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Everything posted by johnnydun

  1. Did UEFA not change a law recently to let clubs show 3pm kick offs?
  2. Looks like he might have to if the football is cancelled any longer.
  3. But they won't be paying their full wage, wages will have to drop or they get no wages at all. Along with no match day security and policing to pay for. If you had the choice of being paid off with no chance of working in your trade for a year or having the possibility of some form of income by trying a new system out, what would you choose?
  4. Yeah, they go on about the amount of old duffers on P&B who are in the apparent minority of a committed fan base, then in the same breath say they are too old to operate a computer and wouldn't be arsed.
  5. You can't deduct all old folk, that's just ageist. Surely 1 person from 4 is better than none? Why charge overseas viewers double? That's just stupid for this concept.
  6. Your average gate for the season just past was around 1300, are you saying, globally, you couldn't find about 800 QOTS supporters to each pay £20, if this was the only way they could watch their team after months of no football?
  7. How so? Are you saying if someone is not on a football forum they can't be as committed?
  8. After our fall out last week I find myself agreeing with you a lot today.
  9. Imo you charge just under a ticket price, so it comes a bit closer to real revenue. I would happily pay £20 per week to watch Dundee on a live feed than £15 a month to watch some pish EPL game on BT sport.
  10. They would need about 900 away fans to buy the pay per view to match their average attendance.
  11. They will probably have to have some caveat in their contracts to have a reduced wage until fans can return. The other option is no football and no wage at all.
  12. This is my thoughts on it, maybe I am overestimating, but I think it would be enough to keep clubs afloat. Say for instance Dunfermline sell 1200 season books for the upcoming season, (based on half the amount they sold last season and some fans are generous to their clubs) plus say 800 Dunfermline fans round the world paying for the Pay per view and say 1200 Dees round the world paying for the pay per view, you could have an online attendance of around 3,200. That is only 500 less than last season's attendance. Take away stewarding and policing costs. Lower player contracts, as every team will have to do. There might be the possibility at the time of small groups of hospitality? Advertising could not only still be done around the ground but also during the online game along a banner at the bottom as well as adverts at half time. Like I said, I maybe am being optimistic, but I am just trying to look at it from a different light.
  13. Sorry I must have read it wrong. There's no need to come at me so negative, I just don't think it's a straight 'No' for this and should be looked at.
  14. The season books are usually covered early on, so it would be interesting to see how many PATG fans would be willing to buy a pay per view ticket instead, I know I would, including away games I would rarely attend, like at your place. I am also sure matchday security costs would well out weigh a streaming service.
  15. FFS! My question is not wide of the point and why would you leave wages aside, that is the biggest cost to clubs is it not? You would still have to pay the contracted players regardless or get rid.
  16. Question then, If you were a footballer, would you rather have no income for a year or reduced wages for a year? If the 'behind closed doors online pay per view' option is the way forward then clubs could offer reduced contracts to compensate for the loss in revenue.
  17. This stuff about paying to watch the closed door games online, it may have some benefit to teams. For example, I am 90% certain I would not be travelling away to watch Dundee at QOTS, however charge say £10-£20 to watch it online, then I am 90% sure I would buy it. I think this would be a better option than no football, it raises some form of income and give fans a chance to financially support clubs for something in return. As long as the stream doesn't buffer ever 30 seconds.
  18. TBF I would have preferred null and void, just for the seethe at Tanadump, if this could have happened without any prize money or contractual issues then I would have been all for it. But this would have brought a complete mess for the reasons of prize money, tv contracts, sponsors contracts etc... calling it as is now is the most sensible and least damaging option. IMO.
  19. I do it in the Derry, however it's only the lack of backs to the seats that makes this possible. This season however there has been no need, as it is usually empty by 90 mins.
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