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Sergeant Wilson

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Everything posted by Sergeant Wilson

  1. He'll be sick and the video still won't work.
  2. Well since you asked so nicely.............
  3. Post men are invariably alcoholic loners.....them and janitors. They all kill themselves eventually.
  4. Do you think they'll still have you, it's been a long time? Maybe they'll let you play the triangle or dance at the back for a wee while. Just until they're sure you won't piss off again.
  5. That's exactly what I was saying when I visited Manhattan.
  6. The dead one from Coatbridge or the singer that Benny Hill used to dress up as?
  7. They look quite high and steep, so somewhere far. The hym......himi.....Wales.
  8. 4 is some mountains, 5 is a bike and 6 is a wee flag.
  9. Avoiding things, drinking heavily and being scruffy are your symptoms. That's me at my happiest.
  10. I've tried to avoid doing things all my life, work mostly. Does that count?
  11. I'll fucking go then. I don't mind drinking at the expense of the poor. I'd raise a toast to all the OAPs freezing in front of one bar electric fires. They've had their life, get out and enjoy yours.
  12. You'll get a row for saying that. I did when I said it. You'll be told it's a forum etc etc.
  13. Pay a tramp a pound to put it in to lost property for you. Go back and claim it later.
  14. One for the diary. Was anyone at The Vibrators tonight, I couldn't make it?
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