbs has probably seen what's happened with vaulks and Alston and the pennies finally dropped that he's going nowhere soon with falkirk.
  3. With an inferior player though. Farid was better than Taylor, Taylor was better than loy and loy was better than Baird. This season could be one too many for Baird so we need mchugh to stay fit until austin can acclimatise to going up two divisions.
  4. Tried it at the start of last season and it never worked. We all said then he won't be trying that again.
  5. St Johnstone are the perfect example of a small provincial club and what you can do with a decent bod making excellent decisions both on and off the park. Their certainly a country mile ahead of us.
  6. Houstons hands are tied mate. It was the bod that sold vaulks from under him. He'll put a brave face on it but he knows we're going to be up against it now this season.
  7. He's not got the pace to play out there. If he did he wouldn't be playing for us mind you. As you said too many similar players in the middle of the park
  8. That's what we're left with though mate.There's nae mair money and we've lost the two guys who scored our goals and injected the energy into the side. Midfield is all one paced and of similar stature. That's water happens when you replace quality with inferior products I'm afraid.
  9. Houston stated that he's used vaulks wages for rankin and that will be it basically. So rankin is basically your vaulks replacement. Hardly a surprise with the clowns in charge. However a shit start to the season will probably see a couple of panic loan signings appearing to placate the fans.
  10. Alston must be a very relieved man. Clearly bailed out at the right time.
  11. Houstie says there will be no more signings. Bod are takin the utter pish. Well seen the season ticket early bird offer period had finished before our captain was flogged off . Never mind we'll be able to add best profit/loss figures 2016/17 to our list of honours now.
  12. We've got a stronger squad but a weaker first 11 in my opinion. The only new signing that undoubtedly strengthens a position is Gasparotto. Alston was a better player than Craigen, vaulks was better than rankin, kidd is an able backup for Muirhead, Austin is one for the future but still very raw as is henderson. Our season ticket up take this season will be at best the same as last year even after an excellent last campaign but then we are doing very little to get the fans excited and encouraged to buy them.
  13. He should be getting all the cash and that for me is the issue here. Only by doing that can he now improve on last seasons team. Hibs sold Allen last summer one of their best players and out of that deal they got mcginn mcgeough and henderson. They didn't give stubbs a few quid to simply bring in one other over the hill plodder so that at the next agm they can say look at how much our bank balance has grown again. That means feck all compared to winning the Scottish cup. We've now been stuck in the championship for what 6/7 seasons and I really can't see us getting out of it any time soon . Can any falkirk fan say that the team we have now would be any closer to beating Kilmarnock over two legs than we were last may?
  14. We've had far better players than that pair on loan before. If we took that view the likes of Krul, Schmeichel and stokes would never have darkened our door.
  15. Of course they would but their hardly feckin superstars and are spending celtic game days doing feck all currently. Getting henderson on loan is no different than picking up mcgrandles on loan. Similar age and experience . Norwich valued him at 500k plus but we're still willing to send him back up here for more game time.
  16. It's Liam Henderson and gms were talking about. Their decent players but the way some folk are talking on here youd think they were superstars.At the end of the day neither of the two of them can get a game for one of the worst celtic sides for a long time.
  17. If the money's there why not? No point in having over a million quid lying about in the bank and a shit team on the park.
  18. Money talks.If you offer them a few hundred grand each for a years loan I reckon celtic would loan them to anyone. If there not getting a game then they may as well be making you cash. Step up for henderson from last year's third placed side to the second placed at the end of the day.
  19. Use the cash to get him and henderson on loan for a season. Show some intent for a change instead of signing journeymen. Time for the bod to show us they mean business. You need to make it worth celtic while though.
  20. Replacing your team captain with an untried youngster isn't going to strengthen your side. I would think that if Houstie had thought they were ready for the first team they would've been getting involved a bit more by now.
  21. Yeah and vaulks is better than rankin. When grants back we'll be stronger at the back but we've not got the same energy in the side with those two out. A centre midfield of rankin and kerr is a bit worrying. Even the club are admitting it's a massive blow losing vaulks.
  22. This is bonus money and should be reinvested in full on a couple of players to excite the fans not ones at the tail end of their career or raw youngsters. Problem is a lot of the options are now signed up but that's the problem with selling players once the season has started.
  23. Look m8 unlike our board I'd like to see us get out of this league in the near future. We'll never do that if we keep selling our best players and not reinvesting the cash in some quality players. You may be happy at losing players like vaulks and replacing them with the usual journeymen and that's your prerogative but I'm not and that's mine. Yes players move on but we need to reinvest the cash in the team now that we no longer have money issues.
  24. Usual pish spouted on the Web site I see. No details of amount and crap about him perhaps leaving for nothing next summer. Perhaps I'd we backed the manager and pushed the boat out a but we might have had a chance of winning the title and then being able to offer him top flight football next season. Usual gutless actions from the bod. Would be different if we were in the poor house but I'm sure henderson spouting on about our great bank balance at this year's ago will make up for it.
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