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Monkey socks

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Everything posted by Monkey socks

  1. they are going to be struggling for a competent manager then. Borders shut, nae flights, Brexit restrictions on foreign nationals getting jobs .Wee Nicola got us buttoned down tighter than a drum skin. Look at the gene pool of out of work managers available, Lennon staying which can only be good news for the rest of us.
  2. to go back to the topic, Big John has been solid for Livi basically since he signed. The team started off the season badly and he was just as culpable as other players. He certainly has come on over the past couple of months and knocking in a few goals as well. We've got Devlin and Fitzwater as well, just need Luke Leahy and we've got Walsall back line.
  3. I'll reel it in. Do you think Dec is off to Celtic? at least he'll get a sunny winter break with them.
  4. Just a shoutout to Tam McManus on commentary who thought Livi " obviously " came with the intent of getting a clean sheet. Muppet, is that not what all teams try to do? The fact we scored 3 going with a few chances squandered seemed lost on him. Biased to the extremes of hilarity when the wheels were falling aff his team big time.
  5. Well done Saints. To come back the way you did was just brilliant. The look on Gerrards face at the end would have been worth the admission money alone ( if anybody had been allowed in). Hampden will be like a morgue in January unless wee Nicola changes her mind on fans but look forward to giving you a good game.
  6. My point is he had a crack at Bradford - no joy, Went to Morton- not much joy there either. So his high stock was at Livi with Martindale and a terrific group of players. Can he cut it on his own given that the common denominator in those locations was that Martindale was not with him? Not saying that Martindale is a stick on for the job or that he will be the answer to our problems. He deserves a chance and I believe the old adage of never go back applies to Hopkn.
  7. Hopkin back? Naw, naw and 3 times naw ! He walked away to " better" himself when we were on the cusp of something special. And we ended up with Kenny Miller ! agree with Liviforever, Martindale knows the score and is worthy of being give the job.
  8. Disagree with the punishments/ awards on the basis of setting a precedent which could be expanded on without any recourse of appeal. Does anybody know what tier, if there were any, was in effect at the time of the offences? If it was low and this is the result, now that central Scotland is high because the risk of infection transmission is higher, how do the authorities decide the severity of breaches of protocol? How many are involved / who are involved? Was it playing staff or the tea woman? Be good to see if SPFL ,SFA have a sliding scale of punishments ready.
  9. When he first came to Livi under Hopkin I thought Lee Miller was there to learn the ropes and take over when Hopkin left. Might be too soon for him but I doubt we could pry him away from Falkirk anyway.
  10. To be fair to Sibbald and Pittman, if the ball is being battered over your head for almost 90 minutes you are going to have little influence on the game.
  11. Caused us more problems than he did you . His " defensive clearance" header out set up your goal. The Jet has not left the terminal building never mind reached take off .
  12. Absolutely agree with what has been said previously. Some days it just does not work out for you and you have to take the pain but 15 woeful games into the season and it looks as though there is no heart in the team. Guys that were a standout last season cannot head or pass the ball in this one. No system, players out of position and guys that seem unsubbable (real word ? ). Bartley and Jet to name two. Feel sorry for Sibbald, he is not the worst performer but he always is the first to get hooked. Bring Serrano on and move Lawson to the right only to sub him a few minutes later. Baffling.
  13. I thought I was the only one who thinks hes crap. Player of the month for October? Did his maw pick it? Jack McMillan deserves a chance now
  14. Back to your own howf which is league1 forum I believe. You still packing them in at the bomb blast , 3 stand stadium ?
  15. When he signed for us in summer he said that he wanted to experience a different culture and improve his English. One out of two ain't bad, how he's gonna understand the Fifers ............
  16. Don't care as long as we get bodies in the box to get on the end of them. Thought he had a good game today .
  17. In short, both Aberdeen and Celtic have been duped by their employees . Lied to or at least having information essential to their employer/ employee/ social responsibility status undermined through irresponsible actions. The players are the ones who transgressed and therefore should be the ones who are punished. Any employee who places themselves and others at risk , whatever job, need their baws / arse kicked and punished internally as appropriate. Their actions affect the livelihoods of their colleagues and should be dealt with severe. Not sure postponing games is the solution .
  18. You must have watched Livi 's defence against the Hibs then.
  19. Just to echo 4 centre halves who look as though they have just met. Long aimless punts up the park. Thank Christ for drink 0-3 and no half time yet.
  20. 18 pages of opinion,conjecture ,accusations ,conspiracy theories and greeting. For what it's worth , until an antidote for Covid 19 can be developed we won't see any sport, social activity for a very, very long time. There are over 7 billion people on the planet and even if 0.01% of the population succum to the disease we've got a long way to go before we reach that level. I've followed football for over 60 years and frankly keeping my family safe is more important wondering did some club do this , for did not send that , pulled someone's chain. Perspective is what needed here.
  21. Top 6 = more money from gate receipts and SPFL which in turn helps club stability and provides a platform to plan for next season. I'm with Durnford, league a priority, cup run a nice little bonus.
  22. So, you cannot be in an offside position in your own half BUT can commit an offside offence in your own half if you come back to collect the ball having been offside in your opponents half? The games f*cked then. Try explaining that to the arse cheeks.
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