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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. True enough. Think back to, say, when Yogi left. Has any manager or signing since provided excitement or hope?
  2. Detournement asked if you had ever spent time with contractors or on a building site. Your answers went down the "If I was in charge of the company" route. If you were on a site and someone did wolf whistle, no way you would be grassing them up or reporting it. Not in a million years. Nor would you be angrily squaring up to anyone. In the be real world that wouldn't happen. Not sure if your answer was genuinely what you imagined you might do, or good old fashioned virtue signalling.
  3. For the first 5 pages or so I think there was a consensus that it's not on. It isn't a compliment or a laugh - but it does happen and a few of us have experiences of it. It was all nice and gentle. Then came the "I'd tell them to their face it was wrong" "I'd grass them to the police" comments from Oaksoft and the whole nature of it changed from the behaviour of those doing the stuff, to the behaviour of those who are there when it happens. It all went a bit silly after that.
  4. Knowing that the sequence goes case - hospital - ICU - death, we're seeing the wave 3 in decline in the first two parts. Might take a wee while for the ICU and deaths to follow suit.
  5. 40% of construction graduates at my uni are female, but I guess training to be a construction manager or quantity surveyor is a different culture than being on site.
  6. I remember being at (I think) the Recs in Alloa. The fans were chanting "Would you like to see some puppies" to the ball boys.
  7. I watched the GP at the weekend and it's almost sad to see Raikkonen these days. Up until his title win he was utterly awesome. The year he won, 2007, was the absolute peak. Alonso and Hamilton were duking it out for the title and nobody really thought Raikkonen had a chance. He took podiums in each of the last 7 races, winning 4, and beat them both by a single point. For half a season he was untouchable. Even before then, though, at McLaren he was runner-up twice and was just so bloody fast. In a way the worst thing to happen to him was winning his title. He suddenly lost half a second a lap and has never been the same since - like Villeneuve after the marshal died in Australia, or Hakkinen after his kid was born.
  8. Jeezo...you and the family have my best wishes here. This is the kind of thing that makes you stop in your tracks. Hope she recovers well mate.
  9. Ouch! In 2017 my son fell at the playground at school and fractured his elbow (days before the Easter holidays). A few weeks later my daughter fell down at the soft play and fractured hers in the same place. Kinda glad that these happened in public spaces. Imagine if they had both happened at home - the police would be taking a hard look at me.
  10. They're out there... Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Iota, Eta, Zeta https://www.mercurynews.com/2021/07/09/8-coronavirus-variants-in-the-u-s-heres-what-we-know/ Beyond this is the next one of concern...Lambda! https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-07-22/lambda-variant-is-it-more-infectious-can-it-escape-vaccines/100314508
  11. The odd thing with Coulthard's career was the end of 97/start of 98. By the end of the 97 season he was the driver who had won races with Williams and McLaren, but under team orders gave the win for the last race of the season to Hakkinen (Hakkinen's first ever win). Same happened at the first race of the 98 season. So clearly, at some point in 97 when Coulthard was driving very well and securing big results, McLaren put their weight behind Hakkinen instead. In hindsight the right decision as Hakkinen won 2 titles and coulthard ended up in his shadow, and then Raikkonen's shadow.
  12. https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/in-your-area/lanarkshire/mum-launches-petition-change-covid-24230346 My daughter left nursery in 2015 and didn't have any of this pish.
  13. I've read all the Bond books as well as seeing the movies. The books are excellent, set in the 50s rather than the 60s. The closest any actor has come to achieving the "book" bond is Timothy Dalton imo. Moonraker is interesting as the film has absolutely no relationship to the original book whatsoever. With Star Wars coming out in the 70s, the studio basically thought "Bond in Space" and made a whole new film from scratch. Moonraker is the only Bond book set entirely in England. To confuse things more, they then released Moonraker - The Book of the Movie.
  14. Cruella 7/10 I was forced to watch this with the kids last night. I was expecting it to be awful but was actually a lot of fun. Emma Stone and Emma Thompson were both superb. Ropey first 10 minutes but once it hit its stride, a very enjoyable film.
  15. 1999 should have been his year. In the best car, Mika Hakkinen's brain and Michael Schumacher's leg were away for half the season, but sadly he utterly fucked it. Totally agree. 98 was a good, close-run fight and Schumacher again finishing second in the championship. This would have been his third season in a row fighting at the top for the first Ferrari title in years. He and Ferrari were choking to win it. I think Schumacher might have edged it had he not snapped his leg. Hakkinen was a monster in qualifying - 11 pole positions that year - but only 5 wins. For me the Hakkinen-Schumacher battles were about as good as F1 gets.
  16. I had back problems as a teenager and my son had the same when he was about 12. I think it was just a growth thing. The worst one for me wasn't back pain though - I hurt my hip a few years back. For a week it was the most uncomfortable, agonising time of my life (and I've been on tramadol for testicle pain). To me, everything else is second class.
  17. Many moons ago my brother was a trialist in a reserve game away to Clydebank. I remember going to Kilbowie (today has been all about reminiscing over stadiums for me). Wooden benches throughout. Dad told me it was the first all-seater stadium in the country. I might be mixing my games up but I think he got injured and carried off during that game.
  18. Quite a few in Australia and the like pushing Zero Covid as a possibility. Deluded.
  19. Many years ago I had a summer job on the roads at Stirling Council. Sometimes you heard on the radio something like "Stevie, where are you?" "Just out on an F.I., back in half an hour" An F.I. was reserved for sunny days when the girls were out and about wearing skimpy outfits. Stood for Fanny Inspection, where a guy or guys would get in a council van and drive about, looking at women. One guy in particular (not me) was prone to slowing down and wolf whistling all the time at passing girls.
  20. Love seeing these old photos. The ones I have are at my folk's house, so I have to make do with internet images. And looking through, seems there are a few of these:
  21. I thought you had to keep your mask on during the movie? I'd be delighted if I was wrong as I'd love to go to the cinema again but the thought of sitting with a mask on for hours has put me off.
  22. I'm only allowed in one day a week as the building is at 50% capacity. So yesterday I was in my office, in a corridor of about 20 offices, and I was the only one there. Had to go walkabout to find people to speak to (and do my first bit of actual science in an absolute age).
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