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Everything posted by johnnydun

  1. FFS. TBF, he fixed the outcome of the card count in the match, not the score. So he did fix a part of the match. (I hate the word match).
  2. Been a regular reader of this thread with jealously. Been nearly 4 years since I had a drink due to medical reasons. One day I will again and I will share the moment on this thread as this will be the first thing I reach for when I am back on iT!
  3. Was it this guy? https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.fifetoday.co.uk/news/crime/drunk-celtic-fan-had-sex-taxi-1384960%3famp Your car's pulled!
  4. Think you're getting him mixed up with McDaid, Berra doesn't dye his hair.
  5. This is the sad reality outcome for your good self because of the fuckin idiot brigade we share an island with. Selfish c***s, the lot of them, what anyone needs 6 months worth of bog roll for, I don't know? Like fuckin sheep, they all do the same thing and they don't even know why.
  6. I think Byrne is more the issue here, he is slow and always imo a passenger, with Dorrans having to cover for him, it doesn't give him the freedom he needs. I don't like Byrne, we play better with him out the team.
  7. Partick Thistle hold on to the Hot Potato for another week! You couldn't do the decent thing and pass it to the only team not to have it, Dundee United. Next up for Thistle, Dunfermline on Tuesday.
  8. Sorry, of course Nelson didn't start today! Crankshaw ahead of McGhee if he is playing midfield or Byrne, then in turn ahead of Nelson.
  9. BET365 had 1 shot on target and 1 shot off. Yeah after the past few weeks of having a decent amount of shots, it looks like we went back to the form upfront of earlier in the season. I just hope it was a combination of poor deliveries from Kerr and Hemmings not being 100%. I really like Kerr's effort but he needs dropped again, early booking and an early yellow card, he is a liability. Elliot and Crankshaw to start on Tuesday ahead of Kerr and Nelson please.
  10. Point away from home, another clean sheet. Only 2 shots however.
  11. It wouldn't have made a jot of difference if the woman was going 30 or 60, they were going to overtake anyway, probably at higher speed. Her speed had no bearing on the accident. If the guy pulling out checked his mirrors and signalled, the accident could have been avoided. If the guy speeding had been driving at a speed to suit the road conditions, the accident could have been avoided.
  12. Who also would have been an arsehole.
  13. When taking someone to court for a claim against them, they are using their liability insurance, the case is clearly in the pursuer's favour.... 1. Is it up to the accused or the insurance company if an offer/refusal of compensation is to be made? And 2. If an out of court offer is to be made, when is this likely to happen?
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