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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis say they don't believe in bathing their kids or themselves too much
  2. scottsdad

    The Shield

    It is a superb show. I watched it again last year. None of the main 4 guys got a happy ending, but the sheer quality of the drama was excellent. Quite enjoy the little SoA/Shield crossovers. Shane's alter ego in The Shield is Cletus Van Damme. In SoA Walton Goggins plays Venus Van Damme.
  3. He was outstanding in Fargo. Not watched Nobody but might do so.
  4. Women are ill for one of two reasons - pregnant or dying. Nobody is just a bit ill for a while and gets better.
  5. I watched this on Wednesday and was really disappointed. The first 20 minutes were a lot of running and fighting without explaining who anybody was, or why they were running and fighting. The plot was wafer thin but did develop a bit. You know it's not great when I ended up talking with the kids most of the way through it. Would love to see a David Harbour Red Guardian movie though. ScarJo was watchable as always.
  6. So sorry to hear this @Day of the Lords - your post brings back memories of getting a call 20 years ago late at night and piling in the car with my family to drive to see my grandmother. All the very best to you and yours.
  7. Bloody hell.....this is what I get for looking at UK_Centrist's retweets. I better stop now.
  8. UK_Centrist is one of my favourites to see what the latest in fear is. Another one worth watching is this guy:
  9. I was talking to a guy at work about this just last week. Pre-pandemic he worked as a part time bouncer at nightclubs in Edinburgh. He got furloughed from his day job as a cleaner. Anyway, he ended up working security at the hotel for a good while. The issues he said were people going off their nut with boredom, only allowed out for an escorted 15 minutes a day to an enclosed space for fresh air (alone). The conditions are alright, he told me, but it is like being in prison. There were loads of people trying to avoid going into the hotel in the first place - he told me a story of four Chinese guys who came into the airport, managed to give security the slip and hopped in a taxi. The taxi was stopped exiting the airport by the police. He had loads of other stories too.
  10. Let's ban the sale of tobacco to anyone born after 2005 Guardian article - plus a bonus bump of an old thread.
  11. Appeal rejected, and Mercedes have issued a statement saying that Red Bull are trying to tarnish Hamilton's reputation. Not sure if this means the title race is hotting up, or if this is handbags.
  12. This is pretty much the view I have also come to in recent times. I would add to this that with legalising it, you can regulate it. Make sure that what is being sold is safe and not laced with God knows what. That and you put some pretty nasty folks out of business. How would this all be paid for? Easy. By legalising it you can tax it.
  13. This is all the baggage that this thread of opinion in Scotland is bringing up. Campbell speaks to a small but vocal minority in Scotland, trading on his earlier works with the Wee Blue Book. It has now pivoted to just piss and vinegar, with trans issues as the touchstone as it inflames passions. At least the May election showed just how minor this minority is. Campbell just comes over now as an angry man looking for something to be angry about.
  14. Not sure what the hell is happening to this thread this morning.
  15. I've been over indulging in Star Trek fun facts, so let's go another way... Nobody says "Ewok" at any point during Return of the Jedi. People only know that's what they are called because of the toys that came out alongside the movies.
  16. Shame that Jodie Whittaker is leaving as well. With Chibnall gone there is a fifty-fifty chance of getting some decent scripts.
  17. The university management and staff are (with a few exceptions) very keen to get back to face to face teaching. Online teaching is a horrible experience for a lecturer, often like being a radio DJ talking into the ether. Students are online but cameras and mics off, nobody asking questions... This coming year will be a proper blended learning one. In my case, students will watch the "lecture" videos at home. These are delivering the bare bones course content. Then groups of up to 50 will come on campus for a tutorial where they can interact with me and their fellow students. This is where the real learning will happen. Last year we did both online. The exceptions will be the massive classes. These will just be online. Our applications from overseas students are at their highest ever levels (for my programme anyway). I will have a class of ~350 students in September that can only be online. My other classes will be blended.
  18. I first read this and thought - no way is Paul Young old enough. He was a pop singer in the 80s! Then I realised...
  19. Just looked up the news article. A few details I had were wrong. He was first caught in 2008 on the M80, near Falkirk. No idea why they chose to stop him there. Second one was in 2017. The details are all here
  20. That's fair enough. Come the next election the choices are all going to be slim pickings, though.
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