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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. That was me. In just 4 weeks time I get to go all romantic with a plastic cup.
  2. Found some plagiarism today. Raging. Utterly raging. Can someone please put that Jim Jeffries 'Seething' gif up for me to show how utterly raging I am at this fuckwit who thinks he can take a dissertation from 2011, re-write it line by line and not get caught.
  3. My wee one's birthday is on Friday and she's getting excited. She woke up this morning saying "did I sleep for four sleeps?"
  4. scottsdad


    I really, really dislike it when shows start with something (in this case a fight scene) then fade out to "12 weeks earlier". Kinda spoiled the series a little for me.
  5. How do you do spoilers on threads?
  6. They're showing old Doctor Who on the Horror channel
  7. Holy Christ...dissertation marking. Sucks the time and life out of you.
  8. I took my dad to see Episode 1 when it came out. Sat through all the boring driss, and just as the fight at the end was about to start the fire alarm went off. Time I will never get back.
  9. I changed my storage heaters for a wet electric system about 2 years ago. Overall the bills are down a little bit (maybe 10% less energy use). But the house is colder. No denying that, compared to the old storage heaters. Hot water comes in, well, hot. No difference there.
  10. I was thinking an old family photo of the two of them, or something like that. Cracking episode. Good to see Tom unmasked and getting really violent. Why break the thumb?
  11. My littlest came in to bed with us again last night. She managed to kick me whilst sleeping. Let me just say she caught me with a glancing blow, barely even catching the nut. Tears. Real tears.
  12. Well, without giving away a spoiler, there's quite a lot in the books that haven't made it to screen. Wouldn't be surprised if the actress had a clause in the contract for this, too. Sorry if I offended anyone. I saw the earlier post about explosive diahorrea and thought it was OK to give hints as to future things.
  13. OK...what plot? And how is that any worse than Carl Cort's Hamstring saying that Daenerys gets the runs?
  14. How is that part of a "plot"? It's an event. Next week - Tyrion drinks from a cup. The week after - Jaime wears a cloak and walks about a bit.
  15. Question. In A Feast for Crows Cersei does the long naked walk across King's Landing. Can we expect that?
  16. I watched the movie a few weeks back and thought it was OK. Don't see what the whole slavering adulation is about. Liked this show a lot more. Different story, different characters. Usually I can't stand Billy Bob Thornton. The name usually puts me off a movie, but he really, really stole the show in this. The little practical jokes - phoning the guy's son, the gas tank - had me laughing a lot.
  17. I noticed the advice changed between my two kids. Scott was born in 2005 and the advice then (which we ignored) was to keep him on milk until 6 months. My wee girl was born in 2010 and we were told to wait till she was a year old. A year! Our system worked fine. Baby sleeps all night whilst on milk - good job. When the baby starts waking during the night due to hunger (around 4 months, maybe) then time for a jar of dinner. Go from there. My mum insisted that as soon as we had teeth we were on mince and tatties. I hate mince and tatties.
  18. My wee girl will be 4 in a few weeks. You can set a clock by her. 5am, she walks through to our room and climbs in with us. Then, whilst sleeping she does star jumps and kung-fu kicks to keep me and the wife awake.
  19. The actor who played Joffrey has quit acting, apparently. WTF? Thought he was amazing!
  20. Wife starts a new job tomorrow. Pleased. Just me and the kids for the day.
  21. Genuine laugh yesterday. "We're going to give you three children"
  22. Excellent. I am so glad they moved on with the Tom story rather than dragging it out season after season. Shame she's gone though:
  23. My son school is hacking me off. They send home letters for various things at no notice. He came home with a Sport Relief sponsorship form 2 days before the event. And yesterday it was a letter looking for a money for a beetle drive that's happening today. That, and last week they didn;t let him go on a school trip. His crime? Going to school in waterproof boots instead of wellies.
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