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Everything posted by johnnydun

  1. Yeah, my wife went through the mill when I was in hospital, having to move house, having to move schools with the kids and waiting for their results, all the while im stuck in hospital. Then she gets a phone call from the landlord saying that im "quite skinny and pasty looking at the best of times". Now I dont know what this c**t was trying to imply but im 6'2" and 15 stone, im hardly a waif. Plus I had not had a day off work in 3 years. I was fighting fit. But now iv had to change my diet and I cant have alcohol, probably just as well for him. Waiting to see a specialist about it to give me a diagnosis of the longer term complications.
  2. Aye thanks, Im of the same thinking but this dung chuckin, greedy, tchuchter, fermer c**t has not even apologised!
  3. Thanks for that mate, I really appreciate it! I did that calculator and it said up to £154k, but as you say probably inflated to get me in.
  4. Not so quick a question... Got Ecoli o157 last October and was in hospital for about a fortnight, at one point it was looking pretty grim for me, the worst bit though was waiting on the kids results, thankfully clear. Still suffer bowel issues. How I got it was that I rented a farm house from a farmer with multiple properties, it was a well fed water supply. The water supply did not have a filter fitted (he gets a grant for this), a fence round the well or a lid. He put sheep in the field and with heavy rain it contaminated the water. Enviromental health condemed the house and we had to move. I have a solicitor looking into this for some compensation. There is evidence that the landlord is at fault. Does anyone know my chances of winning this? If so what sort of amount we talking? Thank you.
  5. I know, I once told my wife it was a simple pull out job, then 9 months later, im not so sure it was that simple!
  6. Go to your local scrap yard and take one from there, even if you take the whole glove box door it shouldn't cost you more than £5. Then just replace it, it will be a simple enough fix. Edit: its just a simple pull out job;
  7. You could have a strict entry code; No DABs, No Victims, No ****, No Sheep worriers, No Fermers, No Jags, No Inbreads, No Marvin's, No Junkies. I think that is all bases covered. I like the sound of Derryplex! DDYB!
  8. Well this is it, as I said earlier, if you make it more of a complex then it increases your revenue streams, you put a bookies in as part of the complex then say we get 6000 attending a game, the majority being men who like a flutter, house always wins! Then if you add the guest rooms, most fans would like to stay there at some point, even away fans for a friday night game. Just a thought but Speroni could open another one of his restaurants, it would be a gold mine.
  9. I like where your going with this, I would be happy with a Statue of my brick, as long as they got the scale right.....
  10. @CityDave you are quite the stadium whore, what modern stadium if any did you enjoy?
  11. How about this we put up 3 like the Avaya stadium in San Jose 18k capacity, however what to fill the empty side with?
  12. Atmosphere has nothing to do with finance. To be fair I was a bit harsh on you there, I just don't want somewhere like Mcdiarmid, or Almondvale or St Mirrens ground.
  13. Like we would take stadium or atmosphere advice from your lot.
  14. Early days but this is the 15k Capacity Benteler stadium in Germany, I like the fact it looks like its all very enclosed and you can get right on top of the opposition players. (Or your own depending on who you talk to in here).
  15. I will be gutted if we move from Dens, however you have to let the head rule the heart here, if we are to progress as a club and more importantly make the club sustainable, then it has to be done. I think they should make it more of a complex than just a stadium, such as a couple of bars, one for home support one for away, a bookies, sports shops and possibly a few rooms for supporters coming from distance. That would also bring in more revenue. However nobody has answered my earlier more important question..... Whats happening with my brick?
  16. I can throw it at Julen while singing Enrique, "You can run, you can hide but you can't escape my brick"
  17. This. Aberdeen are moving stadiums for the same reason, (i think its costing them £700k a year for the up keep of pittodrie?). The majority of Scottish grounds are falling apart and in need of upgrades as they are crippling clubs.
  18. Imagine how dull, a St Johnstone supporting Accountant! Probably into battle re enactments!
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