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Shadwell Dog

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Everything posted by Shadwell Dog

  1. He should be a cut above everyone in this league but hes been pretty poor against us in the 4 games bar the opening 20 mins of the last game.
  2. No surprise that even though we've had an excellent season none of our boys have been nominated for championship player of the year. Whilst its hard to argue on 3 of them Lee Wallace has been piss poor every time I've seen him this year when a player of his so called calibre should be sticking out like a sore thumb in every game.
  3. I'd be surprised if he did anything at this stage with only a couple of weeks to go till the end of the season and us still having a chance of promotion. No point in moving to Perth if we were to go up and there could be other more interesting offers on the table during the close season due to his current good form.
  4. Will be interesting to see who gets this gig as fowler did pretty well under the circumstances. Thought last years excellent season might have got him at least a chance to continue to rebuild the team over the summer but football's a cut throat business these days and a safe but unexciting season of rebuilding sometimes aint good enough no matter who the club is. Bonus for him is that he at least got out before tarnishing his reputation too much so he should have no bother getting another job.
  5. Yes director not chairman. Unfortunately the boy Thompson's still breathing. So he's a pal of Houston's whats that got to do with Falkirk FC like? He'd been a director for 13 years when he retired at the end of last season which means he was part of the old git Thompsons board that shafted us over Ian McCall. Good to see they've got time to put up things that have feck all to do with us but there's hee haw about the likes of O'Hara's injury situation.
  6. Months go by without any decent info on the official site and now we're putting up obituary's for people with absolutely no link to the club at all.
  7. I very much doubt thats possible as i would presume that the loan deal was very much of an integral part of the transfer and would probably havr reduced the fee involved somewhat.
  8. Or could just be the case that he has hardly kicked a ball for brechin since he joined. On the bench every week.
  9. Come on the slightest excuse and their pulling out with injury and then turning up for the next match for their own team. Look at all the players like Griffiths that couldn't be arsed turning up for the Gibraltar away game and yet he was back playing for celtic as quick as you like. As I said previously too I bet you Naismith is turning out for Norwich in their next league game. International football is very much a secondary form of the game these days and I don't see it changing anytime soon. It was far better back in the days when playing international football was the peak of a players career and you couldn't pick and choose who you played for either.
  10. Yes I've seen some woeful Falkirk sides over the years but then the worst sides of the late 70's weren't like the Scotland team and full of overpaid prima donnas wishing they were somewhere else. And to be honest paying a few quid to see shit is one thing but spending hundreds of pounds to see it is another thing altogether.
  11. I watch on the telly. I just dont go to the games any more. The game against georgia we were dire. Lack of ability and effort on show was woeful. Then you het the likes of whitaker and naismith pulling out of this weeks fixtures. I bet you they'll be available for norwichs next game though.
  12. Christ thats worse than calling me a glory hunter. I hate the old firm with a passion. I choose not to follow scotland these days not because they dont win every game but because half the players dont give a toss and would rather be playing for their club sides than scotland on a friday night against a piss poor georgian side.
  13. A Falkirk supporter a 'glory hunter' . I've been called many things but not that. It wasn't the losing games that was the problem it was the manner of some of the defeats. Went to see us play Czech rep in prague when we lost 3-2 having been 2 up with about half an hour to go. At least we played well though against a very good team. Then you get performances like the one against Morrocco in france 98 or in Brussels under Broon when 15000 travelled and we were utterly dire in a 2-0 defeat in a must win game. And to think its actually got worse since then. Whilst the bevvy sessions were a decent laugh you I was spending a fortune and the team were losing badly.
  14. I'm hardly moaning about Scotland. I'm just trying to explain why I stopped going to watch them. Each to his own but I just got kind of fed up being let down over and over again.
  15. Things may have changed but when I went the football was more of an inconvenience than the most important part of the trip. This was summed up by the large numbers who used to tag along and didn't even bother going to the match whether there were tickets available or not.
  16. Nothing wrong with drowing your sorrows but to not give a monkeys whether we win or lose is something I just couldn't fathom out. You'd go to the game and get guys cheering the team off after another shit performance. The football had basically become 90mins that got in the way of a good bevvy session. I'm not saying you shouldnt go out after the game and try to forget about another woeful failure but too many werent bothered one way or another.
  17. I don't go out celebrating when Falkirk lose so why should I be happy when Scotland get humped off the park by a team like belorus. People should be pissed off when the team doesn't turn up but the majority don't give a feck and to me that's why we'll always be shit.
  18. I still wonder though whether there would've been the same outcry if it had been us and not a cuddly team like ICT that was being denied promotion.
  19. I used to go to every Scotland game home and away but eventually got fed up being let down continually by players that couldn't basically give a toss. That and the prats that go along and don't give a feck whether we win or get totally humped.
  20. The question is though where were we ever going to get the millions needed to turn Brockville into a fully compliant 10,000 seater stadium? Its one thing spending a few grand on a couple of decent players wages but we weren't spending anywhere near the kind of cash we'd have needed to bring Brockville into the 21st century. The only real way was to sell Brockville and use the cash to build a brand new stadium. Unfortunately we all know how long it took the council to finally pass the plans to allow us to sell the ground to Morrisons and therefore get enough cash to start building TFS. Things may have been a bit different if it had always been 6000 seats as we may then have been able to cobble something together on the cheap at Brockville but 10000 seats was always going to be a non starter. I for one am glad we moved as even although I loved watching Falkirk at the old ground a cobbled together seated brockers would have been a disaster.
  21. They bent over backwards for ICT too allowing them first to groundshare and then to switch stadium half way through the season. When we proposed a groundshare we were given no encouragement on that front at all. It was only when cuddly teams like ICT and Gretna got in to the same predicament as us that suddenly pressure from the media pushed the powers that be into changing the rules over night. Whilst it was the common sense approach its still sticks in the throat the way they continually knocked every proposal we put forward back for years plus preventing us going up as second to Dundee and instead giving us a paltry 250k in compensation.
  22. On the players front he does have a point. We keep on hearing about how great our youth set up is but we rarely see any of our players selected for the under 21's until they move elsewhere. Guys like Sibbald who have over 100 first team appearances keep getting overlooked for old firm and other Premiership players who are playing in under 20's leagues or sitting on the bench most Saturdays.
  23. He just tends to go too defensive when we are in the lead in games for me. He also can take too long to change things when the tide is turning badly in a game like raith recently. However on the flip side when things arent right he doesnt muck about like last night.
  24. Is it just me or is houstie a far better manager when we're getting beat than when leading in a game?
  25. Lets give the guy a chance. Needs to be given the left wing role as his cross for Bairds goal that got us back in the QOS game showed. No point in giving him 10 mins here or there in a variety of different positions.
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