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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. Just as well you didn't post this in the Covid thread. You'd get dog's abuse from some.
  2. The wife put 90 day fiance on whilst we were eating our dinner yesterday.
  3. Long weekend starts in 40 minutes. To be fair I've done bugger all work today as well.
  4. Lecturer, father, previously super fit. With a picture of me walking on a beach with my kids.
  5. If I catch Covid and die, or if I catch Covid and develop the dreaded long Covid, at least I will be described by uk_centrist, Deepti and others as "previously super fit"
  6. Some things you learn by osmosis. Some things you seek out...
  7. I was about 10 when Mo Johnston signed for Rangers. It was the news story for about a week. The tabloids, front pages and back pages. Fans ripping up season tickets and saying to the TV news "ah'll no' be back". He won most over by scoring goals, but that took time. And a hard core never, ever took to him.
  8. Yesterday I bought a box of export. Bloody @Hedgecutter and his subliminal messages
  9. I saw a film once that had a room like this in it, except there were wee holes cut into the walls at waist height.
  10. It's piss water. The trouble is, other wines give her a really bad stomach. That, and a lot of types of fizzy juice as well. Something to do with certain types of sugars and sweeteners I think. She could drink a bottle of normal wine, but would spend the night shitting her guts out. The strawberry and lime wine doesn't do that to her.
  11. Apologies, I do mean Cadgers Brae. Not at the roundabout yet but doing 60 past the Beancross
  12. I have temporarily moved from Khan to Cybil Troy. I will return to Khan soon. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to watch a Cybil Troy video.
  13. My son is 16 and really doesn't want it. Not keen on the needle.
  14. Driving from Falkirk towards the M9 at ~12.30 today. Driving along at 60, the speed limit, heading towards the Klondike garden centre. A car was ready to pull out in front of me (coming from Icehouse Brae). No way, I thought. He started puling out, then stopped. Then went for it. I had to slam my brakes (and my horn) and slowed to 15 mph.
  15. Highway to Hell by Clinton Walker. Biography of Bon Scott. The book itself was very detailed and showed the character of Scott well. What I didn't like was how dismissive the author was on everyone else related to AC/DC. The Young brothers were, in turn, stupid, ruthless, tasteless, classless and so on. Managers were invariably incompetent or rip off merchants. On it went - everyone who didn't speak to him in the book was utterly slated. At least I now know the story of Whole Lotta Rosie
  16. Having posted this yesterday, I got a panicked call from my Head of School. All courses to be taught in person in class this coming semester. Great, I said. We've been told our room occupancy is somewhere between 20 and 40. Max class size is 50. My class has 350 students in it. So my options as a lecturer are to see all students weekly online, or see the students once or twice in a semester in person. Unless this guidance changes soon the students are once again getting a sub par experience.
  17. Indeed it did! From the ONS study itself...
  18. Been reading Deepti's take-down of a paper on long Covid published in the Lancet. It's funny - she is slagging off every shortcoming in the paper. Where did she read about these shortcomings? In the paper, where the authors (like every other scientific author) stated what the limitations in their study were. The study is "heavily flawed" because parents of ill children are filling in the data rather than the sick kids themselves. Honestly, she is losing the plot. An editor of a journal would take these criticisms and bin them (you often get reviewers who don't understand what they are reviewing). Every study has limitations! Then we get this:
  19. I read this post yesterday, then saw Alex Scott on the BBC last night. Because of this I was actively listening out for it...and it was there. Show Jumpin. Didn't bother me, and if I hadn't seen this would never have noticed.
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