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Priti priti priti Patel

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Everything posted by Priti priti priti Patel

  1. Dobbie and Shields both squandering golden opportunities.
  2. I think someone said earlier that the correct stat is we haven't beaten them home or away since 1963, a stretch of 22 games.
  3. Guy on the radio: "Robbie, Queen of the South haven't won here since 1963" Nelson: "Well they probably haven't played here very often"
  4. It is, but inevitable we'll lose some players, and if they're going up to decent Premiership teams rather than just your Dundees and Caley Thistles, that's better for us in terms of recruiting boys for next season.
  5. Who else chose to skip this stream? I'm not long back from taking the missus to the organic, plastic-free food store.
  6. There's been loads of thefts of parcels and push bikes from our block of flats. The management company doesn't seem to be doing much about it. I had my motorbike cover stolen yesterday, it cost about £15 new and is now old and covered in oil, so I made my first post in the residents' group on facebook complaining. It's a very civilized place where people get thanked for tidying up the bin store and the like, so I knew mine was a little off colour. I've woken up this morning to a facebook message request: What a c**t.
  7. I have stopped watching. The lineup was stupid. We've seen several times that Mebude and Shields just don't link up well when played up top together. We've also seen we do well with a packed midfield and pace on the wings. We have also had a system that has repeatedly worked. So he's changed system, dropped Fitzpatrick for McGrory, gone with three in the middle, and played Mebude up top with Shields. It's as if the man won a few games and got carried away.
  8. This is outrageously bad. I don't know where to start. There's nothing redeeming about it. We keep punting long balls forward and getting nothing from it. Shields and Mebude keep coming out wide, leaving the other of them isolated up front. Both of those issues seem to emanate from the vacuum in midfield. We have three not-very-attacking, all centrally minded players in there, meaning there's nothing happening on the wings, and there's huge gaps between the midfield and strikers. We're still not pressing high. And because Shields and Mebude keep getting stuck out wide trying to hold onto long balls, there's absolutely no pace in our game. There's literally none of the elements which have won us points recently. It boggles the mind.
  9. I'm not suggesting two up top just that when Morton have the ball in defence Dapo (or whoever) comes forward from midfield to support the press. The wingers would do the same as well. And then Obileye would need to be aware of that hole behind Dapo so he can cover if needed. It's the same system we played for quite a few games in Jan/Feb, but it was Pybus or Nortey instead of Dapo.
  10. What do you mean? I thought it was all very complimentary... Why thank you
  11. I disagree. I felt we looked open because Alloa were strolling up to the halfway line then hitting it over the top. Push Dapo forward to press alongside Shields so Morton don't have as much time on the ball, and have Obileye ready to come forward into the hole Dapo vacates if they try to play through.
  12. No it isn't and no you can't. You know that there's a rule book with the rules written down in the English language saying what the offences are and the grounds for appeal? Fully aware I'm being a dick about this.
  13. Whoever wrote our appeals - well done that man or woman.
  14. I am more confident than some despite the loss of Jones and likely loss of Mebude. We played the first five games of our streak without them (other than the last 14 mins v Morton when Mebude had his debut) and got four wins and a draw. We also defeated Inverness in a game without Mebude and with Jones ineffective. We are definitely capable of winning games with Conor Shields up top and an energetic CM supporting him - it was first Pybus, then Nortey. There's no reason that Joseph couldn't fill that role, or indeed Mebude on Saturday before his inevitable ban. Option of McGrory, Dickson and a returning McKee for the other CM spot. If Ayo's red card gets overturned then we still have a strong starting 11 in my opinion.
  15. We have appealed both players' red cards from Saturday. The appeals are being heard tomorrow. https://www.scottishfa.co.uk/scottish-fa/football-governance/disciplinary/disciplinary-updates/ Ayo's has been done to death but not clear why we've appealed McCabe's. The definition for violent conduct is: It will depend what the referee put in his report, but I suppose an argument could be made in relation to the first part in bold that the actual force itself wasn't excessive for getting someone off of your back, which is what McCabe was trying to do, and in relation to the second part in bold that the fact there was contact to the face wasn't deliberate.
  16. Exactly. I hadn't appreciated before that Grant had turned 90 degrees so Ayo was coming at him from the side. It's not even a raised foot in the normal sense that carries some danger to the leg bone if you carry through, it is literally just stepping on his foot.
  17. For me this has nothing to do with the game. Graham's tackle on Mebude was really late on and you wouldn't like to see a red, and even if he got a red it wouldn't have changed the result at all. I think Ayo's could have been a yellow but you have seen them given. It is not about arguing either of the decisions. The analysis is clear though and either (a) you say that Ayo's was more dangerous than Graham's, which nobody has, or (b) the serious foul play rule has been applied inconsistently. For me this is just about the pure simple mindedness of several posters who say that some how that logic is incorrect because they think they have seen something else on TV, culminating with the latest chap who claims that literally citing a specific sub-paragraph of the Laws of the Game and discussing whether it corresponds to the referee's decision is "not applying the laws of the game", but saying "give me an example of a similar incident" some how is. I could go on and point out that the specific part of the rule is left to a referee's judgment and so incidents from other games are irrelevant, that the laws of the game are no shaped by what's previously happened on Sportscene but are actual written down rules, etc, etc, etc. But, it's just that age old folly - you get drawn into a discussion where you are trying to use reason and the other person refuses to. I am usually better at not getting drawn in but there we go.
  18. It was no effort at all. I simply had to refer to the Laws of the Game. I am sure you wish it wasn't true, but they exist and what they say is undeniable.
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