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Everything posted by Duszek

  1. 8 for Thursday and a cracking 10 for Friday - pleasing lack of monarchy/periodic table Qs, quiz-master must have got my email.
  2. Finally, two years and eight months after applying for citizenship, I can finally say: “f**k you, Brexit. EU, baby. E fucking U.”
  3. A man exhuding natural authority walks into a bar. He orders everyone around.
  4. My herb dealer just told me I'm living on borrowed thyme. Threatening to send round the bay leafs.
  5. Arrived two hours late for the cannibal party. Got the cold shoulder.
  6. 8 for Mon, 9 for Tuesday. It had been a while since the last Henry VIII wife question. I got complacent, thought the quizmaster had moved onto other interests. Fucker.
  7. Cheap and cheerful, from French Flanders. Supposedly a ‘farmhouse ale’, whatever that means.
  8. 8 for Thursday, but a thumping 10 for Friday. Suspect I'm still doomed, but a fine way to sign off. Like beating Holland in Argentina '78.
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