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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. I hope they leave the timelords well out of it. Not everybody who watches now will have caught up to the 50 year backstory. Just have Gallifrey destroyed and leave that alone.
  2. That advert on Channel 5 for their kids show, with the woman screaming "It's Noddy!". Don't like that. And heard one on the radio today for We Buy Any Car. Some old grumpy guy muttering about how he hates people who look at his car before not buying it. "As for the 'I've-just-a-few-left-never-to-be-seen-again-lot, I really hate them". I just wanted to say: calm doon.
  3. Where they go to a singles night, and Joe tells a woman "I have to be quick, my wife thinks I'm at the movies"
  4. The area I'm in doesn't matter as we are nowhere near being full. People with similar grades get similar offers. Our conversion rates (applicants that turn in to people being here) is about 19% so we just make loads and loads of offers and see what comes in. I've never had the case yet where I'm agonising over 2 similar candidates and have to make a choice - just does not happen.
  5. Very funny show. So many examples that have me utterly crying with laughter. I saw one in the beer aisle of a shop where they told Q to throw balls at this utterly huge black guy. He was crapping himself.
  6. I review applications as part of my job. I hardly ever look at the statements. Don't worry too much about it.
  7. Jesus...what an episode. Best 45 minutes of TV I have seen in ages and ages.
  8. The main rumour floating round isn't the daleks - that's just my opinion.
  9. http://www.theguardian.com/film/2015/nov/23/hunger-games-mockingjay-natalie-dormer-game-of-thrones
  10. A few guesses floating round the internet. My money's on Missy & The Daleks.
  11. I was watching this with my kids, and when Clara took on the tattoo I mumbled "well, she'll be brown bread soon enough". I knew this was her last episode. Then comes the emotional bit - where all of you got to feel sad and cried. This was denied to me by my 5 year old daughter asking loudly "When is she turning in to a slice of brown bread?" Wee soul had been sitting, watching, waiting for that to happen.
  12. My step-daughter and her boyfriend showed us their scan picture. She's 13 weeks now and we simply cannot get excited about our first grandchild. The boyfriend is - well - scum. He's serving his community service, never had a job, no plans for a job. Blows all his benefit money on motorbikes which leaves us sending food parcels a week later. And he is in no way, shape or form fit or ready to be any kind of father. My wife is convinced that social services will show up at our door, kid in hands, asking us to take it.
  13. I'm old enough to remember the following. Carol Smillie on Wheel of Fortune. Jet from Gladiators. Annalise from Neighbours Teri Hatcher in the New Adventures of Superman Women were just hotter in the 90s than they are now.
  14. I was braced for it being garbage. It was written by Mark Gatiss (of 'Robot of Sherwood' fame). It was better than I expected, but it was still a but poor. Under the Lake was a far better Base-under-siege story.
  15. I really think I was lucky growing up. As a teenager I didn't have the internet messing with my brain, all the social media garbage that gives kids such a hard time. Even now I don't tweet, facebook or anything like that. My daughter tells me she has 300 friends - aye right. 300 people who liked your facebook page aren't friends. I have 5 friends. Actual, real people whom I meet, socialise with, talk with, share experiences with and we understand each other very well as people. Someone who clicks a button because they approve of a picture I upload to the internet isn't a friend. I remember Channel 4 starting. I remember buying a can of juice from a vending machine for 33p. I remember Sky starting (which was just awesome in the early 90s, going from 4 to 20 channels overnight.) I had a paper round - or, more precisely, I remember when people bought newspapers and cared enough for them to be delivered. I remember betamax making way for VHS, and visiting a video store to rent a movie for the night. I remember kids TV which was a shared experience, each day after school and saturday mornings. Now? Cooking shows wall to wall, and the kids can switch over to the bespoke american cartoon channel. It all encourages families to split in to separate rooms and watch their own shows. Socialising with each other? Forget it!
  16. This guy doesn't blink. Freaks me the hell out.
  17. My youngest hasn't been too well lately, and has ended up coming through to our bed to sleep with us. I don't mind this as a one-off, but last night she was full-on Bruce Lee. I woke with both her hands round my neck at one point, and the wife got a karate chop in the face.
  18. I've enjoyed this series far more than the last. The 2 parters are good. The first ones with the daleks was not bad; I really liked Under the Lake/Before the Flood; was a bit meh about the Maisie Williams ones; and this latest effort isn't half bad. What I don't get is why people seem to feel that every Doctor Who episode must be a masterpiece. Every series has had its stinkers and its high points.
  19. Episode 1 was the business. As soon as I heard "Parker has me in a non-compete", I was buzzing. Quite right - go and shaft him right back. That said, I was a bit disappointed in one respect. Parker's whole arc for the second half of last season was about buying his own ground. 2 of his mates can't make it and he shrugs his shoulders and says "Oh well. Back to Tony." Really, there are bound to have been other places he could have gone.
  20. Absolutely. I know you should never cross the streams of Star Wars and Star Trek, but watch this one from ST: Generations. The entire plot is revealed. In fact, the trailer was better than the film.
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