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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. There may be words about the 10 week thing
  2. It is progress of a kind. In months gone by she'd have been putting the levels up.
  3. Roy of the Rovers - my brother had a subscription when we were kids. I read it too - great fun. I remember one story about half the team being injured, and heading for a big loss in the next game. They went on a trip to a farm before the game and found a machine that was healing leg fractures in horses. The injured players strapped on the machine, injuries fixed, and they were able to field a proper team and win the match. Could have used that machine on Keiran Tierney yesterday,
  4. The 5% figure is the worry here for me. This is the WHO's definition of if we have it under control. If we go past that then the public health zealots will be out in force. My maths though tells me that 974 new cases from 20,761 tests is 4.7%
  5. I would say so - better than Friends anyway which is on heavy rotation. The last couple of seasons went downhill, like all shows. And it had real, genuine highlights (The Contest, The Puffy Shirt, The library). It does look a touch dated now, like all 90s shows. And as said before, Curb far eclipses it.
  6. My dad has had some serious symptoms recently that have had him worried sick. All he could get was phone appointments with a nurse (who sent him for a covid test, which came back negative, and antibiotics which made no difference). More phone calls, and eventually it took for my mum to get belligerent - which she never does - to get a phone appointment with a GP, who sent him to a nurse practitioner. He's had blood tests, and others, and is awaiting an appointment for an X-ray. But all of this - when the government has adverts on TV saying that if you have these exact symptoms, contact your GP - has taken ages and caused a lot of worry. 2 months for someone (not a GP, a nurse practitioner) to even listen to his chest.
  7. What the hell is happening in Clackmannanshire?
  8. My brother moved out of our parents house in 2004. He had only been there for a year or so after selling his old place. Blue letter arrived there for him too.
  9. Got a box of 24 craft beers from a company called Flavourly for £30. Some is rat's piss, some interesting.
  10. Mine were bottle fed. We were able to split the feeds, keep bottles in the fridge, all that convenience. My son is now 6 foot 2, about 14 stone (at the age of 16). I don't think the bottle stunted his growth. Agree with all the comments here about bottle feeding.
  11. AZ - into the shaft Pfizer - into the tip
  12. For me, if I didn't work I'd have to find something to do. Work isn't just about earning enough money to pay the bills and have enough left over for a bit of fun - it's a big part of self-worth (at least for me). I must say I do like my job a lot, and the busier I am the more I like it. This is just me though. I have only ever quit a job once without having another one to go to. I was a door to door gas and telephone salesman in the summer of 1999. Walking around Glasgow tenements, walking the streets of places like Kilsyth, knocking doors from 11am and trying to convince people to switch their phone or energy supplier. It was terrible, soul destroying. I'd finish at about 9.30pm, home by 10.30pm, call the boss and take a bollocking for not making enough sales...and it was 11pm. 6 days a week unless I missed the targets, in which case I was back out on a Sunday. The day was gone. The week was gone. I was exhausted and after 4 weeks (of fantastic money, I have to admit), I quit. I was lucky enough that I had made enough money in those 4 weeks to see me through the summer before going back to uni.
  13. Watched America's Got Talent on Netflix - new series - with the kids. Full studio audience, no masks, no distancing. Lots of cheering and clapping. I liked this, there are many who will be hiding behind the couch at the very thought.
  14. I lived in Wales for 3 years and, yes, this happens. Some folk thought South Wales was anything south of the M4. Others thought it included the Valleys.
  15. For me, the northern boundary of the central belt is between Stirling and Perth. Say, halfway up the A9. Ayr
  16. We're getting in to "so what" territory with infection numbers.
  17. I listened to Linda Bauld on the radio this morning, and think The National is mis-reporting her. She was the one saying fanzones were safe as they were outdoors and people will by and large maintain some distancing. She joked that if things go Scotland's way people might start embracing each other and that has some risk, but she was really playing it all down. The National is some rag. I then made the mistake of listening to Radio Scotland at lunchtime. Even the story about the cruise ship - an interview with someone booked on the cruise now having to change her plans, and she was asked "how angry does it make you that your holiday plans have changed, given what is being allowed at the Fanzone" - everything they talked about, and the BBC reporters were shoehorning the fanzone in. Sorry, the "controversial" fanzone.
  18. I met him about 20 years ago at a council/charity do in Alloa town hall. I forget what the event was in aid of but he was the main draw. He came on stage and started doing a whole Rangers/Celtic routine and talking about Orange phones. It went down like a lead balloon - might have worked in Glasgow, but not in Alloa. There was a free bar afterwards and I met him then and he seemed nice enough to talk to.
  19. Who's that on the bottom right? Whoever this media-shy person is, I'm guessing this is her first time on TV talking about the virus and can only assume that she is taking a sensible middle-road approach.
  20. Daily Mail reporting that Harry and Meghan are taking parental leave. Leave from what, exactly?
  21. I heard the hospitality guy on radio. His argument was that fanzones will mean a breakout of cases, and Glasgow back to level 3. He was quite hysterical about it.
  22. Did we ever get an answer as to how many children are in hospital with Covid?
  23. I can't find how to change my signature - any help much appreciated (ie I cannot find the "signature" panel from the above images)
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