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San Starko Rover

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Everything posted by San Starko Rover

  1. Kelty have played an absolute blinder, while others sat badmouthing the Lowland league they did their homework and realised the Pyramid was the future and beat the rest who’ll now bottleneck at Tier 6.
  2. Well said Wardy, there’s always next season. Now I’m off to enjoy the Las Vegas sunshine and get ready for Peru V Scotland at the end of the month. More disappointment to come no doubt but those are my teams and I have no intention of supporting anyone else. World Cup and Champions League wins are other fans problems.
  3. Smith will be sacked on Tuesday then. I think his position is untenable we’ve been rank rotten away from home and some of our play has been dreadful. I’d like to see a clear out of quite a few players who’s contracts are up as very few have impressed these last two years. Bobby Barr should be the first out the door I hope his contract is up. I doubt Benedictus will stay for another season in this league. Glad our chairman has walked the last 3 managerial appointments have been woeful but Gary Locke was inexcusable, every fan in Scotland knows he’s utter shite except our board. Our season was destroyed when we sold Ross Callachan for a lot less than losing the league will cost us. We looked good until he left and then we were never the same team without him.
  4. It’s always amazed me that in football management you get paid off for doing a crap job. Surely there should be set targets put into contracts that have to be met.
  5. Anyone know what the score is with late applications, can a team try and join after the EGM? Obviously there is still room for a handful more to make 2 x 16, would the EoS consider anyone who applies late and call another EGM?
  6. Wow! If you’re genuinely a club official as others have suggested then I’m actually embarrassed for your club. Threatening fans from attending games at your ground on an Internet forum for calling you something as trivial as a “hater” is not the behaviour of a club official at any level.
  7. Has there been any official statement on how the EoS will be organised next season and how they’ll determine who is Tier 6 / 7 ?
  8. Personally I’d suggest the solution for the North is firstly make the HL 16 teams to match the LL at Tier 5. Then at Tier 6 as it’s a big area so split it geographically say somewhere between Inverness and Aberdeen (Buckie maybe) everyone West / North of the line forms the Caledonian leagues (NCL and North Juniors) everyone East / South of the line forms the Grampian leagues (North Juniors and East Juniors north of Tay bridge) have 1.5 promotion spots in each league. 3 down from HL or 2 and a playoff spot. Your suggestion of keeping the Junior cup is spot on make it the cup for all teams Tier 5 down, it’s got a lot of history so keep the name for that reason as you say less of a takeover more a merger. Regional cups could be looked at too. Big thing we need to get away from is the Junior / Senior divide. A merger is the best way to go where we all become just football teams.
  9. Watch out they’ll be threatening to boycott us all again like they’ve been doing since 2012. Any minute now we’ll all be bankrupt. Scottish clubs who’ve died since start of 2012 Rangers F.C. That is all.
  10. If there is a full merger of Juniors and Seniors I could honestly see the major factor of who gets tier 6 being based on the clubs infrastructure and how close they are to gaining a licence being the biggest factor. While tier 6 doesn’t require a licence they may want the clubs most ready for promotion or who they think can achieve this to prevent scenarios like last year with LTHV. No doubt all will become clearer in the summer.
  11. What a season it’s been with both Rovers and Ayr having chances to run away with it and throwing them away, glad this game is at home let’s just hope we can stumble over the line we need every player going all guns blazing.
  12. That’s what worries me, this season when everything looks like it’s going well we’ve both fucked it up. Hope we get the result on Saturday but both Ayr and Rovers probably deserve promotion.
  13. Really poor episode Peggy being a p***k in the butchers has been done when her and Winston fight over the chops. Starting to think whoever said Mick is contractually signed to be in every episode is right as he just gets shoehorned in. The Tam side story was far better than the main one. And that scanner shite wasn’t funny 15 years ago. Certainly no the series it was. Sadly still better than most this pish on these days.
  14. After Margo knocks Bobby out [emoji23] Let's just say we had a technical problem. Aye, it was a technical knockout!
  15. Think you’ve misread what I was saying or missed the previous post Hilloneaeth was responding to, what I was saying is that presently EoS and East Juniors aren’t merging it’s new teams joining a league. I personally believe any team or teams joining a new league have to startat the bottom be it senior or Junior. Now if the SFA and SJFA actually look at a proper merger that would be a different story.
  16. Fair enough it’s an extreme example but the Bankies started at the bottom of the West leagues I assume? New team or not they’re bigger than many juniors in terms of fan base.
  17. I know where you’re coming from but I think what your missing is at present this isn’t a merger between the East Junior and EoS neither Organisation is in discussion with the other. This is X numbers of Junior and Amateur teams have decided to apply for the EoS and if rumours are to be believed about a possible mini seeding round or two parallel leagues the EoS are actually being more accommodating than they really have to be. Flip the scenario round and say 3 years ago Ayr United or Raith decided to go Junior for whatever reason would the SJFA be saying welcome, where would you like to start or would they be told you’re a new club to our pyramid the bottom league is over there. What would the reaction be if a new team joining the SJFA started anywhere but the bottom?
  18. If there’s spaces available the EoS would be wrong to refuse teams in my opinion. Seem to recall a Kelty fan said their application was accepted after the cut off, although I could be wrong on that.
  19. Surely if clubs miss the cut off for the EoS this year and change their mind for the following season if the EoS is at 32 team (Prem and Div1) rather than starting a Division 2 they could run 2 leagues feeding into their premier division (it is a pyramid after all) so have one league at tier 6 and two at tier 7 split geographically, this would suit smaller teams as less traveling and also suit larger late arrivals as they’re starting at tier 7 instead of 8. The EoS could then if there was demand accommodate 48 teams before they’d have to open tier 8. Could even have 4 down to speed up teams finding their level with 2 promoted from each of the tier 7 leagues.
  20. And clubs should be built on solid foundations not sand like yours was [emoji12] Did you guys not have an artificial pitch for a while in the SPL? Or did I dream that one. Seem to recall Celtic bitching about it. I actually agree with you I think football should be played on grass but if it saves money (yet to be convinced by this argument) and others are going that way I’m not going to lose sleep over it.
  21. Yes and next season the Lowland league might well be talking about Bonnyrigg or Camelon as the season progresses like they’re no doubt talking about LTHV and Kelty at the moment but this year which juniors are joining the EoS is no factor to them.
  22. You were that kid that used to take his ball home when he was losing weren’t you?
  23. The leverage I refer to is the lack of a WoS league, same for NoS. While the SoS league technically covers the West area as has been pointed out by many it’s in reality a Dumfries and Galloway league so I would think that the top West Juniors could negotiate to be the WoS league if they perhaps accepted a couple of the bigger SoS teams. The East however can’t really do this as there is the EoS league which covers the whole East lowland league region and I can’t see the SFA letting the East Juniors jump that league or indeed the EoS not fighting it as it already fits their geographical area.
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