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Shadwell Dog

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Everything posted by Shadwell Dog

  1. Thought the boy Connolly looked a decent player on Saturday and is exactly the kind of tricky wide player we're crying out for. Can't help feeling we missed out on one there .
  2. Leahy contracts been lying on the table for months but so far he won't sign it due to advice from his agent.
  3. You can add Aaron Muirhead to that list too. It was a good while before he appeared for the first team after getting crocked virtually straight away after signing and now Hippolyte.
  4. Houston seems to have a habit of signing players who immediately get crocked.
  5. Anyone know whats happened to mccann? No show on Saturday and wasnt quoted in the under 20s game last night either. Hes not crocked already is he?
  6. It's a different world down south these days in terms of wages. Back in the early 90's it was still possible to entice decent players from the English leagues to come and play in Scotland but nowadays the majority of players swapping English football for up here are guys that simply cant cut it down there. Look at Aberdeen for instance. Their team is full of players that have gone down south, failed miserably and returned back up here to get a game.
  7. Whilst we are in no way one of the biggest clubs in Scotland we're on a par with the likes of Kilmarnock , Motherwell, St Johnstone,etc. We'll always be floating between the bottom half of the top flight and the top half of the championship. At the moment we're in the championship but we'll get back in the top flight soon enough once things settle down. To say we're just a small club and will return to being a small club in future is ludicrous considering we've not been out of the top two divisions since the late 70's. I'm not sure that I agree that crowds have gone up since Rangers got booted out the top flight. Aberdeen and Hearts apart where crowds have genuinely improved and perhaps Dundee who've just come up but the rest in the top flight are struggling. The likes of Kilmarnock and Motherwells crowds are well down on a few years ago whilst the rest are probably about the same as they've been for a while.
  8. Fortunately he's now cut out the mistakes and has hardly put a foot wrong recently. I agree though you can't have a defender making one howler a game no matter how he plays for the other 89 mins or so. I notice the subject of plastic pitches has reared its head again in the papers today. Noticed a quote from Fraser Wishart saying that one of his members had recently had to leave his club because he had been told he couldn't play or train on artificial surfaces. Could that be our old right back? Still can't believe anyone would rather play on the shocking pitches we've seen on the telly at Hearts, Motherwell and Aberdeen recently than a decent plastic one.
  9. I fail to see the problem with paul watson. Hes been excellent the last few weeks. As for hippo. Hes very raw and hopefully we'll be able to bring him on a bit better as his career seemed to have stalled at livie.
  10. The first thing I'd be doing is offering Grant a new long term deal. Far more likely to sign it for future stability now that he's crocked and a move in the Summer is basically off the radar. Could turn a negative for 6 months into a positive for the next few years. Notice on the website there's nothing about what the injury is, how it happened etc. Pretty poor stuff from the club as usual. I did wonder why Stenny had signed another keeper already after only having Bowman for what one match?
  11. Livie have one league cup victory, one challenge cup victory and one first division champ plus a few seaside league titles and one entry into the uefa cup. I've seen Falkirk win 4 challenge cups, 4 first division championships get to 3 Scottish cup finals and also have one entry into the uefa cup. And we've done all that without shafting the local community. The two players you mention have won the Scottish league cup, one challenge cup and some seaside league titles. Nothing more.
  12. We could all spend cash we dont have to get promoted and win trophies and then finally leave a trail of creditors behind us who'll never ever see their cash again. Thankfully my club has never done that. I'd rather we did it the hard way.
  13. Saw Will at a&e last night. Looked like quite a heavy strapping on his hand.
  14. Are those ratings not given by referees though? Hardly the right folk to be asking how good a football pitch is? I'm sure Queens latest pitch is fine though and so is ours. As to us not been a progressive club. We seem to be moving in the right direction if you ask me both on and off the pitch with a decent first team, a number of prospects coming through our youth system and a healthy bank balance. I can't comment on Queens progressiveness off the park but on it there's been a 26 point shift between the two clubs in our favour.
  15. Queens were lucky enough to get theirs for hee haw . I wish our local council were so generous.
  16. The main thing is to keep them well watered. As soon as they dry out their a totally different surface to play on.
  17. Me no. The artificial surface we have is excellent. Not a great fan of some of the older ones but the latest are great.
  18. Surely more clubs have to start looking at artificial turf. Watching a bit of aberdeen v celtic tonight and it looks like its getting played on a ploughed field. Embarrassing to see our top two sides playing on a pitch that reminds me of the ones you used to see fa cup ties getting played on on motd during the 70s.
  19. If we managed to go up this season I reckon he'd be a definite but that's still a bit of a long shot. Mehmet mind you has a decent pedigree and you never know he might turn out to be an even better keeper than Rogers.
  20. So I presume hee haw else happened late last night. Wee bit disappointing after the rumours flowing about that at least one more might be coming. Never mind at least we never lost anyone major.
  21. Where are Aberdeen suddenly going to find the cash to sign the likes of Tansey(200k) plus either Sibbald or Grant? We should be looking for no less than 500k for Grant and at the start of the window MacInnes was saying that they had no cash!
  22. His one at Easter Road past old Jim Leighton was a cracker too.
  23. Surely we wouldn't allow Sibbald to go for peanuts. We need him badly in the run in/playoffs.
  24. I'd hope not. If Aberdeen are involved then we must be selling him on the cheap.
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